

  • yoshi314
    yoshi314 Posts: 5 Member
    i recommend watching "Fat Head" documentary, after or instead of watching Supersize Me.

    It's like Supersize Me revisited, where another guy makes the same attempt, but chooses to pick low-carbohydrate meals at McDonalds, and keep his calories at recommended daily level.

    In the end, he loses some weight and actually gets a bit more healthy, regarding his body fat percentage and cholesterol.

    The documentary also straightens up the claims contained in Supersize Me. Most of them appear to be outright lies or made up. Also there are very interesting interviews with various doctors about how does fat accumulation mechanism actually work.

    I'm not claiming that fast food is healthy. But it seems Supersize Me is far from being a truthful documentary.

    short info on Fat Head :
  • mrscjwilson
    mrscjwilson Posts: 252
    I saw this documentary...It was an eye opener, but truth be told you cannot sue a corporation for supplying a demand. People want it and McDonalds simply supplies it. Its up to each individual to be aware of what your putting into your body...The company is required by FDA to give caloric counts, sodium, trans fat etc but then its up to the person spending there money to determine if they see what the like or not.
    If I went into a clothing store and purchased a size 6 dress we could not turn around and sue the company for making us look like someone forced us to wear a 6 at gunpoint when we clearly know that we wear a size 12 ....the label is on the inside collar of the dress.
    My motto is all things in moderation, I know that I did not become morbidly obese because of McDonalds or any one food chain or type of food, but I was simply out of control and and carefree about what I put into my body.

    Enjoy the Documentary, Its is an eyeopener.
  • dlconcidine
    I haven't seen the movie, but I watched an interview with Spurlock. I agree, it is unrealistic since no one would eat all their meals at McD's. I was shocked that the salads have more calories than the burgers, probably due to the dressing and cheeses.

    You cannot hold a company responsible for people's choices. But it is true that the size of meals are getting bigger and bigger, you have to be mindful of the serving sizes. Reminds me of the Five Guys servings of fries, it is practically a full lunch bag.

    Has anyone seen the movie Forks over Knives yet?
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    I'm glad there are people on this post that are being honest about other countries OTHER THAN the US having this issue. McDonalds's is an American company, that's why you think America when you think Mcdonalds. I am American and very very very rarely have Mcdonalds, if I do it's for a coffee or something. And that's from a German Mcdonalds, bc I live in Germany. Their super size is SAME size as super size in America. It IS up the the consumer to not eat there or make healthier choices. It's not very intelligent or non-biased to make it an "American" issue.
  • skramer13
    skramer13 Posts: 70 Member
    We actually don't have the Supersize option in the US anymore - they got rid of it after that documentary was released! They claimed it had nothing to do with the movie, but we all know that's bull. :)

    As far as fast food around the globe, I actually wouldn't call the US the worst. Yes, our sizes may be bigger (have you seen the size comparison between a small Tim Horton's coffee in Canada and a small here in the US? The Canadian small is like a shotglass! haha), but it's all about perspective. I went to Spain after I graduated from high school a few years ago, and you could actually order beer at the McDonald's there. Canadian Burger Kings sell poutine, which is basically cheese curds and gravy poured over French fries. Fast food is going to be pretty unhealthy no matter where you go - it all comes down to the individual and the choices he or she makes, not one country being more unhealthy than the other.
  • emmaNEEDSskinny
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    If your not horrified enough, watch Food Inc.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I have seen the film, and yes- it is awful.

    The major fast food chains in the UK did sell 'supersize' for a while (I seem to remeber it was when I was a student back in the early 00's) but then they were taken off the menu, obv for health reasons- or they weren't selling.

    Having been to the States, I was surprised to see that their 'small' is the same as our Large size.

    Really? Wow! A small fry is what is put in a kids meal normally, and it is the same size as your large. Personally, I don't eat much of anything at McDonald's, I normally get scrambled eggs and a large coffee in the mornings. I do think all the fat and simple carbs in McDonald's food makes in addictive. My sons have a few friends that are addicted, they go every chance they get and the way they act is similar to a crack addict. They are not fat though, I am sure their high metabolism helps with that.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    we had to watch it at school.
    and honestly i kept thinking damn i want some macdonalds.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    Another good documentry to watch is Food, Inc. It really shows where our typical food store meats come from. You will think 2x before picking up just any old "chicken" in the grocery store. I know it costs more, but I only buy veg fed, no hormone/antibotics meats. It's worth every penny for my family of 5 :)
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    Australia is actually now leading the in it is more obese than the US for it's size, it is scary and a major epidemic, young kids aged 10 upwards are having surgery
  • Hernandezedw
    Hernandezedw Posts: 284
    I lived on McDonalds, Pizza Hut, and Baskin Robins for 2 years. Granted, I mixed it up with some KFC at times. But that was pretty much it. I actually miss those days. I love those foods. So tastey. But I don't work out nearly enough to do that anymore.
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Can't remember last time I went into McD's.............

