Anyone quit drinking soda?

I'm assuming plenty of you have, but I just recently completely dropped diet coke out of my daily routine and am wondering if anyone else has done the same...what type of effects/results can i expect? (and i know everyone is different, just looking for an idea!)


  • jezirus
    jezirus Posts: 33 Member
    I had headaches for about 3 or 4 days when I stopped drinking it, but now I feel great, I sleep better, and I am more awake in the morning! Good luck!
  • jezirus
    jezirus Posts: 33 Member
    sorry, double post!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    When I started losing weight 6 years ago, I cut regular pop cold turkey with no side effects. I know quite a few people experience caffeine withdrawal (headaches). I find it ironic that I get a headache now if I consume anything with caffeine in it.
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    I had a few headaches but nothing serious. It's just the cravings I had to worry about. I am addicted well was to fountain soda. I loved the fizzy burn! I am use to not having it and I am fine. I love water now. I feel guilty if I have liquid calories now lol
  • mzhunnie
    mzhunnie Posts: 10
    I dropped pop/soda several years ago- no side effects, i drink no calorie drinks now..... wonderful subsitute. Good luck
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member
    I never really drank it to begin with, but occasionally I'll have a can or two. Today I had diet coke and it was disgusting tasting to me. If I'm going to have soda it can't be diet, so I just cut it out completely because its "empty calories"
  • Took me a little whlie but I dropped them. No side effects, thankfully. I know headaches are common for a few days while trying to get rid of the caffiene intake. Now sodas just do not taste right anymore. I prefer water over anything else. And I do feel good.
  • DivaDLB
    DivaDLB Posts: 85 Member
    I dropped it completely and did notice some of the puffiness that I had started to diminish. The soda was making me gassy.
  • ceirawillsucceed
    ceirawillsucceed Posts: 519 Member
    i stopped drinking diet coke 2 months ago. i used to drink about 2 litres a day. i was worried i would get bad headaches but i didnt get any at all. i bought a small bottle last week but i couldnt drink it as it tasted horrible.
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    I miss the caffeine buzz more than anything else. I hate coffee, so that's no help. I do like an Absolute Zero Monster every now and then. That's my cheat.
  • StevenCabral
    StevenCabral Posts: 22 Member
    I only quit drinking Diet Coke but I love bubbly soft drinks to I switched to Diet 7up. It's delicious and I dont need to log it in my food diary since it has no calories and very very little sodium.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    i have pretty much cut out sodas, except very occasional , though not for weight loss issues. I had to quit them because every time i drink to much i end up with cystitis
  • Nope!

    I love diet soda. It has no adverse effects on weight loss.

    Some people seem to benefit by dropping caffeine due to headaches, restlessness, etc, but I personally love the stuff.
  • Vcaser
    Vcaser Posts: 36
    I haven't had "real" sodas in years, but I have been a heavy Diet Dew drinker until recently. I tapered back to one a day and was feeling smug that the caffeine headaches weren't too bad. Then I started retaining water - I mean swelling up like a TICK before my period, where I looked like I had elephant feet. Have never had much problem with that before, and my doctor reminded me that caffeine = natural diuretic. So I have started allowing myself to have two a day again! My problem is that I HATE water and if I can force myself to drink 3 16 oz. bottles in a day, I have really accomplished something. So I now have to take water pills to make up for the reduced caffeine.

    I have a question of my own: If I drank more water, which is unlikely to happen, would it help with water weight gain???
  • LeeLeeTunk
    LeeLeeTunk Posts: 84
    I switched from Diet Mtn Dew (6 cans a day!!)
    to Diet Snapple Tea (lost a few pounds!)
  • PNWriter
    PNWriter Posts: 223 Member
    I still drink one Diet Coke every day or so. It doesn't hurt anything.
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    Thanks everyone! Just to clarify, I'm not expecting quitting soda to be some sort of miracle weight loss trick- in reality, I just knew it was providing NO nutritional value, and to be quite honest, I just needed to know I COULD do it. I quit smoking December 31st, and diet coke was my 2nd worst habit to kick, so I decided it was time. I guess I'm lucky, I only had the terrible headache for a day and a half or so! Also, i think even after only a week my taste buds are adjusting to the lower amount of sugar i'm consuming. I had a gatorade after the gym last night and had to dilute it with water because it was too sweet!
  • aisenbart
    aisenbart Posts: 22 Member
    I've never done diet pop, if I drink anything it's either Mt. Dew or Sprite. I gave up pop for lent and never really experienced headaches or anything, and I noticed that it really had no affect on my weight loss. Now I only drink it occasionally, maybe one or two a week. Usually, I don't even finish a whole can of Mt. Dew. It's just too sweet, and I prefer water.
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    I use to drink about four 44oz cokes a day! Crazy I know. Anyhoo, when I quit I read an article about the withdrawals such as headaches and it mentioned a trick to help. Take a No-Dos on the first day then half the next day and so on until you have weaned yourself off. I only took it 2 days and it worked great! It helped me to fight the pop addiction rather then the side affects. The No-Dos has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee(I think, its been a while) so it was easy to get away from but just enough to keep the headaches away that would tempt me to drink another coke. Hope this helps :)
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    Thanks everyone! Just to clarify, I'm not expecting quitting soda to be some sort of miracle weight loss trick- in reality, I just knew it was providing NO nutritional value, and to be quite honest, I just needed to know I COULD do it. I quit smoking December 31st, and diet coke was my 2nd worst habit to kick, so I decided it was time. I guess I'm lucky, I only had the terrible headache for a day and a half or so! Also, i think even after only a week my taste buds are adjusting to the lower amount of sugar i'm consuming. I had a gatorade after the gym last night and had to dilute it with water because it was too sweet!