IBS Sufferers



  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    I totally agree that 'healthy eating' aggravated my symptoms. Lettuce and cabbage are big triggers for me. I did a dna test and found out that I'm super sensitive to the norovirus, which is often found on lettuce. It has to be washed very well before eating it, and even then it's iffy. I have recently started looking at my diet more in relation to my symptoms, so my journey has just started in that regard. I did however find an article stating that artificial sweeteners, even the allegedly good ones, like stevia, can be big triggers for IBS. I immediately stopped them, after 30 years of use, and my symptoms did improve dramatically within a few weeks. My bouts of diarrhea became less frequent, less painful, and I haven't had a single 'accident' since then. That was three months ago.

    Ice cream and milk will sometimes make me feel better, and at other times they are triggers. I can't always be sure how they will affect me. Deep fried foods for sure (and I love them so). Certain brands of coffee... Maxwell House... will do me in. Sweets, like donuts, cake, and cookies tend to make me feel better. Wheat flour is a big trigger.

    I was 17 when I was diagnosed with spastic colon. I'm 55 now, and I didn't know that diet might make a difference until recently. I found an app that might be helpful: it's called GIBodyGuard. It tracks numerous symptoms and emotions that can also act as triggers. You can also journal your food there, so you can see what might relate to your symptoms.

    I'm so glad you're experiencing relief and figuring out your food triggers! It is overwhelming at times.

    I also can't eat salad or raw veggies. They need to be cooked. High fructose fruits such as apples are a big no but low fructose ones are great.

    I think I am the same way with milk, I can try it once and be okay, and then another time will send me into a very scary reaction. I just avoid it all together now, my last experience with milk was so terrifying I'll go out of my way to avoid it for the rest of my life.

    I'm so glad everyone is sharing their own food triggers, WE ARE ALL Different in what will cause our triggers! It's so helpful to know that.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    >> Well this turned into a bit of a loooooong story, but here it is, hope it helps somebody! <<
    >> If it's TL;DR here's a cheat sheet: Doctors/GPs don't understand IBS yet, seek out new research, take PEPPERMINT and some form of GOOD BACTERIA, take it easy, let yourself recover <<

    I was diagnosed with severe IBS about 2/3 years ago - could not walk for more than 100 yds without cramping and feeling dizzy, couldn't exercise without getting cramps and diarrhoea... you get the picture.

    I was told after my diagnosis, by a the most unprofessional, unkind man who was the gut specialist at the hospital I was being tested at, that "I would never get any better, would probably get worse, there is no cure get over it this is your life now"...

    Now, I am healthy, losing weight, the IBS symptoms only flare up rarely, I can walk without cramping, RUN without cramping, SWIM without pain, no dizziness, no feeling weak and lethargic, my life is immeasurably different and better than it was when I was diagnosed.

    The BIGGEST turning point for me was reading a study by the aptly named TUM institute in Germany, researching the successful use of peppermint to treat IBS. Since then I have been taking peppermint oil capsules every day without fail. If I miss a day I will feel crappy the next day. This really helps to even out the symptoms of IBS, and although it won't prevent flare ups it makes every day life so much more liveable.

    Second biggest turning point was reading another study into the understanding of IBS at a bacterial level in the gut. There is a lot out there about this theory and it is steadily gaining credit with other studies. I take (every day, same as the peppermint) BIMMUNO IBAID chewing capsules. Just like chewy vitamins, but they are packed with what are commonly called 'good' bacteria. Within a couple of weeks of starting these I recovered from flare ups in 24 hours instead of 72, flare ups got shorter and less severe, and now they are few and far between after around 12 months of taking Bimmunos every day.

