Shred or Ripped in 30- starting 3/28



  • Mundy86
    Mundy86 Posts: 167 Member
    I agree on the sports bra... faced my mirrored fireplace and it was a scary sight!!! :o

    L1D1 done. It's suprising how each level is difficult even though you were doing good on the previous level. I have been doing level three on my days off this past week and felt good about it. Then level one tonight took it out of me. I am using the weight during all my cardio as I only have 2lbs and I ENJOY using them during jumping jacks. Is this the first sign that exercising can be enjoyable?!?!

    29 more days to go for me. I will get behind as I go on a hike each week and most likely will not do Shred on those days.
  • ukjessi
    ukjessi Posts: 169 Member
    L1D2 Update:

    By the time I went to bed last night I was starting to feel a little sore (especially abs and shoulders), but woke up this morning feeling great! Tonights workout was better...I made it through the 1st circuit without stopping but still had to alternate with and without weights, and did modified pushups.

    Maybe it seems easier because I know what to expect...fear of the unknown is always the worst!! :)
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    L1D2 went well followed it with a 2 mile walk (leslie sansone dvd) .... Feeling SORE this morning though, I woke up tried to get Day 3 and was tooooo sore so I will be squeezing it in tonight. Really hoping this week the scale will go down more than .4 .6 like I have been seeing. Keep up the great work ladies!
  • amy_baby2004
    OMG'sh I was so sore all day yesterday after doing L1D1 on Monday, I really felt it in my calves and my abs! I worked through the pain and did L1D2 last night and today I am not as calves and abs still hurt but not as much.....but like they say no pain no gain....This video is amazing! I am so excited to see the results!

    You guys are all so modivating....Thank You
  • crjugrl
    crjugrl Posts: 172

    Calves and knees are a little sore, but not too bad. I plan to get 3lb weights this week. :smile:

    Be careful if your knees are sore! I felt like that when I was on level 3 the last time I did shred, ended up hurting my knee and couldnt finish level 3 ... hopefully doesn't happen this time arounds.

    I figured it out! For day 3 & 4 I didn't wear shoes, so they were really sore after yesterday's workout. Bad idea. My knees feel fine today, but my calves still hurt. So today I wore shoes again and already feel much better.

    L1D5 - Half-way through Level 1!! :happy: Wasn't really feeling it today, but I got through it. Happy hump day!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member

    Calves and knees are a little sore, but not too bad. I plan to get 3lb weights this week. :smile:

    Be careful if your knees are sore! I felt like that when I was on level 3 the last time I did shred, ended up hurting my knee and couldnt finish level 3 ... hopefully doesn't happen this time arounds.

    I figured it out! For day 3 & 4 I didn't wear shoes, so they were really sore after yesterday's workout. Bad idea. My knees feel fine today, but my calves still hurt. So today I wore shoes again and already feel much better.

    L1D5 - Half-way through Level 1!! :happy: Wasn't really feeling it today, but I got through it. Happy hump day!

    Always always wear sneakers, I know a lot of people that really screwed up their knees that way. A good workout sneaker only worn for exercise is a really great investment. I have 2 pairs both nike that are only worn for working out. It helped me out so much before them I had a lot of ankle pain.
  • swim018
    swim018 Posts: 15
    Did D2L1 yesterday and it felt great. Here are my measurements...I hadn't posted them before:

    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 136.8 lbs

    Arms: 10"
    Bust: 35"
    Waist: 30"
    Hips: 38"
    Thighs: 22"

    I think that is all? Going to do Day 3 tonight and also get a swim in...really wanting to lose these last 10 lbs before shorts weather but that is coming up quickly!
  • Mundy86
    Mundy86 Posts: 167 Member
    L1D2 finished this morning before I left on a 12 hour drive to pick up my brother unlawful for spring break. Oh the joy of having a 16 year old in my house for a week.
    It was tough getting up and doing it first thing. Makes me me rethink my idea of getting up early and doing it before work. I hate mornings.
  • ukjessi
    ukjessi Posts: 169 Member
    L1D2 finished this morning before I left on a 12 hour drive to pick up my brother unlawful for spring break.

    @mundy86 Drive safe! That's a loooong drive.
  • ukjessi
    ukjessi Posts: 169 Member
    L1D3 Update:

    I was feeling pretty good today, a little stiff but nothing too bad...until I started the strength training in Circuit 1! Holy heck my arms and shoulders are BURNING! I'm also really feeling it in the top front of my legs. But, I managed to do a few more with the weights (as opposed to without).
  • Jerzeeblondie
    L1D3 Update:

    I was feeling pretty good today, a little stiff but nothing too bad...until I started the strength training in Circuit 1! Holy heck my arms and shoulders are BURNING! I'm also really feeling it in the top front of my legs. But, I managed to do a few more with the weights (as opposed to without).

    my arms were hurting bad today too... I've been wearing weighted gloves during my Leslie Sansone walks and didn't think it was going to make me so sore. My arms don't feel sore when I wake up, but circuit 1 I was like omg my shoulders are killing me!
  • Jerzeeblondie
    L1D3 complete! Today was a crazy day, had so much to do... starting with an Interview at 10am this morning which was an hour away (luckily the actual job would only be about 20 minutes away tho) but then I had a lot of running around to do today and had to sleep since I'm working overnight shift tonight.

