aisenbart Member


  • But for when I get home!
  • I just started yesterday. I really need some motivation to keep going!! I have started this several times but have never actually finished, so motivating me is highly encouraged! :) And I will do the same in return! Feel free to add me. I'll check in with stats after each level, and hopefully see some GREAT improvements!
  • I did the Color Run in KC too! Had so much fun! Congrats on your loss! Kimsue123 - It's a powder. Warning - green is the hardest color to get out!
  • Amazing transformation so far! Keep up the good work! I'm sure the results already help you keep it up.
  • This sounds great! Hoping to start tonight after work.
  • Look at those guns! Nice work! You can definitely see changes in your body, even though the scale may not move much. Good job!
  • I am only on week 2, today will be day 3. I think the biggest thing, and what I've heard from others, is to go at a pace that you are comfortable with. Eventually, you will get the speed, but starting out, think about endurance and running time-wise. So far, i've been doing pretty well with it. We'll see as the weeks…
    in C25K Comment by aisenbart March 2012
  • Yes! I'm doing the Kansas City run on 6/30. SOOOO excited! Looks like lots of fun.
  • I am doing the KC one on 6/30. We have a big team together. I'm very excited! It looks awesome!
  • I started on Monday as well, so today is Day 4. The soreness is finally starting to go away! I do it every day after work, so I will be starting it in about 30 minutes! I've started it before, but always quit during Level 1, so you guys are my motivation to finish this thing! I am determined to do the entire 30 days, and…
  • I just started on Monday, so today is Day 3 on Level 1. I've started it before, but never gotten past Level 1. This time, I'm finishing this thing! I'm excited to start seeing results, and to see the difference in the before and after pictures. I'm sore now, but hopefully they will go away soon. Good luck!
  • I started Monday, so today is Day 3 Level 1. I have been sore, but it's a good sore, although I can't wait to be able to sit down and stand up without help! I have never done all 30 days, but this time, I will! I'm glad you are all here for the encouragement, and feel free to add me! I can't wait to start seeing results. I…
  • I've never done diet pop, if I drink anything it's either Mt. Dew or Sprite. I gave up pop for lent and never really experienced headaches or anything, and I noticed that it really had no affect on my weight loss. Now I only drink it occasionally, maybe one or two a week. Usually, I don't even finish a whole can of Mt.…
  • Bump for later! :)
  • I'm 5'3, 137 pounds, with a goal of 115-120. I weighed about 110 in high school, and stayed around 120 through college, until the last year. A little scary stepping on the scale and realizing I had gained 30 pounds within the last 5 years. Ouch. Feel free to add me! Encouragement is always a good thing!
  • I usually walk/run for 30 minutes before doing the shred. I find that I am too exhausted after doing the shred to do anything more, so I try to do it before. I don't do that every day, but I try if I have the time. In that 30 minutes I get about 2.3 miles in, so I figure that isn't too bad for some cardio!
  • Finished Day 5 of Level 1 last night. Feeling good! I'm going to stay with Level 1 for a couple more days before I move on. Here are my measurements: Starting weight: 140 Arms: 11 3/4 Thighs: 23 Waist: 29 Hips: 37 Bust: 36 Neck: 13
  • I finished day 5 of level 1 last night. I was sore for the first couple of days, but I'm really feeling a lot better. Hopefully it keeps up! I'm still going to do a couple more days with level 1 before moving on. My boyfriend is doing it with me, and it really helps motivate me to keep going, and to do it everyday. MFP and…
  • I'm on Day 4 of Level 1. After the second day, I thought I was going to die. I almost needed help sitting down and getting up out of a chair because my legs were so sore. After working out last night, my whole body felt better, and I woke up this morning feeling great. Just finished my workout for today, and I finally feel…
  • I started 30 Day Shred on Monday, but I will definitely join this group for support/motivation. I just got started with mfp today, and so far - I love it! I think this will really help motivate and encourage me. Being held accountable for your actions really makes a difference, so hopefully this will keep me going. Created…