30 Day Shred starting Monday 23rd Jan



  • Hi everyone! Is it too late to join in? I started this Monday, so I'm on Day 4 today. My legs are SCREAMING, but my arms only burn during the shoulder raises/side lunges, and my abs rarely move past a slight knot in the belly. I've done Level 1 before, so maybe my body is used to those exercises? Anyone ever modify parts of 30DS to do different exercises for that same body part? I'm thinking of doing 1 minute planks in lieu of crunches...yay or nay?
  • aisenbart
    aisenbart Posts: 22 Member
    I started on Monday as well, so today is Day 4. The soreness is finally starting to go away! I do it every day after work, so I will be starting it in about 30 minutes! I've started it before, but always quit during Level 1, so you guys are my motivation to finish this thing! I am determined to do the entire 30 days, and to see some results! I almost look forward to doing it every day, just because I can't wait to start seeing results. Good luck everyone, and thanks for the motivation! This will definitely help me stay accountable.
  • I started 30DS on Tuesday because I didn't get the dvd in time for Monday start. I did Level 1 on Tuesday, Level 2 on Wednesday, and Level 3 on Thursday. I was just curious about the different levels and wanted to try them all. I was kind of thinking of doing Level 3, Level 1, Level 2, etc. Alternating them every day for 30 days. Has anyone else done this? It just seems like it would not get boring doing it that way. Do you think it would still be as effective?
  • I started 30DS on Tuesday because I didn't get the dvd in time for Monday start. I did Level 1 on Tuesday, Level 2 on Wednesday, and Level 3 on Thursday. I was just curious about the different levels and wanted to try them all. I was kind of thinking of doing Level 3, Level 1, Level 2, etc. Alternating them every day for 30 days. Has anyone else done this? It just seems like it would not get boring doing it that way. Do you think it would still be as effective?

    I think that's a good idea, especially since it can get boring doing the same routine 10days in a row. I know if I were doing it that way I would always look forward to my "Level 1 Days"! Let us know how it goes! I am at level 2 day 3 and i'm dreaming of the easier days of level 1!
  • slimmerchick
    slimmerchick Posts: 189 Member
    I think each level is progressively harder, and the recommendation is to do up to ten days per level to increase your fitness prior to moving to the next level.

    Once I've done the whole 30 days then I might dip in and out of the different levels, but last time I did it I just used level 3 to keep up my fitness, as I hate level 2 and by that time I found level 1 too easy.
  • starskita
    starskita Posts: 54 Member
    Well I just started level 1 day 1 today..... man i was sweating more than i do when i go to the gym, i thought i was gonna die..lol
    i have problems with my feet at the moment (have for months) so am findind the jumping jacks and jumping rope abit sore.... i am soooo useless at doing pressups...but the more i loose the more i will be able to get onto my feet(when it feels better that is)
    Not too sore at the moment.... did the best i could and didnt give up...looking forward to tomorrow.

    outta curiousity has anyone tried those toner shoes? i went for a walk today in some and found my calves ached..lol... dont know if its from the shoes or from the 30 day shred i did before the walk
  • starskita
    starskita Posts: 54 Member
    just done day 2!!!! around my heels are still sore.... think i might have to ice again today!... apart from that i'm feeling great!
  • mzigrn
    mzigrn Posts: 8
    I started this yesterday. I am on week 2 of C25K and wanted something to go with it. 30DS kicked my butt bad yesterday. Stairs have been a challenge today and trying to sit on the toilet has been excruciatingly painful. I somehow mustered the ability to do my C25K this morning as I plan to do it on M-W-F and 30DS on Tue-Thurs-Sat. I think Sundays will be just a day of whatever I feel like doing. This means that tomorrow I will be doing 30DS again. UGH! Bring on the Tylenol, lol.
  • ladeeluk81
    ladeeluk81 Posts: 6 Member
    I have been doing 30DS... I'm doing mine a little differently. I am typically doing it every other day as I am able to complete each segment by giving my muscles a little bit of a break. I in the past 3 weeks, I have done level 1 for 12 times. Last night I didn't really struggle at all... So I am moving up on Monday! I gave level 2 a test run the other day... Let's just say I'm not all that anxious about it! I am officially down 15 lbs from January 3rd and I watch my calories like a hawk. Good luck to everyone!! We can do anything if our hearts are in it!!
  • MissSonjaBelle
    MissSonjaBelle Posts: 43 Member
    AWWW i just joined! I want in! Will start on Monday, i'll do the 21 day shred hahaha... It works better cuz i have a training session with a personal trainer (*YAY!*) but i'm already eating within my calorie limit AND i'm about to go for a run (well, H I I T which is better than running). Goooooooooooooood luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck xo
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    OK, just past the week mark, how's everybody doing?

    I can't get through level 2. Too much pushup/plank stuff. I'm sticking with level 1 for now and at end of week maybe will try level 3.
  • ladybug2000
    ladybug2000 Posts: 8 Member
    I recevied the DVD today and ready to start tomorrow! I am excited about the changes I will see and the pain I know will end up going away.
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    whats the dvd called?
  • It's Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred! My sister-in-law got me started on it a couple weeks ago. It's only 20 minutes, but it's intense and you're supposed to do it every day. My goal right now is to do it 4 days a week. I'm still trying to keep up with them the entire way through, but much better than when I started! Weighed and measured on 01/27 and am gonna wait 1 month before I weight or measure again. I'm very overweight and horribly out of shape and SICK AND TIRED of it! Hoping this will jump start my weight loss and motivate me to continue. Glad I found this site... I think it will help too!