One Hour Runner Thread



  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    I've hit a brick wall.

    W3D3 I did not want to run - not one bit, so seeing as I'd just done JM 6 week 6 pack I made a deal with myself to run at least 20 minutes... which I did and the only thing I enjoyed about it was that I knew I wasn't going to make myself do the extra 10 minutes.

    I don't want to run anymore. I just don't want to do it! HELP! I'm meant to run tonight but I'd much rather do my workout DVDs than run - my 5k is next Tuesday!!!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Well I went out and did it anyway, I didn't love it but I didn't hate it - pace was normal but loads of other runners were over taking me - this has never happened before :( also my HRM told me I only burn 225 calories - MFP has been over-estimating my burn by like 50 calories. Ack.
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 433 Member
    Acid~ I know exactly how you feel. Its scorching hot here so running outside is not an option and I prefer not to run on the treadmill. You are ding so great. You will do the 5k with no problem.
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324

    Love this!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Well I went out and did it anyway, I didn't love it but I didn't hate it - pace was normal but loads of other runners were over taking me - this has never happened before :( also my HRM told me I only burn 225 calories - MFP has been over-estimating my burn by like 50 calories. Ack.

    Great job going out to do it even though you didn't want to!! That's sometimes the hardest part! I feel like I've been hitting a wall for weeks, but I really just want to run and have a good run!!

    I also got a HRM and have been burning around the same and yes MFP has been overestimating my burn quite a bit too, :(
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    So Friday morning I wanted to get a full run in before we left for the weekend, but I had so much to do in so little time that I just did a really quick run. I ran for 17 minutes, basically to the end of my road and back and kept my pace pretty quick, not a full 30, but all I really had time for.

    I packed all my running stuff and was so excited when we got to the lake to see that there was this beautiful board walk along the lake where I could run, right around the corner from the hotel. I was SO excited!! And guess what, I never ran, I'm so disappointed about that. Not so much disappointed in myself, yes, I would have liked to get a workout in once or twice, but sometimes I need a break, so I'm not mad about that, just mad that I didn't get to run that path because it looked to beautiful and I think I would have loved it.

    So anyway, it's been over a week since I last completed a 30 minute run, since I struggled last week. Tomorrow morning I'm just going to go out and do my 30 minutes, early while it's cooler and I'm really going to pace myself so that I can keep going, focusing solely on finishing my 30 minutes.

    Hope everyones runs are going well and glad to hear that I'm not the only one struggling with the heat, the treadmill, and the brick wall!
  • Hey y'all. I completely understand the wall. I still enjoy running and generally look forward to doing it, but I just have a lot of things working against me. In other words, I have a lot of excuses, but none of them are very good... My headphones broke last week, so only one earbud works. I ordered new ones that should be here today. It's SUPER hot out there (I live in a suburb outside of Memphis), and it was almost 90 degrees by 9am!!

    Acid -- Perhaps you could mix up your runs a little? Instead of doing a solid 30-minute block of running, you could do hill repeats or Fartlek intervals. They won't be nearly as monotonous as a straight run, and maybe you're just getting bored with straight running.

    Jill -- You are definitely NOT the only one struggling with the heat. It's awful here. I hope your run went well today!!

    So for me... I ran week 2 day 2 today. I was doing great until I hit my first hill about 12 minutes in... my entire run was in the glaring sunlight and after that hill, it was over. I only wound up running for 25 minutes and it was super slow. I either need to figure out a route with more shade or break down and buy a waterbelt. Or run earlier... which would really suck. I have to do something. I'm majorly anti-treadmill, so I just have to make it work. I've thought about doing night runs, but that really scares me for some reason. I live in a really safe neighborhood, but I don't know. Something about it makes me nervous. Anyway... week 2 day 2 done (I'm counting it, even if I didn't run for the whole 30 minutes).

    For the ladies -- does TOM seem to effect your running? I felt SO weak out there today and I can't decide whether it was the sun, the heat, TOM... all three? Also, when you go for a morning run, how do you hydrate? That might have been another problem. I only drank a few ounces of water before running.
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    W2D1 complete

    Is anyone running more than 3x/week? I would like to but am unsure if that's a good decision for the joints & body.
    Any comments?
  • aab1 -- I don't think there's anything wrong with running more than three times per day... That said, you definitely need rest days. I run every other day, so sometimes it's 4 days/week and sometimes it's three. But I know plenty of people who run back-to-back. Just be sure you're stretching and listening to your body. If something hurts, don't push it. Otherwise, go for it!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Shannon, I had the same problem today with heat & hills! I've come to the conclusion that I just have to push myself to do what I can do and that has to be good enough.

    I went out at 7 am and it was already a muggy 80-90 degrees, I decided to do my 3 mile loop which is a mix of small hills, long inclines, and some major hills, I made it 20 minutes in and was on one of the really long climbs and about 3/4 of the way up I needed a break. So I walked for a bit, but I did continue running for another 10 minutes and then just alternated walking and jogging the rest of the way. All together it was 3.25 miles. So I was glad to go out and get it done early, good thing I did because there were tornadoes hitting down here tonight, crazy!! We never get tornadoes!

    Shannon, I drank a little water this morning and some coffee, but that was it, and I felt okay as far as hydration, but I don't really drink while running.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    I don't know how you guys can run on empty stomachs - especially with inclines and US heat! I'm in England where it's never really hot and I still have to go early morning or around 8pm when it's cooled down and I have to have water because I breath like a dragon when I run! Haha. I do have a runners bottle though (donut shaped) and at the end of each run I'm always surprised at how little I drink. I think I would die without it though.

