Shred or Ripped in 30- starting 3/28



  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    Ok, starting weight 228 as of this morning ... (I weigh in Fridays, had 3 birthday parties this weekend so I am up 2lbs should come off quickly because I know its from high sodium)

    Arms- 15
    Waist- 34
    Hips- 51

    Work Out Plans: Ripped in 30 4 to 5 times a week, progressing a level each week followed by 20-30 minutes of some form of cardio (i.e. zumba, treadmil, bike)

    Day 1: Went well today, great to get back to working out, LOVE LOVE LOVE her new dvd .... was really pooped half way through my zumba dvd but pushed it out and burnt 485 calories tonight :) .... here's to day 2
  • Hey yall... so glad to see we have a big group of Shredders! Sorry I was late posting my measurements, had a later night at work last night than planned and today was a horrible day. But anyway I managed to get my measurements and just completed L1D1 of the Shred!! And let me just say OMG I forgot how much I disliked those side lunges w/ lateral raise! 3lb weights were sooo heavy by the end of the 2nd set! And I still HATE HATE HATE the push-ups and bicycle crunches!
    I was disappointed at how the cardio in the 1st circuit had me so out of breath this time around! But whenever I needed a break I didn't stop for more than 5 seconds like Jillian said. I really hope the cardio gets easier soon... the cardio in circuit 2 & 3 was much easier for me than circuit 1.

    Well my measurements made me disgusted! I don't know how I let these get so out of hand but cannot wait to see them decreasing! And hopefully not in the bust area I've already lost a few inches there which is making my shape look very weird lol And I always feel like I take my measurements wrong but here it goes....

    CW: 213.6
    Chest: 44"
    L Arm: 14.5"
    R Arm: 14.5"
    Abs: 44"
    Hips: 45.5"
    R Thigh: 22"
    L Thigh: 22"

    Yuck! But hopefully this all decreases at the end of level 1!! Can't wait for day 2!!! Keep on Shreddingggg
  • I will be doing the shred once I get off today.

    Let me ask you all, are you doing any other workout along with the shred? Also, are you all "dieting" or roughly eating the same in moderation?


    I am doing walk at home dvds along with the shred. I was doing a 5 mile fat burner walk/jog dvd but just bought a 3 mile dvd and some weighted gloves to add a little more strength training to it. Some days I will do 3 miles, some days 5, some days 8... because I have quite a bit to lose and Jillian doesn't give me enough cardio. I'm also eatting healthier, not necessarily a diet. But I'm trying to stay within my calories and I'm using the bodybugg to calculate how many calories I burn all day.
  • ukjessi
    ukjessi Posts: 169 Member
    Hi all! Can I still join in? I love group motivation! :)

    As of W1D1, my measurements are:
    CW: 258
    Chest: 41"
    Upper Arm: 17"
    Waist: 44"
    Hips: 48.5"
    Thigh: 30.5"

    Can you tell I am a pear shape! Gross!! Bring it on 30DS!!!
  • I am doing the 30 day shred and I started on the 23rd. I rested on Sunday.
    I will post my start weight and measurments in this threat but won't weigh myself again until next monday ( the TOM is in town).
    I try to do other workouts as well every once in a while to keep it interesting and high in cardio.
    My start weight on March 21st was 170
    Neck :13.5
    Don't have an arm one yet but I will measure next Monday
  • nomayyy
    nomayyy Posts: 28
    Goodluck to you all doing the 30 day shred or the ripped in 30!

    I purchased the ripped in 30 dvd recently so I'll be starting it soon too! :)
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    Hi all. I signed up w/ MFP on my phone a couple months ago (ETA: I guess it was 3 months ago, ha), but I haven't been using it regularly. Today was the first time I checked it out on the computer and came to the boards. I did 30 Day Shred last year and liked it when I was trying to get in shape for my wedding. I had been thinking about putting it back into the routine. I usually at least do BodyCombat 2-3 times/week at my gym (on a good week) and maybe a run. I hadn't been to the gym yet, sat here and read the thread and decided today was as good as a day as any to start the Shred again.
    So L1D1 is done!
    I'll get my husband to do my measurements later and post those tomorrow.
    My starting weight as of 3.18.11 was 198.8. I think my WI day will be Fridays.

