One Hour Runner Thread


This is a thread for anyone undertaking the One Hour Runner Programme, it doesn't matter if you've already started or plan to start soon anyone is welcome to post their progress on this thread and support one another.

I recently finished the Couch to 5 K running programme, which is a great programme which gets you from non-runner to running for 30 minutes (theoretically a 5k) and I loved the fact I could log each run on a C25K thread and get support/help/motivation from the other guys on that thread - and the fact that people would know if I dropped off the radar really kept motivating me to see the programme through to the end! Which is why I'm now setting up this thread for the OHR programme!

The One Hour Runner programme continues from where C25K ends and gets you from running 30 minutes to 60 minutes in 10 weeks but unlike the C25K and B210K Programmes, OHR is NOT interval training.

You can read more about the OHR Programme here and see the schedule:

If you are interested in undertaking the C25K Programme (I strongly recommend it) you can read more about it here: and I also recommend this MFP thread:

Like I said before this is an open topic - it doesn't matter if you're in Week 1 or Week 10 or if you haven't even started yet, anyone is welcome to post their progress here! :)


  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Great i've bookmarked it for 5 weeks time

  • HollyMcCaw
    HollyMcCaw Posts: 154 Member
    That looks really interesting! I've always measured myself on distance and not time... I think I'll give this a try though! Thanks :)
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Oh this is interesting! I've completed c25k and have been doing b210k but have the last couple of times been running for as long as I feel comfortable! Today I was at 36 mins which puts me at the end of week 4 of this programme!
    I think I'll repeat week 4 and start from there! Should be back at the gym Friday!
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    Acid~thanks for getting us started. I will be starting on Sunday.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Guess I should log my first OHR run! I started last night.

    Still on 30 minutes for now which I like because it gives me a chance to get used to that. I felt quite at ease not struggling at any point even though my hamstrings are really tight at the moment! I wish I had some scientific way to work out my exact pace and distance but my run (minus warm up and cooldown) probably came to 3 miles (based on!
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Bumping for when I finish C25K - I start week 7 today!
  • shannonaufman
    shannonaufman Posts: 383
    Acid -- thank you so much for getting this started!! I'm about to run week 9 day 1, so I'll be joining this discussion in a few days. But since the last week of C25K and the first few weeks of OHR are the same, I might log both places. I'm so excited to have company on this journey! Oh, and be sure to stretch those hamstrings! Tight hamstrings lead to all sorts of other problems! :smile:
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Great i've bookmarked it for 5 weeks time


    Joggin- See you then
    That looks really interesting! I've always measured myself on distance and not time... I think I'll give this a try though! Thanks :)

    Holly - let us know how you get on!
    Oh this is interesting! I've completed c25k and have been doing b210k but have the last couple of times been running for as long as I feel comfortable! Today I was at 36 mins which puts me at the end of week 4 of this programme!
    I think I'll repeat week 4 and start from there! Should be back at the gym Friday!

    Kell - Great job getting up to 36 minutes! I too looked at the b210k but would rather not go back to walking intervals! Look forward to hearing your progress!
    Acid~thanks for getting us started. I will be starting on Sunday.

    Fit - you're welcome!
    Bumping for when I finish C25K - I start week 7 today!

    BifDiehl - Good luck with week 7! See you in 3 weeks time! :)
    Acid -- thank you so much for getting this started!! I'm about to run week 9 day 1, so I'll be joining this discussion in a few days. But since the last week of C25K and the first few weeks of OHR are the same, I might log both places. I'm so excited to have company on this journey! Oh, and be sure to stretch those hamstrings! Tight hamstrings lead to all sorts of other problems!

    - Shannonaufman are you gonna count c25k week 9 as OHR week 1? Hamstrings are much better today - gotta keep moving so they don't seize up! :)
  • shannonaufman
    shannonaufman Posts: 383
    Acid -- I'm not sure. I really want to legitimately finish C25K. I don't want to feel like I skimped. I know I'm being stubborn... but I just kind of want to feel like I completed C25K in total. So I think I want to count this week at week 9 of C25K, but I may only run 3 of the 4 30-minute weeks in OHR. We'll see. I can't wait to be a C25K graduate! I ran week 9 day 1 today.. only 2 more runs!
  • bambis
    bambis Posts: 75 Member
    I am just starting the One Hour Runner, so thank you for starting this topic :)
  • peytons_mommy82
    peytons_mommy82 Posts: 28 Member
    I finished C25K awhile back and haven't been running consistently, but can still do 30 minutes. I like this idea and will start next week!
  • julesandrich
    julesandrich Posts: 188 Member
    I have been resisting finishing C25K (not sure why) but I am going to restart week 7 this week because I really want to finish the program. I downloaded the bridge program but the One Hour Runner sound very interesting. I will look up the inforamtion and see if the program is something I feel I can complete. Thanks!!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Thanks for starting this thread for all of us!!

    I'm excited to be starting a new program because I do feel like my runs haven't been as consistent since finishing C25K, so I like having the accountability of a program and the support and accountability of all of you!

    Has anyone thought about how you will do the first few weeks of 30 minutes? Will you start at one pace and then increase a little each week or do them all at the same pace?

    I'm still trying to work on my speed, so I'm thinking maybe just a gradual increase each week to push myself a little harder.

