I started watching Star Trek (the original series) on DVD when I was around 9 years old... My mom has always loved them.
Course you're not crazy! I'm currently in the middle of the squat challenge (: I think I COULD do 100 crunches, but for 30 days straight? You'll get crazy sore. Make to stretch to minimize that. Seal stretch is the best for abs. If you do it right after your crunches, it'll hurt LOADS for a few seconds, then give amazing…
Try doing cardio and eating a lot of protein (: Cardio pretty much MELTS fat all over, and protein gives you energy and nutrients.
I CAN run a mile in about 8:32, but my time for the last few months has consistently been around 9:05. I have to get back in shape!
Apples and peanut butter are amazing and quite caloric. Nuts in general are caloric. They have fat, but it's not saturated or hydrogenated, so your body needs it.
I lay on my side with a heating pad and just rest.
It depends on what I'm doing. I have no depth perception, so if I'm going out in my neighborhood for a run, I'm going to wear glasses. If I'm going to the gym and using a machine, I won't wear glasses (low chance of killing something). If I'm dancing or something like that, it depends on the situation. For dance…
This is ridiculous. For one thing, a school shouldn't force anybody to change their body. It's a school, not a mental facility. For another thing, a lot of Asians (including my family-we're Indian) just have a naturally slim figure. I'm quite curvy, but a healthy BMI for me is lower than another's. My sister is SUPER…
Rocking that shirt!
I do cheat meals once or twice a month, when I have my period. I find that my cravings are HORRIBLE then. It also helps me not binge the other 29 days of the month.
You could just make a smoothie (fruits and yogurt) or a vegetable one-juiced vegetables. Pretty much, just juice/blend anything fresh.
I usually try to eat something without carbs! I find that they make me a lot more tired in the morning after I eat them.
I eat either an apple, carrots, or both. If I'm really hungry and SERIOUSLY afraid of going over (some days I don't care, sometimes I'll freak), I'll eat whatever and burn it off. Apples normally do the trick though (:
I have to stay away from peanut butter. It's one of my favorite things and has a ton of stuff that's really bad for you (hydrogenated oils) and I always eat way too much of it.
I saw Gravity a few months ago and LOVED it! What part of it didn't you like? Or was it just the whole stuck in space bit? I'm an enormous space geek, so I found it absolutely amazing.
With movies that I've never seen before: I saw Divergent last week. It was quite good and nearly did the book complete justice. The book was AMAZING, and the movie was quite good. With movies that I've already seen: I saw My Fair Lady again last night. That movie never fails to cheer me up. I love musicals and I love…
Anxious Shy Musical Insecure
California. 8:10 pm. I'm about to watch a movie (: there's an amazing rental place near where I live and just did a lot of violin practice. I deserve a movie night with my family.
I have green eyes.
Likes to ski.
I get cold SUPER easily! I think it has something to do with body fat.
I measure at the narrowest part of my waist, around my belly button. I started at 29 inches and have gotten to 25!
Congrats!! You look amazing and must feel fabulous too!
Amazing arms!!
Hello! I'm 5'1 (: my goals would definitely be unreasonable for many people of my height, but for my metabolism and body type, they're right. I'm trying to get back to 95 pounds by the end of April (: I ate a lot this winter when a family member of mine passed away and need to get that ten pounds back off.
I feel ya. I'm so much closer to one of my friends than my family. She knows things about me that exactly two people know. She knows I'm trying to lose weight and is better than a sister. If only she actually were my sister... "Friends are the family you choose."
I like the zebra print one and the grey diamond-y one. They're all fabulous, though. You look awesome!
I like bikinis the best, personally. I like the look and the cut of them.