    Just because the food's there doesn't mean you HAVE to eat it..... You still have that choice whether to eat it or not.

    They reckon that here in UK parents will be outliving their kids because of obesity......

    Sue :smile: x
  • emmaNEEDSskinny
    my parentts wont outlive me
    im getting skinny!
  • xXxKayleighxXx
    I know that i've eaten it here in the UK and make sure to add the calories and try not to have much of it.

    It is good that they now have the calories on the packaging and that they have introduced the healthy options, because if you are with a group of people who want to eat there, you can pick something a little better rather than drooling over their food haha.

    I completely agree. You can't blame McDonalds that you ate their food. If people didn't want it, they would've gone out of business years ago and you'd be seeing far more fruit and salad bars popping up.
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    I also recommend you watch "Fathead", it is free on Hulu I believe. What's funny to me is that we make such a big deal about fast food but no one seems to realize that the meals you get at most sit down restaurants are just as bad if not worse.
  • waterjogger
    waterjogger Posts: 114
    You need to find the documentary "Fat Head". It is a follow-up/rebuttal to "SuperSize Me". It presents things in a totally different light.
  • mizzsolero
    mizzsolero Posts: 47
    Can't remember last time I went into McD's.............

    Just because the food's there doesn't mean you HAVE to eat it..... You still have that choice whether to eat it or not.

    They reckon that here in UK parents will be outliving their kids because of obesity......

    Sue :smile: x

    as sad as i am about it, i know its true. i know me and my partner always chose healthy homemade food over chippies, currys, macd etc etc.
    but just like today, i had a walk in the mornin, 9:30 pm, and theres a mother dragging her, i think she was about 6/ 7? year old, daughter in the chippy to get her breakfast!! as nosy as i am, i overheard her order.
    chips, cheese, salt vinegar and a bacon roll. its sad, because the girl had no choice what so ever of what to eat,
    and will now think that its normal, and will most likely keep up with this eating pattern because her parents made it seem normal, parents are the ones who should be educated, as they are the ones who set an example for their children!

    and our children are the future!
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    i think it's an unrealistic representation. Who with any brain would eat mcdonalds that much? I dont know any obese person that does that.

    People for sure eat that much. Hubbys aunt is obese and on so many medications to deal with that and the health issues that come wit it that she can barely function. She as fast food twice a day. Almost every single day. Her son has fast food 3 times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner), and her daughter has it at least once a day. Her daughter is also obese, so I"m sure she has it more then once a day also. The kids will cook meals on the rare occasion, but its not often. Her husband also eats alot, but like his son, he is just overweight. They are all pale and unhealthy looking, they have no energy, the kids have no money because they spend it all on fast food. And when I say kids, they are 29 and 24 years old.

    We were at my IL's house with them last weekend, and I watched the mom, with diabetes, drink a pop and eat a huge sugary cupcake, after eating a full plate of ribs, ham, store bought pasta salds, and a baked potato with sour cream. She takes no personal responsibility at all for how and what she eats. She feels that as long as she is taking her diabetes meds, she can eat and drink whatever she wants.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    Can't remember last time I went into McD's.............

    Just because the food's there doesn't mean you HAVE to eat it..... You still have that choice whether to eat it or not.

    They reckon that here in UK parents will be outliving their kids because of obesity......

    Sue :smile: x

    as sad as i am about it, i know its true. i know me and my partner always chose healthy homemade food over chippies, currys, macd etc etc.
    but just like today, i had a walk in the mornin, 9:30 pm, and theres a mother dragging her, i think she was about 6/ 7? year old, daughter in the chippy to get her breakfast!! as nosy as i am, i overheard her order.
    chips, cheese, salt vinegar and a bacon roll. its sad, because the girl had no choice what so ever of what to eat,
    and will now think that its normal, and will most likely keep up with this eating pattern because her parents made it seem normal, parents are the ones who should be educated, as they are the ones who set an example for their children!

    and our children are the future!

    This really bothers me too. My daughter is in swimming lessons,and there is a little girl that finished her lesson right when K. is starting and I see what is going on when she gets out. Her mom gets her a treat every single day. Yesterday she said "no" and I was shocked. She told her she could have either fruit, veggies, or a "yop?" (hubby says its a yogurt drink) (our pool sells fruit and veggies!) and she chose the yogurt drink. I was really suprised, until her mom said "and no pouting, you already went to Dairy Queen". I feel so sad for the little girl, she is so big.