    I still have a few dietary triggers that I know will get me going - heavy fats especially cream, anything very oily or greasy (e.g. greasy battered fish). The hardest struggle in some ways now is letting myself recover after a flare, taking it easy and not just 'pushing through' the pain. It really really helps recovery time and repeat flare ups if we sloooow it down :)

    My struggle with IBS was long, upsetting and down right demoralising but if you are in the middle of IBS or just starting to get tested please PLEASE do your own research - read medical journals, look into studies being done, anything. IBS is a very poorly understood illness, and at the moment is only diagnosable through elimination of other diseases. They don't even understand it enough to be able to positively test for it, so the treatments are archaic and unhelpful, mainly related to pain management. (I was put on anti-depressants at one stage, for goodness sake)

    Do not be at the mercy of your doctors! Go forth and kick IBS BUTT! Good luck everybody xx

    I could not love this post more. Thank you for sharing! You are so very right about the doctors... my very serious symptoms were pretty much entirely ignored and they brush off the IBS diagnosis with what I consider a "deal with it" attitude. Why? Is it so hard to tell people that diet can entirely cure or at least manage their IBS? To tell patients to take probiotics and other natural medicines? Is it because they don't make any money off of the over the country drugs, they want you to keep taking expensive tests and resorting to taking prescribed medicines when you become so desperate and tired of the pain you will do anything to have it stop?

    I have very little faith in doctors after having dealt with so many for my auto immune condition and then IBS. I was told it was a hernia, then constipation, then finally got the IBS diagnosis. I use the term diagnosis lightly. IBS is a blanket term they give for your IBS symptoms.

    I will be sure to try the peppermint oil if I ever get my symptoms back in full force. Right now I am taking Vitamin D, b12, b6, and a probiotic. I hope people reading this thread will think to check out peppermint oil, glad to hear it's working for you!!

    Also- about cheese. Aged cheeses have almost no lactose at all, neither does butter, so you might be like me. I can tolerate certain aged dairy products that have little lactose but milk is my absolute worst, scariest trigger.

    I have noticed that I have reactions to beef as well. Pork, haven't noticed anything, but definitely beef. Which is sad because there's nothing I love more than beef... well... except not being in pain every day haha. So yes it makes it easy to quit eating your triggers because the hell of going through a flare is, well, HELL.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member

    Have you been tested for diverticulitis? The pain from that is usually on the left side. I have heard people describe it as "a belt tightening around my waist".

    I have never been tested for diverticulitis that I am aware (sounds like that requires a CT scan).

    As Patsy mentioned about pressure - when my flares are particularly bad it actually brings some great relief if I apply pressure to the area. Sometimes I use the handle of my rolling pin because the pressure on my fingers starts to get to be too much.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    I've used diet and exercise to control my IBS-C. I've been diagnosed for about 13 years. I cut out red meat, onions, tomato sauce, and all really rich foods. I take psyllium husk, acidophilus, and fennel. I rarely have painful days anymore. Today just happens to be one of them. :grumble:

    I used to be on antidepressants to control it and I'm thankful I don't have to anymore. Another fine tip I figured out is to never wear tight fitting clothing. It makes things twice as painful. One of the most frustrating things about IBS is that other people just don't always understand how awful this is.
  • mrhonesty
    mrhonesty Posts: 274 Member
    I have been battling IBS for the last 4 years but was only recently diagnosed. I also work a rotating shift and at times get a need to go anxiety. All this information is helpful as I am just learning about it now.. Thanks
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    My ex, suffered from IBS, and I made a connection between food allergies, and hayfever. In improving the immune system, with supplements, I found the allergies lessened, and stress levels where improved. Many months could go by, without any symptoms, untill the seasonal attack of the hayfever...
  • Willow_Raine
    Willow_Raine Posts: 56 Member
    I don't know if this symptom is related to IBS or not, but does anyone else experience dramatic weight gains and losses on a day to day basis? I can gain, or lose, upwards of 10 pounds in the space of a few days. My calorie intake and my frequent bouts in the bathroom don't seem to have any bearing on it. I just seem to yoyo back and forth over some invisible line. This week I'm losing. Five days ago I weighed 312, yesterday I weighed 310, today I weigh 307. Nothing changed other than the weight. I weighed myself at the same time, same place, and in my birthday suit. Any thoughts, ideas, comments?