    Well I just finished my workouts and ouch I am sore. My legs feel like lead today! I've been doing Leslie Sansone walking dvds for the past 2 weeks, just about every night. Usually I do the 5 mile fat burning walk... all 5 miles. Sometimes I do it 2x or I do a 3 mile dvd I have. Well the past couple of days I've been doing the walks with weighted gloves.... didn't realize how sore I was until tonight when I started 30DS! ouch! I was babysitting for a friend so I brought the dvd over with me. Well I forgot the sports bra! So of course I had to modify the cardio a bit, jumping jacks and jump rope just wasnt working out too well without a sports bra lol

    I did the push-ups on the wall instead of the floor cause it was killer on my knees and I'm still not too good at the regular push-ups. I actually felt it more in my shoulders from doing it on the wall. But I didn't really have to modify anything else. After 30DS I did 1.5 miles of the 5 mile fat burner walk... time to get ready for work so couldn't do the whole thing, but dont think my body would have made it anyway. My legs feel like lead today!
  • crjugrl
    crjugrl Posts: 172
    Well on my own schedule, today was my actual weigh-in day and I seemed to have gained a pound according to one of my scales... according to another scale I gained 2.5! Nothing in my diet has changed. So I'm going to just say I gained 1 and hope for the best. At the end of my 10 days, I'll weigh in again and share my progress. Something's gotta give! 4 more days till I'm finished with Level 1!

    L1D6 - Complete
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    Well D3L1 behind me, the soreness is starting to go away can really feel it in my calves. Didnt get my extra cardio in last night so tonight I will be doing D4L1 and 4 miles of Leslie Sansone 5 Mile DVD. Fridays are my weigh in/off day.

    I would like to share this quote from Ripped in 30 ....
    Transformation is not a future event. It is a present activity!- Jillian Michaels

    So true ladies, transformation will happen over time but in order to get there we need to work for it as hard as we can today.
  • tinalina81
    Ok, Yesterday was d7l1 and today i decided to try out L2 and I will be going back to L1 tomorrow:tongue:
    I will post measurements on Monday . But I am pretty sure I have lost some weight, I just feel it lol
    Going to get lighter weights today so I can do the arm stuff with better form.
  • Mundy86
    Mundy86 Posts: 167 Member
    L1D3 completed. Shoulders and thighs are sore. Don't remember this from last round. Wonder if I did something hiking to make my thighs hurt. My arms are all from using weights this round, last round I was not consistent with the weights.

    To go along with ttv2004

    No great achievement is possible without persistent work.

    Love that quote!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    Finished L1D4 yesterday plus did a 3 mile walk. Scale was up today but I think its muscle gain ... taking a rest day and will do my weigh in tmr instead. My goal is to do Jillian 4 to 5 times a week so I will see if I can squeeze a 5th day at some point this weekend. I am hoping to do it on Saturday so I can rest Sunday and start Level 2 Monday. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend :)
  • ukjessi
    ukjessi Posts: 169 Member
    L1D4 & D5 Update:

    Totally not feeling it like last night but forced myself to do it anyways (small victory)! But, I won't lie...I didn't use any weights and was kind of just going through the motions. :( But, today I woke early up feeling proud of myself, took the dog on a 2.5 mile walk in rough terrain, came home and did day 5! Much better getting it out of the way early! lol. Even though I'm out of town for the next couple of days I have the workout on my iPhone and will be sticking to it - the ultimate test! :bigsmile:
  • Mundy86
    Mundy86 Posts: 167 Member
    L1D4 & D5 Update:

    Totally not feeling it like last night but forced myself to do it anyways (small victory)! But, I won't lie...I didn't use any weights and was kind of just going through the motions. :( But, today I woke early up feeling proud of myself, took the dog on a 2.5 mile walk in rough terrain, came home and did day 5! Much better getting it out of the way early! lol. Even though I'm out of town for the next couple of days I have the workout on my iPhone and will be sticking to it - the ultimate test! :bigsmile:

    That is the ultimate test. Good luck!!! Just think of how good its going to feel to get those 20 minutes out of the way each day then enjoying the rest of the day.

    L1D4 and D5 done. Tonight I did it but my heart was not in it. Rough day at work and I was dog tired. Tomorrow my husband wants to go out to dinner after I get off work. Not sure if I will beable to fit in the DVD. The restaurant that he want to go to there is no "healthy" dishs, my favoriet is fried mac and cheese balls Mmmmm. So miss DVD and eat a horrible dinner or let my husband and his brother go out by them selfs and I do DVD and eat healthy?? We will see, if my day isanything like today, it will be a touch choice.
  • crjugrl
    crjugrl Posts: 172
    I got really discouraged because I gained another pound....... so I took a two day break. I'm hoping to do the workout twice today and twice tomorrow to make up for it. We'll see how that goes. I already did it once this morning and slacked so bad... two days off made a huge difference in my endurance. But I'm going to try my best to stick this through. Hopefully I'm not fatter than I was at the end than I was when we started lol.

    Anyway. So far, L1D7 complete.