ALNoog Member


  • I agree.. Low carb while on metformin has helped minimize nausea for me ... Also eating and waiting half an hour and then taking it helps immensely... But that goes for all medications that say "take with food"... Eat, let the fold settle for a bit and then take it. Works wonders!
  • I haven't had an Issue with low blood sugar since taking it. I was prescribed it in April for type 2 diabetes. But I have noticed my blood sugar is going crazy lately... It will be 160 and crash down to 70 within a half hour your frame or the opposite.. Get down to 70 and then jump way up into the high 100's
  • I tried it with no luck... Didn't regulate my cycles at all... But it did curb my appetite immensely... I was never hungry when I was on it
    in Pregnitude Comment by ALNoog August 2015
  • Oddly enough... I've read that they are horrible BUT I eat them pretty much daily and I get a period on schedule every month Only when I am eating edamame... If I don't eat it I go months without a period... I've tested this theory over the last 2 years and it's consistent for me. When I want to start, I start eating…
  • I have to eat the way that I do because I am diabetic so I don't take any days off from low carb anymore BUT before I was diagnosed I always weighed in Monday morning because it helped me stay accountable over the weekend... So out of habit, I still currently weigh in Monday mornings and I do my monthly weigh ins on the…
  • I've been on it since April 27th and low carbing since mid May and I'm down 31 pounds. More than half of which I lost in July. I haven't had any of the bad side effects at all and its regulating my blood sugar perfectly.
    in Metformin Comment by ALNoog August 2015
  • Not enough by a long shot.. The last week I've averaged 3 hours of sleep a night... (Last night was 1 and a 1/2 though) Starting to feel the effects. Normally I average around 4-5... Which isn't much better.
  • Hmm, well I've never had any "symptoms" of being in ketosis
  • I think it depends on the person... One heard some people do after a few days and some take much longer. If I go by the test strips then I've never been in ketosis :/
  • I struggle with the same thing.. I know I shojdlnt weigh so often but I do. The first time I ever seriously did low carb I started on a 4th of July and by sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas I lost 89 pounds.... This time around it's been almost 6 weeks and I've essentially only lost 8 pounds.. It was 10 but I keep…
  • Anyone can feel free to add me! I would love to have more low carb friends. I log daily. I did low-carb successfully many years ago but was forced to stop by a doctor at the time because I believe she knew better… Which she didn't… So Now I am a newly diagnosed diabetic...... and back on low-carb.
  • True, I was diagnosed diabetic about a month ago and my sugars were really really high... Tried low glycemic index for two weeks and didn't get anywhere And the I did 80 carbs or less and didn't get anywhere I've been back to low-carbing for a week and I started actually losing weight after fighting for so long AND…
  • I made a Mexican style spicy coleslaw that both my husband and I are in love with! It's 1 bag of precut coleslaw cabbage. 1 Jalapeno diced small and 2 green onions diced small and one large handful of fresh cilantro. Add a quarter cup of dukes mayonnaise 1/2 tablespoon cumin 1/2 tablespoon chili powder. Juice from one…
    in Side Dishes Comment by ALNoog May 2015
  • I was diagnosed with diabetes last week. I had been sick for years and no one thought to check my blood sugar. I set my carbs at 100 but very rarely go over 50. My advice is do what you can now before it turns into full blown diabetes. I have to do more of a low glycemic index diet Because I also have diverticulitus and my…
  • I am back after being ill and am looking for new motivational friends as well. Everyone can feel free to add me! We are having family photos taken with my husband's family in July and I want to get healthy of course but also... my sisters in law are tiny and I don't want to look so huge next to them.
  • Thank you all. It's pretty much any vegetables... And most fruits. I have to extremely limit lettuce. Not supposed to do anything with seeds such as green beans or strawberries or peppers.. I do what I can with things that let me scrape the seeds out. Last year I attempted low carb 4 times and each time I got so sick and…
  • I am back after a long hiatus and looking for friends to motivate me and that I can motivate in return. Everyone free to add me.
  • Since April 1st I have lost 12 pounds. I'm excited to see if I can get to the 20 by June!
  • Well I know that.... But she refuses to believe it...
  • Thanks for that! According to that I am almost spot on. It said 92-95 And I usually keep it around 85-99
  • Wasn't trying to harp on you at all... Just had a friend tell me the other day that I was "going to die like Doctor Atkins did from eating too much protein" and I told her on average I eat about 80-90 grams a day and she informed me that was double the normal "recommend amount" so I just thought maybe you might know off…
  • Sheesh. I am way bigger than everyone else here. But that is ok. My starting weight is 255. Good luck everyone! We can do this!
    in Welcome Comment by ALNoog March 2014
  • Oh, no I am pro low carb and I do it for my pcos and insulin resistance... I'm just saying people always say low carb will shut your kidneys down because you eat too much protein but I'm just wondering how Much the neighsayers consider too much. What is the recommended grams of protein for a "normal" diet?
  • I have diverticulitis and am having a flair up of it right now and my doctor is out of town until tomorrow... It is god awful. Starts off as a full uncomfortable major bloated feeling in the extreme lower abdomen about 5 ish inches below the belly button... Can't get comfortable it's a dull ache like the area is restricted…
  • I'm also wondering how many grams of protein a day people are saying is way too much? I think my protein intake isn't over board? I've never seen you be full of meat industry propaganda either
  • For example the other night with my dinner I had two cups of green beans... I COULD have had 5 cups.... Who eats 5 cups of green beans at one meal? I was "allowed" to ... But I couldn't actually eat that much.
  • I eat wayyyyy more veggies now that I am low carbing due to PCOS... Before the only veggies I got were if you qualified lettuce on a hamburger or French fries as veggies.... Now I eat them everyday..
  • I got put back on Xanax this week and am getting put on an antidepressant and another anti anxiety drug this week. I am wondering how it will hinder my loss. I have pcos and have been doing great with loss by limiting carbs BUT a few years ago I lost 89 pounds doing low carb and then was put on an atypical antipsychotic…
  • Very interesting. Which low carb diets say no vegetables?
  • I've been sick the past couple of days and honestly I haven't eaten much and I haven't eaten very well when I have eaten . I only eat when I need to take my pain pills or Xanax and I normaly do low carb for my pcos but I have been having to eat only soft foods until I get in to see my doctor Tuesday. In the grand scheme of…