    Also... I've read several comments about diverticulitis, and I have some serious advice about it. If you think it might be diverticulitis, or if someone (doctor, friend, etc) suggests that's what your problem is, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not take their word for it and modify your diet to try to accommodate it. Get the MRI, get the the medical tests done, PLEASE, and find out for sure. Rule out everything else,with proof, not suppositions. Six years my mother was 'diagnosed' with diverticulitis. She didn't get any further testing because the doctor seemed confident that he knew what the problem was. On my birthday last year they found out the true cause of her symptoms. She had kidney cancer, and by that time the tumor was the size of a football, extending from her pelvic bone up to her rib cage, and filling the majority of her left side. The doctors said it had probably been growing for 10 years, and a simple MRI would have discovered it years ago. By the time they knew what they were dealing with there was nothing they could do except to control her pain until she died last January. If the doctor that diagnosed her with diverticulitis had at least done an MRI, the tumor would have been discovered, it could have been taken care of, and my mother would still be here, living a long, full life. Please, don't assume the doctors are right. Make them prove it to you. It's your health, and you deserve nothing less than the truth.
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    I have diverticulitis and am having a flair up of it right now and my doctor is out of town until tomorrow... It is god awful.

    Starts off as a full uncomfortable major bloated feeling in the extreme lower abdomen about 5 ish inches below the belly button... Can't get comfortable it's a dull ache like the area is restricted and just FULL. Followed by extreme nausea and fever and chills and then vomiting. And then the pain intensifies to where is is almost unbearable and migrates up and to the left and settles about level with your belly button but further over toward the hip. If you eat it seems the split second your food hits the lower intestines it is just pain. And yes pressure helps immensely... It HURTS so bad to get into the position but laying directly On your left side which applies body weight actually helps once you actually manage to get rolled over. I can't stand up my husbands help and I walk like a poor old lady with a cane..it spasms and it's just excruciating.....

    This is my 4th flair up. But no doctor ever really gives me any information and all of the information I DO read is conflicting... All I know is this is miserable!
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    I have been battling IBS for the last 4 years but was only recently diagnosed. I also work a rotating shift and at times get a need to go anxiety. All this information is helpful as I am just learning about it now.. Thanks

    It's hard to not know what it is. I was sure there was something really, really wrong with me and I wasn't buying it even when my doc said it was IBS. Once I changed my diet, I proved that it was IBS! Feels good to know there's not something "more" wrong. If you ever need an IBS friend, add me! My diet diary is open to friends.
    My ex, suffered from IBS, and I made a connection between food allergies, and hayfever. In improving the immune system, with supplements, I found the allergies lessened, and stress levels where improved. Many months could go by, without any symptoms, untill the seasonal attack of the hayfever...

    I don't have allergies but DO have an autoimmune disease so I do feel they may be linked with the immune system for sure.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    I don't know if this symptom is related to IBS or not, but does anyone else experience dramatic weight gains and losses on a day to day basis? I can gain, or lose, upwards of 10 pounds in the space of a few days. My calorie intake and my frequent bouts in the bathroom don't seem to have any bearing on it. I just seem to yoyo back and forth over some invisible line. This week I'm losing. Five days ago I weighed 312, yesterday I weighed 310, today I weigh 307. Nothing changed other than the weight. I weighed myself at the same time, same place, and in my birthday suit. Any thoughts, ideas, comments?

    Also... I've read several comments about diverticulitis, and I have some serious advice about it. If you think it might be diverticulitis, or if someone (doctor, friend, etc) suggests that's what your problem is, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not take their word for it and modify your diet to try to accommodate it. Get the MRI, get the the medical tests done, PLEASE, and find out for sure. Rule out everything else,with proof, not suppositions. Six years my mother was 'diagnosed' with diverticulitis. She didn't get any further testing because the doctor seemed confident that he knew what the problem was. On my birthday last year they found out the true cause of her symptoms. She had kidney cancer, and by that time the tumor was the size of a football, extending from her pelvic bone up to her rib cage, and filling the majority of her left side. The doctors said it had probably been growing for 10 years, and a simple MRI would have discovered it years ago. By the time they knew what they were dealing with there was nothing they could do except to control her pain until she died last January. If the doctor that diagnosed her with diverticulitis had at least done an MRI, the tumor would have been discovered, it could have been taken care of, and my mother would still be here, living a long, full life. Please, don't assume the doctors are right. Make them prove it to you. It's your health, and you deserve nothing less than the truth.

