Rant >>>This is what the Atkins plan is TRULY about.....



  • silentpost
    silentpost Posts: 26 Member
    I like this thread.

    I confess, a couple of years ago when my father was on this diet I thought a lot of the things that many people now think: a high fat diet can't be healthy, you're going to have a heart attack any second, this goes against everything I've been taught, etc. However: on my weight loss journey, I've been reading up on the science behind it, and I have to say, I'm convinced.

    A lot of peoples' reluctance to this diet comes from an experimental food pyramid based on zero science that was shoved down our throats as we were growing up. A pyramid, that oddly enough (warning: sarcasm detected) benefitted several lobbying groups of the day, including the National Pork Producers Council, Archer Daniels Midland, Conagra, the National Dairy Council, and the National Cattleman’s Beef Association.

    I say to the people that question the diet based on what you learned in school: research it! You might be surprised at what you find.
  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    I say, do what works. It is on an individual basis. Everything is not for everybody. Thanks for posting the info now someone can get a better understanding of how it works. Thanks again
  • DeathEmpr
    DeathEmpr Posts: 17
    Keto, that should sum up everything.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I say, do what works. It is on an individual basis. Everything is not for everybody. Thanks for posting the info now someone can get a better understanding of how it works. Thanks again

    This is very true, we are all individuals and different thing work for different people. Like I mentioned earlier, I am tired of seeing people start judging others when they decide that they want to try Atkins for themselves..........

    I wanted to put the information out there and hopefully people will read it with an open mind and may learn something new. I want this thread to be educational and informative, not turn into something negative.
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    I choose to listen to the advice of several doctors and nurses who say that the Atkins diet is unhealthy. I choose to eat a balanced diet and live a lifestyle I feel is healthy. What I resent about this post is that the OP is treating people who don't feel the Atkins diet is healthy as people who are "uninformed" and "ignorant". Certainly, people will lose weight by following a low-carb diet. But, to me, it's an unhealthy shortcut to weight loss. I'd rather lose it slow and sure and keep it off.

    I really think that this article is a fair and balanced approach to Atkins:

  • DahnaLane
    DahnaLane Posts: 97 Member
    bump... because more people need to read all 4 phases. :D
    Thanks for the refresher course!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I choose to listen to the advice of several doctors and nurses who say that the Atkins diet is unhealthy. I choose to eat a balanced diet and live a lifestyle I feel is healthy. What I resent about this post is that the OP is treating people who don't feel the Atkins diet is healthy as people who are "uninformed" and "ignorant". Certainly, people will lose weight by following a low-carb diet. But, to me, it's an unhealthy shortcut to weight loss. I'd rather lose it slow and sure and keep it off.

    I really think that this article is a fair and balanced approach to Atkins:


    Did you bother to read ALL 4 phases, in particular the Phase 1 and Phase 2 portions??? Or did you come here to keep your closed minded view and just bash the plan?

    Well, I can tell you that there are many, many doctors and registered dieticians that are having their patients and clients convert to Atkins or a similar lifestyle. It is proving to be most beneficial in many, many areas...........

    The mayo clinic is not the end all and be all and they are often endorsed by the major pharmaceutical companies, so they have a vested interest in keeping the whole "atkins" is bad for your health information, which is very false.

    You tell me what is unhealthy about any of these plates of foods...................Maybe you can persuade me today that I am wrong............

    Well here is Dr A with an abundance of what, are those vegetables?????? Hmmm, seems to play a pretty big part of the plan to me...........


    Typical Phase 1 meal lunch or supper:


    Typical Phase 2 meal:



    Typical Phase 3 and 4 menu items:

  • lady_daraine
    I choose to listen to the advice of several doctors and nurses who say that the Atkins diet is unhealthy. I choose to eat a balanced diet and live a lifestyle I feel is healthy. What I resent about this post is that the OP is treating people who don't feel the Atkins diet is healthy as people who are "uninformed" and "ignorant". Certainly, people will lose weight by following a low-carb diet. But, to me, it's an unhealthy shortcut to weight loss. I'd rather lose it slow and sure and keep it off.

    I really think that this article is a fair and balanced approach to Atkins:

    I don't get that from her at all - what's happening is that some people don't know anything about Atkins, or only what they've been told by a biased source, and then they go flame on people who are trying or doing low carb. There are plenty of people who have learned about low carb themselves and choose not to do it. But most people stop with the "all meat -bacon all the time" mentality, which isn't true. Every version of Atkins, since the 70's, have said you NEED to eat veggies. It's not all meat by any means, nor do you stay on a really low carb plan forever.
    Most people see low carb as a fad diet and I think a little education is a good idea. Low carb diets in one form or another have been around since the 1800's.

