skramer13 Member


  • Hello! I'm 25 and want to lose at least 30-35 pounds, too, so I'll send you a friend request. Anyone else, feel free to add me! :)
  • Sweetarts jellybeans. Thank God they're only available around Easter! :P
  • I absolutely love DDP Yoga. It's a little pricey, but a worthwhile investment if you want a great workout via yoga.
  • I'd love to join if there are still any openings left. :)
  • They may not be exactly low-carb, but they're not terribly processed/full of chemicals, either. The website actually says they need to be stored in the freezer to prevent mold since they don't have preservatives. I'd say go for it - they're delicious, and you just can't beat a delicious 100-calorie dessert. :)
  • Nature Valley Granola Thins - 80 cal. Fiber One Brownies - 90 cal. Weight Watchers English Toffee Crunch ice cream bar - 100 cal. Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich - 140 cal. Sensible Portions Veggie Straws - 130 cal. Hard-Boiled Egg - 70 cal. Pringles Light - 70 cal. Yoplait Light Yogurt - 110 cal. (my favorite is Red Velvet…
  • Wow, that's awesome! Congratulations!! :D
  • Gryffindor! :)
  • You could say I'm just starting out again...I've been on this site since March, but I fell off the wagon about a month and a half ago and I've been trying really hard to get back on track since then. I'm worried it'll happen again, too - I'm having knee surgery tomorrow, which will render me unable to exercise for awhile.…
  • We actually don't have the Supersize option in the US anymore - they got rid of it after that documentary was released! They claimed it had nothing to do with the movie, but we all know that's bull. :) As far as fast food around the globe, I actually wouldn't call the US the worst. Yes, our sizes may be bigger (have you…
  • I must have a newer FT4 - I have the option to change the battery myself. Also, the packaging and user manual says it's water resistant; you can use it in the water, you just can't push any buttons while you're doing so lest the water get in that way.
  • We're EVERYWHERE. lol I'm 21. :)
  • Why so negative? Some people prefer to make their own food.
  • WOOOO!!! Congrats!! My first two NSVs happened like that, too - AWESOME feeling! :D
  • Cataclysm is awesome. I started playing WoW again in February after I'd stopped for about a year, and I was able to pick right back up. I don't have any complaints, and there's only been one thing that confused me thus far - an achievement called "Stood in the Fire." I'd never heard of it before it happened to me, but…
    in BlizzCon! Comment by skramer13 May 2011
  • Scalpers make me want to punch babies. That pretty much sums up how well the queue went today. -_-
    in BlizzCon! Comment by skramer13 May 2011
  • Aw...have you tried the livestream they do every year? I've heard it's worth the $40 or so they charge for it. That's AWESOME. :D How was the queuing process when you bought your tickets? Were you able to get through, or was it as much of a nightmare as I've heard?
    in BlizzCon! Comment by skramer13 May 2011
  • Also, has anyone else who's ever tried a Twinkie noticed that they actually taste rather salty? For a cake, anyway. Blech.
  • I was able to watch parts 1 and 2, but part 3 won't work for me. It just skips right to 4. :/
  • I know it's not the EXACT same situation, but your post reminded me of this video. I had to laugh - this problem is everywhere! (warning...if you're worried about language, she swears a few times)
    in Gym Rant Comment by skramer13 May 2011
  • Now that it's being pointed out to me, I'm actually beginning to feel a little silly for letting myself feel down. I never stopped to realize that it really HAS only been about 8 weeks...I started this the week after I got back from a trip to Cali to visit my dad, and it seems like it's been so much longer than that since…
  • Thanks so much for all the great suggestions! Oatmeal turned into my go-to breakfast since it seemed to keep me full for a decent amount of time, but I'm going to start trying some scrambled eggs instead. Hummus and veggies sound like a delicious idea for lunch! I'm going to try that for awhile and stop with the sandwiches…
  • Honestly, with such a great experience, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just have fun. I went to Spain for two weeks after I graduated from high school a few years ago and ended up losing weight thanks to all the walking we did. They actually have very healthy eating habits there - lots of veggies, good meats, and…
  • Currently at 184, would like to be at 175 by July 4. Let's do this! :D
  • Added...until I got sick, I was in a rut, too. Something tells me once I'm better again, that rut might show up again. Let's do this!
  • Does it have a chest strap or do you just push a button? I tried one of the push-button types before I finally caved and bought a Polar - they aren't accurate at ALL. I found that the cheaper, strapless one told me I burned two times more calories than I really did.
  • You were there?? I'm so jealous! My dad's a Michigan transplant out there, too, and he's always getting teased at work for supporting the Wings. If they could just win against the Sharks ONCE, things could be so much easier. haha far as your question, I've never had one myself, but I've heard a Seabreeze is…
  • The Polar F4. You can pick it up for about $90 at Best Buy. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles the more expensive models have, but it does what I need it to do - time/track workouts and monitor my heart rate and calories burned. I love it. :)
  • Looks like it's working to me! I love your ticker, by the way. :)
    in Newbie! Comment by skramer13 May 2011
  • You look great! Keep it up! Also, just an observation - you really look like Heather Morris from Glee, especially in your profile pic. :D