    So sorry to hear about your mother. :( That is so terrible to hear. I want to thank you for sharing the story. I think it just furthers my own belief in "Don't Trust Your Doctor, It's YOUR Life Not Theirs".

    I absolutely have that happen to me... I find it is related to my menstrual cycles. Not to get too gross (sorry for the squeamish) but I seem to have one day a month where I go #2 like three or more times in a day and this NEVER happens besides one day a month, right after I get my period. I then can lose up to 5lbs in a day. It is quite bizarre. My weight loss will be very minimal all month then I'll lose a lot of weight over a short period. My weight tends to fluctuate a lot after my period so I basically only have a short period each month where I lose. It's not identical to what is happening to you but it is close enough that I wonder if it is a IBS symptom. I believe I am constipated even though I am going on a daily basis and then the stuff thats backed up comes out in one day. Hormonal or Immune response, I do not know.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    I have diverticulitis and am having a flair up of it right now and my doctor is out of town until tomorrow... It is god awful.

    Starts off as a full uncomfortable major bloated feeling in the extreme lower abdomen about 5 ish inches below the belly button... Can't get comfortable it's a dull ache like the area is restricted and just FULL. Followed by extreme nausea and fever and chills and then vomiting. And then the pain intensifies to where is is almost unbearable and migrates up and to the left and settles about level with your belly button but further over toward the hip. If you eat it seems the split second your food hits the lower intestines it is just pain. And yes pressure helps immensely... It HURTS so bad to get into the position but laying directly On your left side which applies body weight actually helps once you actually manage to get rolled over. I can't stand up my husbands help and I walk like a poor old lady with a cane..it spasms and it's just excruciating.....

    This is my 4th flair up. But no doctor ever really gives me any information and all of the information I DO read is conflicting... All I know is this is miserable!

    I was diagnosed with IBS, doctor said it couldn't be diverticiulitis because I was too young (which is bull). I don't know if I have diverticulitis but I do know that I got the same symptoms as you when I had eaten a trigger food.

    My trigger foods are dairy, gluten, sweet potatoes, high fructose fruit, possibly red meat(I'm in the process of testing it, I think its the additives in the meat). I also can't handle raw lettuces or raw veggies of any kind.

    The last bad painful flare I got was when I was constipated and then had some dairy unintentionally. I thought I was dying I was so sick. I really did. It was scary. My vision got weird too and I got itchy all over. Thought I couldnt hold myself up on the toilet. It was awful. I would not wish that on my worst enemy. For me, I can control it with food. Fever and hot and cold feelings. Dizziness. Very scary.

    Have you tried really changing your diet yet? An elimination diet is in order, in my opinion. Add me to friends, I share my diary with friends and you can see what I am eating that is working for me. I do the SCD and FODMAPS diet but tailored it to myself as some of their recommended foods cause me issues.

    If you ever need to talk, pm me. I hope you're feeling better. Warm baths help. Ibruprofen never really helped me.