    I went to the running specialty store and had them check out my feet and do a gain analysis. I ended up with Asics Gels, so I'm really excited to test them out tomorrow for my first day of OHR!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Acid -- I'm not sure. I really want to legitimately finish C25K. I don't want to feel like I skimped. I know I'm being stubborn... but I just kind of want to feel like I completed C25K in total. So I think I want to count this week at week 9 of C25K, but I may only run 3 of the 4 30-minute weeks in OHR. We'll see. I can't wait to be a C25K graduate! I ran week 9 day 1 today.. only 2 more runs!

    I know what you mean, I might skip week 3 because although I like sticking with 30 at the moment I feel like 3 and a half weeks is a long time to not progress when I already feel like I could push myself a little longer. I ran 31:30 minutes last night comfortably and felt like I could've gone longer. But I don't know I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

    Anyway I ran W1D2 last night but as I said I actually ran 31 minutes 30 seconds and I did stop and walk for about 10 second half way through because there is always some crazy old man who sits at the Quay (where I run when I'm at my parents) and feeds the ducks and swans at about 8pm and I HATE birds and swans so I definitely didn't want to run through them especially as swans can be really vicious! I'm still finding it really tough for the first 15 minutes (1.5 miles) of running until I hit my stride, does this ever go away?
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    I went to the running specialty store and had them check out my feet and do a gain analysis. I ended up with Asics Gels, so I'm really excited to test them out tomorrow for my first day of OHR!

    Eeeee I remember getting my first pair of proper trainers I was so excited to show them off and none of my friends could care less haha. But when I tried them out for the first time they were like running on air compared to what I was used to.

    I too went to a speciality store and ended up with Mizuno (can't remember which ones) but I love them... well worth the £80 (My old ones cost £5 from Primark haha)
  • stoty
    stoty Posts: 21 Member
    Guess I should log my first OHR run! I started last night.

    Still on 30 minutes for now which I like because it gives me a chance to get used to that. I felt quite at ease not struggling at any point even though my hamstrings are really tight at the moment! I wish I had some scientific way to work out my exact pace and distance but my run (minus warm up and cooldown) probably came to 3 miles (based on!

    Try the free app "Runkeeper". It tells you your pace per mile for each minute you run, and tells you your average pace per mile. It also maps your run, and keeps a history of your activities. It will play music from your playlist while you run, and a voice will tell you your time, pace and progress each mile (or howevever often you want it). It will e-mail you when you achieve a personal best. As long as your phone's GPS is decent, Runkeeper is a great app. Works for biking, running, skating or any activity that moves you forward! Good luck and happy trails!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Guess I should log my first OHR run! I started last night.

    Still on 30 minutes for now which I like because it gives me a chance to get used to that. I felt quite at ease not struggling at any point even though my hamstrings are really tight at the moment! I wish I had some scientific way to work out my exact pace and distance but my run (minus warm up and cooldown) probably came to 3 miles (based on!

    Try the free app "Runkeeper". It tells you your pace per mile for each minute you run, and tells you your average pace per mile. It also maps your run, and keeps a history of your activities. It will play music from your playlist while you run, and a voice will tell you your time, pace and progress each mile (or howevever often you want it). It will e-mail you when you achieve a personal best. As long as your phone's GPS is decent, Runkeeper is a great app. Works for biking, running, skating or any activity that moves you forward! Good luck and happy trails!

    Unfortunately I only have an iPod Touch so no runkeeper for me :(
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    I went to the running specialty store and had them check out my feet and do a gain analysis. I ended up with Asics Gels, so I'm really excited to test them out tomorrow for my first day of OHR!

    Eeeee I remember getting my first pair of proper trainers I was so excited to show them off and none of my friends could care less haha. But when I tried them out for the first time they were like running on air compared to what I was used to.

    I too went to a speciality store and ended up with Mizuno (can't remember which ones) but I love them... well worth the £80 (My old ones cost £5 from Primark haha)

    Just noticed that I typed "gain" analysis instead of "gait" analysis, lol, no gaining!!

    I started OHR today (1 day late, but oh well) and my new sneakers felt great! A tiny bit uncomfortable, only because I think I need to break them in, but overall much better than my other sneakers. They did tell me I could exchange them if I need to, so I'm going to do a couple more runs in them and I think once they stretch out a bit, they'll be perfect.

    So 25 minutes today on the treadmill at 4.6 and the last 5 minutes at 5.0, and of course a 5 minute cool down and warm up. Total of 40 minutes and 2.89 miles.

    Because we do 4 weeks of 30 minutes, I think I'm going to try increasing my speed just a little bit each week, to get me up to a faster pace. So I'll do 4.6 for the rest of the first week and then bump up to 4.7, and so on. So hopefully, I'll be comfortable at 5.0 for the whole 30 minutes by the end of the 4th week.

    Next run on Sunday
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I graduate C25k tomorrow! I'm still deciding if I will count this week as W1 for OHR and pick u with W2 next week. Somehow i feel like thats cheating. :embarassed: :flowerforyou:

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    Jill~ congrats on your first run! I will also work on speed over the next few weeks. On my off running days, I plan to do one minute sprints on the treadmill for 15 -20 minutes. I was told this will increase your speed and endurance over time. most of my runs have been outside the past few weeks. The days I ran on the treadmill, I would set it for the 5k loop. The first 30mins would be C25k then I would finishl up with alternating sprints. When I first started this I would go 6.0. Depending on how I felt, I would do 1 mintue or 1/4 mile. Last week I started 1 min sprints @ 7.0. I think it has helped some. Next week my plan is to be more consistent with the interval workout and also add 30 shred to the mix. I hope that makes sense.