Under 5'5" Shorties UNITE!



  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    Hi - I am a shortie too! I am around 5'1" and have always struggled with weight. Since joining MFP in Jan, I am down almost 25 lbs. - such a great motivational site! How do I join the Shorties group?
  • rowie
    rowie Posts: 75
    I'm 5'4", and just make it into the shorty group. Currently 137, looking to lose 17 lbs and make it to 120. I managed to lose 10lbs last year, but it all came back :( My 29th birthday was yesterday...I'll be fabulous by 30!
  • mellimeter
    mellimeter Posts: 102 Member
    5'1". . .would like to lose about 80 lbs! Two days on MFP and down 1 lb thus far, I can do this - just need to focus! Will take any support that I can get :)
  • Sammybunny711
    Sammybunny711 Posts: 92 Member
    It's great to see so many new people on our thread! Welcome! Keep up all your great work! We munchkins gotta stick together! ;-)
  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    Hey fellow shorties!

    I'm 5' 3" but I lie on my license to say that I'm 5' 4" !! Haha, I just joined and it's great to see everyone so supportive of each other!
  • miatavixxen
    miatavixxen Posts: 373
    okay... so i have to vent - (or cry) - always get so bummed when someone on MFP says they weigh xxx (my weight) and yet they fit into 5-6 because they are 5'9" or whatever. here i drop 20 pounds and fit into a 10 at the same weight they have. GRRRR... Being a shortie can be so frustrating!

    okay vent over. nice to see all the shorties sticking together!
  • DLPenny
    DLPenny Posts: 41 Member
    i am 5"2' and i need some help also...
    add me also
  • aisenbart
    aisenbart Posts: 22 Member
    Bump for later! :)
  • tomorrowisnotpromised
    tomorrowisnotpromised Posts: 120 Member
    I'm in! I'm 5'4" starting weight before MFP was 160, I am currently at 151. I want to get down to about 135. I have 16 more pounds to lose and I could definitely use some encouragement.
  • wills2be
    wills2be Posts: 26
    Awesome thread!

    Im also a shorty! Im 5'2" and wanting to lose 15.5 or 7 kgs or a bit more. Before my wedding in March I was losing a kg a week but now im finding it really hard!! Seriously thinking I might go back to see my personal trainer!
  • kandire
    kandire Posts: 87
    5ft even here! I carry the majority of my weight in my mid section. So far I've hit the -20lb mark! I like the idea of a group for shorter people since we carry our weight differently!
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    Just noticed this...

    I'm 5' 3"

    SW: 232 (pre-MFP)
    CW: 201
    GW: 132 Figured, why not a cool 100 lbs... I mean, really, why not?
  • mjtbb
    mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
    Under 5'5" here!
    I have loads to lose. I'm 5'1.5" so with shoes is 5'2". I'm more of a lurker but now that I have you in my topics, I can follow the thread. I didn't go back, too long but I will be here for the next 20 pages and more! RIght now I'm focused on the first 30 pounds but I have a lot more to lose after that (I just don't want to think about it!). Looking forward to hearing from all other shorties.


    GW: anything under 150 for now.
  • Raylynn87
    Raylynn87 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5 foot. Currently weigh 130.5 and I want to get down to 110, 115.
  • Raylynn87
    Raylynn87 Posts: 12 Member
    5ft even here! I carry the majority of my weight in my mid section. So far I've hit the -20lb mark! I like the idea of a group for shorter people since we carry our weight differently!

    i carry it in my mid section too. :/
  • cicadagirl
    cicadagirl Posts: 51
    5'3" over here. Lost 5 pounds already; aiming at 20 to 25 more! But really, what I'm aiming at is being healthier and happier. It's so easy to think only in terms of pounds lost or sizes dropped. But that's not my main goal. Might be a nice benefit, sure. :tongue: But I just want to feel good about myself!

    And I've noticed a funny thing happening...ever since starting MFP and starting to exercise more and become more mindful of my choices, I've felt better about myself already! Yes, the scale says I've dropped 5 pounds, but I can't really see it yet. But even though I can't really tell a difference in my appearance...I feel better about my appearance! Because I know that I'm doing something. I know that I'm working on myself. I'm not just being the lazy slug I was before. And that feels great!! :glasses:
  • jespop713
    jespop713 Posts: 34 Member
    I am in 5' and a half an inch!!! and I would like to lose15-20. Here is my issue as someone who is 5 feet tall, I am a fairly muscular person as I have been an athlete for my entire life. I am still very active so I have a lot of muscle and when I workout I gain muscle. The muscle I am ok with as long as I could shed the fat on top quicker. LOL If anyone has the same issues and wants to be friends feel free to friend me. I am looking for support and the more I can get the better. Good Luck to all of you!!
  • Sanya77
    Sanya77 Posts: 172 Member
    I am 5'3". Hypothyroid and struggling to lose 30-40 lbs.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    5'3" over here. Lost 5 pounds already; aiming at 20 to 25 more! But really, what I'm aiming at is being healthier and happier. It's so easy to think only in terms of pounds lost or sizes dropped. But that's not my main goal. Might be a nice benefit, sure. :tongue: But I just want to feel good about myself!

    And I've noticed a funny thing happening...ever since starting MFP and starting to exercise more and become more mindful of my choices, I've felt better about myself already! Yes, the scale says I've dropped 5 pounds, but I can't really see it yet. But even though I can't really tell a difference in my appearance...I feel better about my appearance! Because I know that I'm doing something. I know that I'm working on myself. I'm not just being the lazy slug I was before. And that feels great!! :glasses:

    I love your post - totally agree with you. I'm 5'2" down about 13 lbs. Started at 164, and my goal is 135. Although recently I've been thinking I might change my goal to 125. But, like you, the main thing is that I am feeling better about myself. All my life it seems my self-esteem has been tied to the stupid scale. Like I had no control over it. Well, I say HAH! I do have control over it, and it's time to take control. I've been on this site for 65 days and although I haven't really dropped sizes per se, I feel fitter and lighter on my feet. Still got a ways to go...