How should I ease in?

I was on this site three years ago and lost 50 pounds. Then over a period of the last year and a half I lost my marriage, my job, blah blah blah and gained 100 pounds.

At one point two years ago, I was doing an hour to hour and a half workouts. Now I can barely climb a flight of stairs.

When I first started my journey a few years ago, I just started getting on an eliptical for a few minutes each day. After a couple of months, I was able to build up and build up and threw in weights and biking and running.

I don't have access to a good eliptical now, so it looks like I may just have to run at this point. My question is where does a 280 pound man start? I was looking at Couch to 5 K and it suggested basically starting about three days a week with some walking/jogging for 30 seconds.



  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    It doesn't matter how you start, just that you start. You can start by walking, it's free!

    I'm going through divorce and used lack of money as an excuse not to exercise. I finally saw what I was doing and started walking, then running. I'm using a C25k app and I'm in week 8, doing more than 5k.

    I hope things in your life are looking up. My exercise time is really helping me get my stuff together.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Walk, and build yourself up to the C25K?

    Do "sessions" climbing stairs?

    Or, you can just jump in and push yourself. It's really up to you! The C25K is a really great starting point
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    It is a good way to start and has the progression built into the program. You can also start with body weigh strength exercises. Check convict conditioning or Your Body is Your Own Gym. Just take things slow and be consistent. The first thing that needs to be developed it the habit of doing something.
  • scot30316
    scot30316 Posts: 169 Member
    I was never an exercise person, still am not really but hope to be someday. I've found the best way for me so far is just tracking everything and moving more. I have a dog that loves to walk and I've decided that is where I would start. Averaging 12-15 miles most weeks walking him. Time started at around 22 minutes per mile and now averaging 15-16 most walks now. Around 2-4 miles most days. As the weight comes off I plan to try and incorporate a bit of jogging (I've been doing a little here and there on the walks now) and then add weight training down the road as well.

    Basically take it slowly and ease in is the path that will likely work. If you like biking start biking more than you currently do. If you like walking the same.
  • TDiaz214
    TDiaz214 Posts: 108 Member
    I started at 300, and walking is a great exercise you can do. Wear a good pair of shoes though, and as you slowly get used to it, you can increase your distances.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    IMO you need to do some resistance training to keep your body from shedding a ton of muscle along with the fat you want to lose. Personally, I'd recommend keeping an eye on your intake and using a beginner strength training program like Starting Strength as your primary form of exercise, coupled with perhaps some long walks.
  • bowbeforethoraxis
    bowbeforethoraxis Posts: 138 Member
    You can also check out your library to see if they have any dvds or fitness books that interest you.

    I started getting into yoga because the toddler I was with saw a yoga book and liked the pictures so we checked it out. I do an hour of yoga 3-4x/wk now on my own, and her and I do some yoga (not a routine, just whatever poses she feels like doing at random) nearly every day together. It started as something simple to entertain a two year old, but now she can do a split downward dog like a pro, and I work harder so I can keep up with her, and it's helping me so much at the same time.
  • pricesteve
    pricesteve Posts: 39 Member
    I started at 300, and walking is a great exercise you can do. Wear a good pair of shoes though, and as you slowly get used to it, you can increase your distances.

    This is how I started. 4 mile circuits increasing the pace as I became fitter.
  • rocklion
    rocklion Posts: 69 Member
    I think this week and maybe next I'm just going to do some walking. It's not only for the exercise, but also training the mind to get off my butt every day and get to work. I need to start slow. I started slow the first time and it worked. Times before I went right into it and burned out early. As I get my diet under control, and start getting acclimated to getting out exercising I'll start throwing in some jogging and ultimately some weightlifting.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Start out slow, going easy until things get loosened up and you get used to it. Then you can start going progressively harder until you're giving it your all.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    I think this week and maybe next I'm just going to do some walking. It's not only for the exercise, but also training the mind to get off my butt every day and get to work. I need to start slow. I started slow the first time and it worked. Times before I went right into it and burned out early. As I get my diet under control, and start getting acclimated to getting out exercising I'll start throwing in some jogging and ultimately some weightlifting.

    Attaboy with the weight lifting :) I'm currently burning about 400 calories a day, just lifting weights for about 60 minutes.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    "Walk at Home" DVDs are great for beginner thru intermediate. You go at your own pace and build speed & intensity as you get stronger.

    Here's a video clip of "Walk it Off in 30" ......good intro because it has a cardio section (2 miles) and a STRENGTH section too (1/2) hour. Use light dumbbells at first and work your way up.

    A second one would be Ultimate 5 Day Plan from 5 different miles and 5 different add ons (strength or flexibilty) ...program sections you want.....
  • tdecel
    tdecel Posts: 48 Member
    I started at 300, and walking is a great exercise you can do. Wear a good pair of shoes though, and as you slowly get used to it, you can increase your distances.

    This is how I started. 4 mile circuits increasing the pace as I became fitter.
    And me too...... Went from 293 to 203 by walking 4 miles every single day. First thing in the morning on an empty stomach, week in- week out, 7 days a week. No excuses. As I got fitter, faster and stronger, my walks became quite "animated". I added hills, strength training, some jogging (bad knees prevented more) and regular bike rides. Got to eat clean and got to make getting in shape top priority. Good luck.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Just get moving.... I started at 560 lbs. and unable to walk, standing was hard enough... I got into a pool and used water displacement to allow me to stand long enough to exercise... and I progressed from there..... We all started somewhere the point being to get started....... Best of Luck
  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    I walk almost every day (30 to 60 min) and bike 3-4 days a week (30 to 45min), my knees are not the greatest any more so I keep relatively low impact. With that and watching my calorie intake I have gotten to where I am now (well, where I am SO far).