stoty Member


  • Sunday - nothing! Monday - nothing again! Tuesday - nada! Wednesday - 3 miles, walk...thanks to my fitness pals for yelling at me to get out there! Thursday - 3.1 miles, run...5K in under 30 minutes (28:51)!! Personal Best! Friday - 1.5 miles, run, 3 miles, walk Saturday - Total...10.6 miles and counting...
  • Way to go on your first 8K!!!
  • Sunday - nothing! Monday - nothing again! Tuesday - nada! Wednesday - 3 miles, walk...thanks to my fitness pals for yelling at me to get out there! Thursday - 3.1 miles, run...5K in under 30 minutes (28:51)!! Personal Best! Friday - Saturday - Total...6.1 miles and counting. I'm a little behind this week, but you guys are…
  • Thanks, thinktank32k! LOL...I needed a good swift kick! I'm determined to post mileage today...thanks again!
  • Sunday - nothing! Monday - nothing again! Tuesday - nada! Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Well, now that the Cadbury mini-eggs are entirely gone, maybe I'll start moving again! Seriously, someone yell at me! I'm finding every excuse to do nothing. Today I'm only slightly motivated to get out there in the…
  • Monday- 3 1/4 miles - walk Tuesday- 3.10 miles - run (my fastest time yet...30 minutes, 23 seconds!), 2 miles - walk Wednesday - 1 mile - walk TOO COLD, HAD TO BAIL OUT! Thursday - 1 1/2 miles - walk (also did 30DSL1, day 1) Friday - 2 1/4 miles - walk (also did 30DSL1, day 2) Saturday - 4 3/4 miles - walk Total: 15.85…
  • Monday- 3 1/4 miles - walk Tuesday- 3.10 miles - run (my fastest time yet...30 minutes, 23 seconds!), 2 miles - walk Wednesday - 1 mile - walk TOO COLD, HAD TO BAIL OUT! Thursday - 1 1/2 miles - walk (also did 30DSL1, day 1) Friday - 2 1/4 miles - walk (also did 30DSL1, day 2) Saturday - Total: 11.1 miles and counting...…
  • Hi, everyone! Looks like everybody is putting in some great mileage so far. I'm back after a week off (Spring Break). I hope to make this an over-15 week! Monday- 3 1/4 miles - walk Tuesday- 3.10 miles - run (my fastest time yet...30 minutes, 23 seconds!), 2 miles - walk Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Total:…
  • Sunday - 3.1 mi run, 1.2 mi walk Monday - 2.7 mi walk Tuesday - nothin' Wednesday - nothin' again! Thursday - 3.1 mi run, 1.3 mi walk Friday - 3.3 mi run, 1.3 mi walk Saturday - 3.1 mi walk Total: 19.1...yes!
  • Sunday - 3.1 mi run, 1.2 mi walk Monday - 2.7 mi walk Tuesday - nothin' Wednesday - nothin' again! Thursday - 3.1 mi run, 1.3 mi walk Friday - Saturday - Total: 10.4 miles and counting...
  • Sunday - 3.1 mi run, 1.2 mi walk Monday - 2.7 mi walk Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Total: 7 miles and counting...
  • Sunday - 3.1 mi run, 1.2 mi walk Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Total: 4.3 miles and counting...:smile:
  • Thu 03/15/12 01:59 PM Tuesday - 2.5 miles-run, .5 mile-brisk walk Wednesday- 2.5 miles - run, 1 mile - brisk walk Thursday- 3.1 mi run! (Do we count tenths here?) Friday- :( 0 mi Saturday- 3.1 mi run, 1.1 mi walk Total- 13.8 miles...almost there!!! Let's get 'em next week, everybody!
  • Tuesday - 2.5 miles-run, .5 mile-brisk walk Wednesday- 2.5 miles - run, 1 mile - brisk walk Thursday- 3.1 mi run! (Do we count tenths here?):wink: Friday- Saturday- Total- 9.1 and counting...
  • Tuesday - 2.5 miles-run, .5 mile-brisk walk Wednesday- 2.5 miles - run, 1 mile - brisk walk Thursday- Friday- Saturday- Total- 6.5 and counting...
  • I just found you all! I'm in, but don't know if I'll make it to 15 this week, but I am really glad you're here! :) I want to run a 5K on June 2nd, and my goal is to finish it in under 30 minutes. Thanks for being here to help me get to my goal! Tuesday - 2.5 miles-run, .5 mile-brisk walk Wednesday- Thursday- Friday-…
  • Thanks for the link! I have been struggling with this problem for quite a while, and this article gives some great advice. Thanks again!
  • Try the free app "Runkeeper". It tells you your pace per mile for each minute you run, and tells you your average pace per mile. It also maps your run, and keeps a history of your activities. It will play music from your playlist while you run, and a voice will tell you your time, pace and progress each mile (or howevever…
  • Go, Miss Jenna! You look great! You'll have to do some serious clothes shopping very soon! :)
  • Keep up the good work! In addition to number of pounds lost, you might want to start tracking number of inches lost, as well (especially if you're exercising). Inches won't show on your scale, but when you lose them, they can go a long way toward motivating you to keep going. Good luck to you!