    Oh, and here is a link to a blog run by 2 people who started with the 30 Day Shred (and have since done much more). There are usually different challenges and lots of good info if anyone is interested:
  • Nykki71
    Nykki71 Posts: 72 Member
    I just started mine on Sat but I too will extend it a few days and i will post on Sunday. I am looking forward to doing this with others I dont really have the support where I live North Pole AK, So if anyone wants to add.,,,,:)
    Along with the Shred DVD I am doing Curves Circuit and the treadmill. I also am changing the way I eat (not dieting) to assist the weight loss. I have been doing curves and treadmill since March 1st. I am bound and determind to lose these weight. Good luck to all
  • ukjessi
    ukjessi Posts: 169 Member
    L1D1 Update:

    I think I am going to die! But, I did it! I only used weights about half the time, did the modifications and went at a slightly slower pace (not doing quite as many reps), but I did every exercise! I am already sore but it feels like an accomplishment!
  • swim018
    swim018 Posts: 15
    I would love to join in! I've started this before, but never went the full 30 days. Summer is coming up quickly, so I better get serious about this now. I like the idea of doing 10 days of each level. I actually did Level 3 yesterday just to see if I could and it wasn't horrible but I did a lot of the modifications. I think I'll start again with Level 1 tomorrow. I'll post measurements then, as well. Can't wait to see this through this time!
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    So did day 1 yesterday it was tough but goes by fast. Front of my legs are sore but everywhere else is ok.
    Bring on day 2....

    Will have go buy a tape measure today.

  • aisenbart
    aisenbart Posts: 22 Member
    Finished Day 5 of Level 1 last night. Feeling good! I'm going to stay with Level 1 for a couple more days before I move on. Here are my measurements:

    Starting weight: 140
    Arms: 11 3/4
    Thighs: 23
    Waist: 29
    Hips: 37
    Bust: 36
    Neck: 13
  • raeanneg
    raeanneg Posts: 14 Member
    L1D1 Update... Not sore, thinking I may need to increase weights but had a good sweat... L1D2 - I'm ready...

    CW 218

    Arms: 17
    Thighs: 27
    Waist: 42
    Hips: 46
    Bust: 44.75
    Neck: 15
  • Hi everyone!
    I'm not new to MFP, but new to posting on the boards! I lost weight last year and was very happy!, then gained some weight during the holidays, and now I'm having problems taking it off! It is definently not as easy as it was the first time ! (anyone knows why this happens??!) Anywhooo!!

    I definetly need to get back in track ! So i'm starting the 30 day shred with you guys! I will post my measurements tonight before my first workout!
  • Mundy86
    Mundy86 Posts: 167 Member
    Did a simular group in Febuary and it was helpful. Last weekend of Febuary and March has been nothing but excuses.

    Take it one day at a time and know its only 20 minutes.

    CW 236.5
    Neck 15.5
    Bust 48 @nipple line
    Arm 15
    Waist 48.5 @bellybutton
    Hips 49
    Thigh 27
    Calf 17

    I too wonder if I measure correctly. But I guess as long as it is the same spot each time thats is all that matters. What people call the natural waist (where your body curves in naturally) is right under my breast and I would never wear my pants that high up. LOL
  • crjugrl
    crjugrl Posts: 172

    Calves and knees are a little sore, but not too bad. I plan to get 3lb weights this week. :smile:
  • shababe2010
    shababe2010 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm in will do measurements. First challenge
  • Hi all! Can I still join in? I love group motivation! :)

    As of W1D1, my measurements are:
    CW: 258
    Chest: 41"
    Upper Arm: 17"
    Waist: 44"
    Hips: 48.5"
    Thigh: 30.5"

    Can you tell I am a pear shape! Gross!! Bring it on 30DS!!!

    Of coure you can join! And I felt the same way when I looked at my measurements! But 30DS will help us with that. By the way, I love the pic on your ticker!
  • L1D4

    Calves and knees are a little sore, but not too bad. I plan to get 3lb weights this week. :smile:

    Be careful if your knees are sore! I felt like that when I was on level 3 the last time I did shred, ended up hurting my knee and couldnt finish level 3 ... hopefully doesn't happen this time arounds.
  • Today was a busy day, well the next couple days will be super busy for me, which is why it's great that 30DS is pretty short...
    L1D2 wasn't as bad, I still had to take a break or 2 in the 1st circuit... not sure why the cardio gets to me during this part.. I think part of it is that I need a better sports bra for the jumping jacks/jump rope part and I think maybe from just doing jumping jacks in the warm-up... cause the cardio in circuit 2 & 3 aren't a problem for me. I still hate those push-ups and bicyle crunches.. especially today my abs were sore when I woke up this morning! 28 days to go!

    Keep Shredding!!!
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