rocklion Member


  • Definitely. Edit: Sunglasses, not Silver Arrow. And heck it's just for fun.
  • Yeah. Cute.
  • Well let me ask the ladies this. How much does confidence play a role? If an overweight, but confident guy came up and started talking to you and asked for your number would you give it? I've always heard that confidence is key. Maybe it is. Maybe the guy who is physically fit has a better upper hand on that because he has…
  • Yes and everyone does have their preferences. And it can get kind of weird. No doubt. I remember when I was in the Army. There was this medic who was a tall skinny dude. I honestly at that time was like well okay he's kind of good looking I guess. Me and my buddy went to this bar and they were having a competition on…
  • Good for you. Wish there was a like button.
  • Did they accept?
  • Oh, I know you're right. After my divorce, I did it for a year and a half. I know exactly. I've sworn off online dating now.
  • Locked? Seriously? I'm just looking for a good conversation. I think there's been some pretty good responses so far. There's something I saw a couple of months ago that I thought was interesting. I'll just go ahead and say I did online dating for awhile. Now the thing is if you ever do online dating then you'll see…
  • Army vet. Three years in as an Airborne infantryman. Depending on your MOS, you could be sent to any number of basic training camps across the US. Some are harder than others. I went to Benning and did OSUT there, which is considered the hardest of them. But you won't have to worry about that. The biggest thing is it's all…
  • Sent a request brother.
  • Thank you all for the support.
  • I think this week and maybe next I'm just going to do some walking. It's not only for the exercise, but also training the mind to get off my butt every day and get to work. I need to start slow. I started slow the first time and it worked. Times before I went right into it and burned out early. As I get my diet under…
  • Thank you all.
  • 1350??? WTF. I've never seen that happen before. They set mine at 1800. There's a lot of guys who have talked about losing weight on the site that aren't here. They need to get their *kitten* on here. :-)
    in Welcome! Comment by rocklion August 2013
  • I hate running too. Then I went trail running a few months ago and now love running. You don't have to run, but if you do, experiment. Try an iPod. Try going out to some trails and running through the woods. If none of that gets it for you, find an exercise you do enjoy. Also, bear in mind the fitter you become the more…
  • The reason they are recommended for short term is when people rely too much on them as a diet aid and not as a supplement. In some diets, people try to use these like a diet shake. I'll drink this instead of eating a meal. The result is that you're not getting solid food and you can end up gaining because you are on a…
  • Well it's going to be completely up to you. And the protein shakes are only necessary if you are doing serious calorie burns. For example, I burn anywhere from 600 to 900 calories during my weekly exercises and on the weekends I sometimes burn up to 1,500 to 2,000 calories on bike rides. My training program has gone to an…
  • Who told you not to drink protein shakes and why? I've got some belly fat myself and am in the process of taking it off. Most everything I read talks about eggs being good for breakfast (protein) or oatmeal with a combination of fruits (carbs and protein). The idea behind it is that it fuels you for the day and should help…
  • Well here's my question. When are you hungry? Is it at night or during the day? I never heard in the OP's first post that she was having cravings at night. So, I'm thinking the cravings might be throughout the day. A little more information would help but your reaction is not uncommon. What's going on is when you don't get…
  • Not being hard on myself at all. Read the blog and you'll know why. I can do better.
  • A year and a half ago, I hated to exercise. But then I eased into it slowly. Not sure if you belong to a gym or have a gym, but what I did is just start getting on an eliptical trainer and doing it for a few minutes a day. I started at 15 minutes and then progressed to 20 minutes. Just ease yourself into it. If you aren't…
  • There are several different answers to this, and all of them lead to one conclusion. A matter of choice. The first thing is if you drink reduced fat milks then Vitamin A is "added" into the milks to make up for that loss when the fat is taken out. A lot of times Vitamin D is also added. That might not sound like a big…
  • Thank you Al. That means a lot to me.
    in Blog post Comment by rocklion July 2011
  • LOL! You know, I didn't even think about the Fourth of July weekend.
  • A heart rate monitor is the most accurate way to track. Other than that it's just a guesstimate on anything online. I don't think it's necessarily bad to get an idea of how much you burned. But buyer beware, so to speak. I mean honestly there's some things I see in the exercise portion that I think is nonsensical. At the…
  • Well I'm pretty busy myself with work, two kids, etc. but it just requires some planning and some strategy. For me, anyway. As an example, one thing I had always battled with on Tuesday was that I usually have a meeting in the late afternoon that stretches from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., I have about an hour to get back to work,…
  • "Listen to your body. If you are hungry, eat. If you aren't hungry, don't eat. It's as simple as that." It's not that simple. If that we're the case, when you get that 10 o'clock food craving, it would be perfectly okay to eat it, but the problem is when you go to sleep an hour later it's not burning off because you're…
  • Liz: I would check out It has a message board with some very knowledgable folks who are pretty friendly compared to some other weight lifting forums I've seen. They also have a buttload of videos and programs that show proper form and advice on weight lifting.
  • You're right on the money.
  • Everyone has pretty much said what I'd have to say. The fact is, by this point, ditch the challenge and concentrate on you. That's all you can do. I kind of see the same thing going on here at work. There for awhile I was getting a lot of "Wow, you've lost a lot of weight!" I guess it was fine at first when I'd lost 10…