    I got the same things, always on the left side of my belly button, going from there to near the hip. If I laid down on it a certain way it would feel a bit better. Pressure does help but not much. One doctor I went to thought it was a hernia. Next emerg doc said I was just constipated ( I went to emerg because I was in THAT much pain. I was constipated but that was not the problem). Finally I got a doctor who at least said it was IBS which sent me on the right track to finding a diet that works. You see, I was already eating paleo for the most part so it was hard to imagine that it was diet causing it but it WAS.
  • holliestoneley
    Hi there! I'm 18 and got diagnosed last summer with IBS and have been seeing a dieticionist ever since. I have got significantly better since last summer. My main symptom is diarrhea and this was a big problem for me, as i have a big fear of it (sounds silly i know). So it got to the point where i was living off ham sandwhiches because i thought that that was the only thing that wouldnt make me go to the toilet. And it got really bad to the point where i was unhealthy, ill, pale and underweight. My dieticionist said that my IBS flarred up when i didnt eat anything - and this is true. When i don't eat anything in the day, and only have a meal at the night time, my IBS is terrible in the mornings.
    My IBS works better with carbohydrates, so I have wholegrain bread, wraps, sweet potato and rice. I also eat vegetables, but i my IBS flares up with anything dairy. I just tend to stick to what i know i can eat, so i'll have the same meal for most of the week because i know i can eat it. So its good to make a food diary so you know what you can and cant eat.
    So recently I have made a massive improvement and have been having a small breakfast, lunch and dinner and my IBS is soooo much better! I'm just giving you all advice out there DONT STARVE YOURSELF, IT MAKES IT WORSE!!
    Hope my advice helps some of you!
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member

    So sorry to hear about your mother. :( That is so terrible to hear. I want to thank you for sharing the story. I think it just furthers my own belief in "Don't Trust Your Doctor, It's YOUR Life Not Theirs".

    I absolutely have that happen to me... I find it is related to my menstrual cycles. Not to get too gross (sorry for the squeamish) but I seem to have one day a month where I go #2 like three or more times in a day and this NEVER happens besides one day a month, right after I get my period. I then can lose up to 5lbs in a day. It is quite bizarre. My weight loss will be very minimal all month then I'll lose a lot of weight over a short period. My weight tends to fluctuate a lot after my period so I basically only have a short period each month where I lose. It's not identical to what is happening to you but it is close enough that I wonder if it is a IBS symptom. I believe I am constipated even though I am going on a daily basis and then the stuff thats backed up comes out in one day. Hormonal or Immune response, I do not know.

    I don't think I'm going to explain this correctly but I'll try anyway. During your period when you cramp, your uterus can rub against your colon causing more frequent BMs. My uterus is inverted so I'm not sure if it's true for everyone but it definitely is for me.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    Don't come after me with the pitchforks or anything for this, please. I live in Colorado where marijuana is legal and I've noticed that when I consume MJ, all of my IBS pain is alleviated. Seriously. All the pain and bloating is gone instantly. I am in no way trying to persuade people to use, but you all know how painful it can be. There are basically no options for the pain. For those of you with open minds, this is a great option for relief.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    I've has IBS for years. My symptom is sudden and loose and frequent bowel movements. My GO told me to try Metamucil. So for years I have been taking 5 capsules with water every morning.
    Reduced the bowel movements in number and consistency but not always as firm as stools.
    I microwave any salads or everything is "whoosh".
    I need to honor any need to go or I get sweaty and dizzy and can have a laundry problem.

    But having just finsihed antibiotics for a lung infection I bought a probiotic from the health food store. Stools are logs now and I'm off the metamucil. One pill most mornings-I'm sure I'll wean off it soon.

    Yes lettuce still must be cooked but day to day life is great! I'm sure the IBS is still there-it is just under control.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    I've has IBS for years. My symptom is sudden and loose and frequent bowel movements. My GO told me to try Metamucil. So for years I have been taking 5 capsules with water every morning.
    Reduced the bowel movements in number and consistency but not always as firm as stools.
    I microwave any salads or everything is "whoosh".
    I need to honor any need to go or I get sweaty and dizzy and can have a laundry problem.

    But having just finsihed antibiotics for a lung infection I bought a probiotic from the health food store. Stools are logs now and I'm off the metamucil. One pill most mornings-I'm sure I'll wean off it soon.

    Yes lettuce still must be cooked but day to day life is great! I'm sure the IBS is still there-it is just under control.

