

  • I am 5'7", currently 231 pounds, goal of 175. I'm 30 years old and I have a light activity level (teachers walk a lot). The calc on Go Kaleo gives me these numbers: BMR 2053, current TDEE 3598; TDEE at my goal weight but other stats the same: 2772. Scooby says BMR 1722; TDEE of 2368, and a "weight loss" set at 2249.…
  • Ok - I don't have time to read all the posts (at work, shouldn't even be here :) but couldn't help it) so sorry if someone already asked this. Is the weightlifting book for women discussed in the beginning (NWLFW of whatever the acronym was) flexible for women who don't have access to all the standard gym equipment? I have…
  • I've tried calorie counting (20 pounds when I was 19-20 and again for only 5 pounds in 5 months); Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle (just 2 pounds over 6 months -dropped it), Atkins (25 pounds), and now primal/paleo (another 10 on top of Atkins, quit for stress reasons and emotional issues, trying again now). I lost weight…
  • Hey - I'm late to join too, but I'd like to add in for the next 5 weeks if I could (sorry, my grad school semester ended last week and I haven't been good about keeping up with things). Name: Anna Age: 27 Kids: none (hopefully in the future) Pets: 3 indoor cats: Ra, Aries and Loki Married/SO: engaged, getting married June…
  • I'm on a paleo/primal diet, and it works for me when I follow it. I actually am trying to cycle though my carb intake, with a lower number during the week and a higher number on the weekends, which is easy to do with fruits, starchy roots like potatoes, and dairy (I eat it even though some paleo people won't). The way I…
  • This quote sums it up perfectly for me. It works, but so many people are convinced that the "eat many times a day" thing is the only way. It's kind of funny when you think about it - not even 100 years ago, getting just 3 meals a day meant you were well off, and many people only ate breakfast and dinner... which is a form…
  • The key is to find how much protein you need to only get hungry when you are supposed to eat. Generally, it's recommended to get about 0.8g of protein for each pound of lean mass you have. Thing is, if you are craving protein and eat what you are craving, it's generally because your body needs it. Also, as long as you are…
  • AMEN!!!! I wish this attitude was more prevalent on this site!!! :)
  • It IS about learning what foods are healthy for your body, and which foods harm it. It is NOT about everyone doing the same thing, cookie-cutter style, since our bodies are all different and so we need to eat/sleep/play/work out different too. It IS about learning how to be healthy by doing your own research instead of…
  • I hate that just because I have tattoos, people think they have a right to just walk up to me and touch me! I've had people run their hands up my arm, saying things like "oh that's so pretty" right after I had work done! Hello, you stupid b***h, that's an open wound you are getting YOUR GERMS IN!!!!! And I have a right to…
    in RANT Comment by lady_daraine May 2011
  • I don't get that from her at all - what's happening is that some people don't know anything about Atkins, or only what they've been told by a biased source, and then they go flame on people who are trying or doing low carb. There are plenty of people who have learned about low carb themselves and choose not to do it. But…
  • If you watch it for the science and the entertainment, it is great! Just do what he does with real food (meats, veggies, no fast food, for example) and you will feel amazing! He was making a point with the fast food thing, not recommending it. Also, his website is a great source of info and entertainment, so definitely…
  • Oh honey. I get it, I really do. I've been engaged once before this (I'm getting married in 2013) and I have to say, if this is important to you, you need to make a decision. If you don't want him to drink, and he won't change, you need to figure out how important it is to you to be with someone who doesn't drink. Do you…
  • To the OP - I don't completely adhere to a Paleo diet, but I follow the more relaxed Primal Blueprint version, which allows for an 80/20 split (80% adherence, 20% off-diet stuff such as dairy, processed meats and other modern, low-carb goodies). My ratios are about 10% carbs, 40% protein, and 50% fat (which usually vary by…
  • Hey - I live in Dallas and I teach for Dallas ISD - nice to "meet" you! I do 6th grade at an elementary campus - bilingual/ESL reading. What subject are you going for?
  • Another Dallas girl here! I'd love to make a few friends in the area!
  • I don't have much time to respond to this, but I did want to say 2 things before I forget: Thanks for not assuming I'm a zealot (I'd like to think I'm not) And two - my quote above probably should have said "and that a person who gets too large of an insulin response will have problems with weight loss, resistant or no,…
  • When I graduated high school I was 120 and I'm 5'7". I was a little too thin just because I am also big boned, so I looked my best at 135. But you know what? If that's your goal, you go for it! Maybe if you are muscular you won't hit it (it does weigh more than fat, you know :) but how would anyone else know? Plus, nice on…
  • I agree from looking at your diary that you need more protein, and I'd suggest getting some more right before or right after your work out. Also, is the chicken a daily thing for you? I'd get a little more fish and beef in. I know the beef is higher calorie, but chicken is pretty high in Omega 6, so basing your diet off of…
  • I was mostly referring to his comments on his articles, and the posts he refers to on other websites (I was at work and couldn't take much more time on it) that support my side. But that's okay. I've decided that I'm not going to get any more sucked into this argument, since I am easily dragged into internet drama (not a…
  • 1) Apparently, you are the one who is unaware. I am completely aware that it is 2011, just as I know full well that the gov't is still pushing a low-fat diet. Otherwise, why is our food pyramid so focused on low fat foods? Low fat dairy, limiting eggs... it's ridiculous. As for my great-grandmother and her anecdotal…
  • No, we don't. Just because most athletes eat a ton of them doesn't prove that everyone needs them. Your argument makes as much sense as saying that everyone should drink because alcoholics need so much alcohol. There are plenty of high-end athletes that don't eat ridiculously high amounts of carbs. There is no way for you…
  • Just a couple responses from reading the thread - 1) Low carb isn't a fad diet. It's been around since the 1800's (1869, to be exact) and the only reason people don't follow it any more is because of our governments' insistence that fats are bad for us. So, someone please explain how my great-grandmother lived to 96…
  • Me too! June 22, 2013 (I have to graduate from my Master's program first!) and I'm hoping to lose 60 pounds this year and maintain the second. :)
  • ^^^THIS^^^ Exactly what you can do!!!
  • Carbs create a hormonal reaction in the body that can slow down or even stop weight loss for most people. If you are insulin resistant (and most overweight people are), you have to avoid highly dense carb sources, like bread. Otherwise, the hormonal response will stop your weight loss. It's possible to heal your body of…
  • Well, if you are sick, don't worry about it. Just focus on getting better. If you really need to worry about it (like you are an OCD-style food logger) then if you can still tell what it is, don't count it. If your stomach processed it to the point you can't tell what it was, do count it. You'll be off a little, but that's…
  • I do a low carb diet too! I try to stick between 40-100g a day, not subtracting the fiber. I love it! I keep out all grains, legumes, and added sugars, and I limit my dairy, fruit and nut consumption. I'm just now getting back onto plan, but I lost 30 pounds the first time and I felt great, not hungry, and it went easy! I…
  • I love my VFFs. I have a pair of Classics because my feet are so wide and tall that the covered/strapped ones just don't work. I have had them for well over a year, and I have even been camping and fishing in them: I would get them again in a heart beat! I'm even…