    Was meant to do W4D2 this morning but I could not stomach another 6:30am start today I'm SO tired - seriously I don't know HOW people do those early morning workouts. I was tired at 5pm yesterday and had to have a nap before dinner then struggled staying up through The Apprentice. I think I might stay in bed for a little while longer and just hope that the workmen don't want to come in here :laugh:
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I can't imagine running on a full stomach. I've got too much already jiggling & jumping everywhere..:laugh: include a full stomach. But I also do not enjoy holding onto a water bottle...for me, it becomes annoying really fast and I at times have used that as an excuse to cut my running short.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    I can't imagine running on a full stomach. I've got too much already jiggling & jumping everywhere..:laugh: include a full stomach. But I also do not enjoy holding onto a water bottle...for me, it becomes annoying really fast and I at times have used that as an excuse to cut my running short.

    Well I have to let food sit for 30 mins - 60 mins depend on how much I've eaten. Once I ran about 15minutes after dinner and I had to stop because I thought I might be sick!

    I have a bottle like this one which isn't such a bother to hold, and I have to hold my iPod anyway (haven't got round to buying an arm strap yet).

  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 433 Member
    Excuses, excuses, excuses are all I've had for 2wks. I cannot get on the band wagon with these 30 min runs. I have struggled with this and I don't know why. And I know that I can do them, because I did the last three wks of c25k. Its good to see that I'm not the ony one struggling with this. Last week I ran on the treadmill one day which is usually not my preference. But it wasn't so bad. I even set the incline to 1%. Maybe I will try that for a while and see how it does. The heat here is awful in the eveninig and for some reason I can't seem to get it together in the mornings.

    Urgh! HELP! :frown:
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    I want to cry!

    W4D2 - It's hot (for England) and I'd just done JM 6 Week 6 Pack so this may of contributed to another HORRIBLE run :explode:

    I was determined to burn a lot due to an absolutely disatourous lunch (2 sliced of bread, no butter, 2 scrambled eggs, 1tbsp ketchup like 500 CALORIES :mad: ) followed by a tea cake disaster (FOUR! I ATE FOUR!!! Another 300 cals) which is why I went for JM 6W6P, 29 min run, 10 mins jumping rope, 10 mins hula hooping, 5 mins kettlebell.

    But I lasted 17 minutes before I had to stop and walk, walked for one minute then started up again feeling okay... about 1.5 mins into that... nope struggling again... carried on... carried on... carried on... then 6.5 minutes into that run I just stopped I was thinking 'maybe I'll stop when I get over the bridge' etc etc. but I never actually thought to myself 'okay stop now' my legs just stopped by themselves and walked.

    I'm so ready to give up. I've got the 35 minute run on Saturday and my 5K on Tuesday. :cry:

    It's not just the running though, it's everything. I'm staying back with my parents as I'm off from college for the summer, they are having the kitchen completely re-done (walls are coming down etc etc) so it's all microwave meals or eating out. I don't move back into my own flat until July 2nd which is when I start my placement year, I'm sure then diet will be back on track but I'm going to have to fit all my workouts around work and I don't know how I'm going to manage - I know you all manage to juggle work/kids/workouts but I've never had to before so it's going to be a culture shock!

    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member

  • Acid -- I LOVE that Jillian Michaels' quote. One of my favorite motivational quotes, that I tell myself a lot when I'm running is "all your power comes from above the neck."

    For those of you struggling with motivation -- I can tell you that there are times where I just don't want to run. When my butt is happy on the couch, thank you very much. But then I think about all the positive changes I've seen in my life from running. Aside from losing weight, I'm more motivated in other areas of my life. I have more energy, I make healthier choices, and I like myself a whole lot more. I know it sounds silly or cheesy, but those are things that I think about at 7am when it's 85 degrees out there and all I want to do is stay in bed. It may not work for you... but I guess you just have to think about how far you've come and figure out what motivates you. Is it a treat when you get done with your run? Is it a new pair of jeans? Is it running a sub-10-minute mile? Set mini goals, write them on a post-it and stick it to your mirror. Look at them every morning and make a conscious decision to make the choices that will help you reach your goals. Lead with your brain and your body will follow. Strengthen your mental game as well as your physical strength when you're running.

    For me... I completed week 2 day 3 today! It wasn't as hot this morning when I went (because I went an hour earlier than Wednesday), but man was it humid. I finished the 30 minutes, but it was very slow. I think that's just how it's going to be when it's this hot out, and I'm ok with that. The fact that I got up, got out there and did it is the accomplishment I was looking for.

    Happy Running, y'all! In the heat, find a shady route, drink water and take it slow!
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 433 Member
    The weather was so nice this morning so I decided to run outside. I can't say that I'm doing OHR, but I'm still running. So that has to count for something. :smile: I had pretty good run today. I decided I would run 1/2 mile walk 1/4 mile for about 30 mins. Well the GPS would not pick up so runkeeper was not working. So I thought, what the hell, I'm still going to workout today. I'm not sure of the distance for my runs but i completed two intervals of 10 min runs. Total distance was about 2.5 miles. The second interval was easier than the first one. I really didn't set a time for the second one, I just kept saying when I get to this point I will walk. When I reached the piont I felt like I could continue running so I did. I felt really good at the end and look forward to running again tomorrow.

    Shannon - thanks for the words of encouragement. You always know what to say to get me moving again :flowerforyou:
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I have never heard of OHR but it looks perfect for what I am wanting to do! I will start it after my sprint tri next weekend!
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