    May I ask why you don't eliminate the lettuce? Do other greens affect you the same way? I can't eat iceberg lettuce at all, but darker lettuces and greens don't bother me.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    Hi there! I'm 18 and got diagnosed last summer with IBS and have been seeing a dieticionist ever since. I have got significantly better since last summer. My main symptom is diarrhea and this was a big problem for me, as i have a big fear of it (sounds silly i know). So it got to the point where i was living off ham sandwhiches because i thought that that was the only thing that wouldnt make me go to the toilet. And it got really bad to the point where i was unhealthy, ill, pale and underweight. My dieticionist said that my IBS flarred up when i didnt eat anything - and this is true. When i don't eat anything in the day, and only have a meal at the night time, my IBS is terrible in the mornings.
    My IBS works better with carbohydrates, so I have wholegrain bread, wraps, sweet potato and rice. I also eat vegetables, but i my IBS flares up with anything dairy. I just tend to stick to what i know i can eat, so i'll have the same meal for most of the week because i know i can eat it. So its good to make a food diary so you know what you can and cant eat.
    So recently I have made a massive improvement and have been having a small breakfast, lunch and dinner and my IBS is soooo much better! I'm just giving you all advice out there DONT STARVE YOURSELF, IT MAKES IT WORSE!!
    Hope my advice helps some of you!

    I know when my IBS was bad, it was hard to get myself to eat. There is a fear there, where you are terrified of the pain coming back. Once I found out what my food triggers were, well I haven't had that fear again! It's great. I mean I am still fearful when trying new foods but the foods I eat ona daily basis are fine and I can eat them worry free.

    Food diaries are a MUST with IBS! Truly! MFP has been a lifesaver for me.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    Don't come after me with the pitchforks or anything for this, please. I live in Colorado where marijuana is legal and I've noticed that when I consume MJ, all of my IBS pain is alleviated. Seriously. All the pain and bloating is gone instantly. I am in no way trying to persuade people to use, but you all know how painful it can be. There are basically no options for the pain. For those of you with open minds, this is a great option for relief.

    I actually take MM for another painful condition that I have. Personally, I did not find that partaking helped my IBS at all but it's always worth a shot for people! I am also hesitant to discuss that kind of thing because some people are very set in their opinions on it. I tend to keep it to myself but yes I know it works and it changed my life. Not for IBS but for my other painful medical condition. It is also legal where I live.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    I was also wondering why you don't eliminate salads from your diet, meritage4. I bet I know the answer though... you probably just really fricking love salads. :)

    I do love salads as well and they were always my go to Diet Food but ever since my last salad when I had immediate IBS pains and problems, I haven't had any since. I can tolerate cooked greens so I just stick with that. I've never been able to process raw lettuces anyways, it was always very obvious after eating them that most of it just went right through me. However I didn't pay much attention to my body because I thought "salads are healthy, this must be normal."
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member

    So sorry to hear about your mother. :( That is so terrible to hear. I want to thank you for sharing the story. I think it just furthers my own belief in "Don't Trust Your Doctor, It's YOUR Life Not Theirs".

    I absolutely have that happen to me... I find it is related to my menstrual cycles. Not to get too gross (sorry for the squeamish) but I seem to have one day a month where I go #2 like three or more times in a day and this NEVER happens besides one day a month, right after I get my period. I then can lose up to 5lbs in a day. It is quite bizarre. My weight loss will be very minimal all month then I'll lose a lot of weight over a short period. My weight tends to fluctuate a lot after my period so I basically only have a short period each month where I lose. It's not identical to what is happening to you but it is close enough that I wonder if it is a IBS symptom. I believe I am constipated even though I am going on a daily basis and then the stuff thats backed up comes out in one day. Hormonal or Immune response, I do not know.

    I don't think I'm going to explain this correctly but I'll try anyway. During your period when you cramp, your uterus can rub against your colon causing more frequent BMs. My uterus is inverted so I'm not sure if it's true for everyone but it definitely is for me.

    That's interesting! Makes sense. I'll have to ask my doctor about it, see what he says, just curious about it really. I have no idea if my uterus is inverted or not, have had a few Ultrasounds and they've never mentioned it but who knows. I have no idea how they discover that so maybe.