Do you eat more?

Most days I wake up at 6:00am/7:00am and do not go to bed until 11:30pm/12:30am. When I am awake this long, I am usually more hungry than on days that I sleep in until 9:00am/10:00am even though I am eating the same amount. On days that you wake up early/have a long day, do you eat more than you usually would on shorter days? Thanks!


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    You're hungrier because your body is burning more calories to stay awake since you're not getting enough sleep on those days. Personally, I don't ignore legitimate, stomach-growling hunger. Have some good lean protein to help keep your stomach feeling full and give you the energy your body is craving.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Yes I always feel more hungry on those days. Normally I wake up about 10/11am and go to sleep around 1am but if I wake up earlu around 7am, I still have to stay up as late because of work so I end up eating an extra "meal" as I had breakfast when I woke but am hungry again by the time I usually would have it :/

    Just try and eat smaller but more filling meals if you're up early. Protein and fibre rich foods are meant to keep to fuller for longer so they would be a good suggestion. If you're genuinely hungry, don't ignore that but try and have the better options,or just something small to keep you going :)
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member

    What I do is I introduce fillers such as protein shakes or tins of tuna as snacks (during the day).
    And for evening/night (after dinner), I just drink diet cokes to trick my stomach into believing it is full...
  • rocklion
    rocklion Posts: 69 Member
    Well here's my question. When are you hungry? Is it at night or during the day?

    I never heard in the OP's first post that she was having cravings at night. So, I'm thinking the cravings might be throughout the day. A little more information would help but your reaction is not uncommon. What's going on is when you don't get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night or more the body's metabolism slows down and the body has a reaction of needing more energy. Therefore, the cravings.

    Study after study shows that sleep and rest are as important to weight loss as anything else. If you are tired, your workouts will suffer because you don't have the energy to put into it. You'll get the cravings and eat more. I find I have these problems when I don't get 8 hours sleep. I basically force myself now to go to bed early unless I know I can sleep in a bit in the morning. I turn off the TV and computer, go to bed, read a little bit to get my mind relaxed and offline and then go to sleep.

    My advice? Try to get more sleep.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I don't eat more than my goal, but if I sleep in a lot, I eat less because I'm not going to be able to compensate. But, if I stay up will say, 2 or 3, I don't eat more than I'm allotted..