    There's nothing wrong with stamping out a little ignorance, and that's what I get from this.
  • mfpchris
    mfpchris Posts: 279 Member

    I don't have a pony in this race. I've never read Atkins, never tried it, never condemned it as wrong. Nothing. But
    I am a skeptic.

    What popped into my head is, in arguing it is sustainable I want to see. I can imagine there are a billion perfectly
    good reasons to change and move on. So that is proof of anything. They are good reasons. But there should
    be someone he hasn't had ANY extenuating circumstances and they ARE on Atkins and have been and plan
    on staying on it as Atkins lays it out.

    Is anyone on Atkins, into the long term sustaining part, and they have no intention or need to change it somehow.
    For them, it is sustaining them, right here and now. (And it isn't fair to say "my friend" is. Is there an actual person
    here who IS being sustained on long-term Atkins)

    So, using logic: A million billion people starting it and then changing does NOT prove it can't be used to
    sustain someone for their life. But, one person who is sustaining their life on it right now is proof that
    it CAN be used.

    Just one person out there? Or more?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member

    I don't have a pony in this race. I've never read Atkins, never tried it, never condemned it as wrong. Nothing. But
    I am a skeptic.

    What popped into my head is, in arguing it is sustainable I want to see. I can imagine there are a billion perfectly
    good reasons to change and move on. So that is proof of anything. They are good reasons. But there should
    be someone he hasn't had ANY extenuating circumstances and they ARE on Atkins and have been and plan
    on staying on it as Atkins lays it out.

    Is anyone on Atkins, into the long term sustaining part, and they have no intention or need to change it somehow.
    For them, it is sustaining them, right here and now. (And it isn't fair to say "my friend" is. Is there an actual person
    here who IS being sustained on long-term Atkins)

    So, using logic: A million billion people starting it and then changing does NOT prove it can't be used to
    sustain someone for their life. But, one person who is sustaining their life on it right now is proof that
    it CAN be used.

    Just one person out there? Or more?

    I went through all 4 phases of Atkins in 2003 and lost 100+ pounds. I kept it off until 2008 when I had a car accident in July and had to rely on my husband to eat as I was incapacitated for many months and couldn't exercise either. That is why I gained the weight back along with some other health issues I had resolved while on Atkins...........

    On maintenance I ate meat, veggies, grains, beans, fruit, dairy, etc...........the only thing I didn't eat very often was white flour and sugary products.

    So 5 years sustainability is pretty good considering I wouldn't be back where I am had I not had that car accident.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    Seriously???? Not sustainable? I"ve been doing this for 2 mos. now effortlessly. When I make a chunky spaghetti sauce, full of protein and veggies, the kids and my husband get pasta. I eat just the sauce, or I'll make spaghetti squash. I eat turkey without the bread, I eat LOTS of salad, full of nuts, berries, oil, cheese......

    It's EASY. I have not yet looked at a cookbook of how to do this or that recipe. It's simple. Get rid of the grains! That's it. I make picadillo, my family has it with rice, I eat just the picadillo.

    If you don't think it works, look at my profile pic. I am 46 yrs old. and in better shape than I ever was, and healthier than I've ever been (yes, just had my bloodwork done).

    It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's not hard, it doesn't require special cookbooks, and it works. This is a lifestyle change for me, not a diet, btw. When I "indulged" for Easter - let's just say that Monday, I felt the worst that I"ve felt in a loooooong time.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Back when Atkins first came out, I *switched* to all the low carb breads that were coming on the market, but I didn't actually ever do the diet. I was younger then and not fat. But probably still higher BMI then I should have been. I just went with the fad LOL! Years later, having children and being finally diagnosed with PCOS I started thinking about changing my habits. I stumbled upon Mark's Daily Apple while googling something totally different ... I started reading ... since my doctor did tell me to cut back on bread ... but didn't actually ever say stop eating carbs or even do a low carb diet ... cos well here where I live people mainly live on carbs and fat LOL!

    I started changing things around ... applying the Primal ways to my life in Feb 2011. I'm a work in progress but I can honestly i'm about 75/25 now! I've lost 31lbs so far (still more to go!) ... when I intially started I did have the 'carb flu' for about week. Then it went away ... I kept it up until there was a death in my family. I fell of the wagon :( but did manage to get back on easily without carb flu or cravings! I havn't looked or even thought about bread or pasta which were my weaknesses.

    I find it's really doable I think. but as many have mentioned on here you need to start looking at it as not a DIET! But a lifestyle change! If you view it like this then you can mentally except and sustain the change. I mean there are so many ppl out there who delete certains foods even whole food groups due to personal views (vegans, vegatarians) and also due to illness (gluten free, candida, diabetes) so I don't see why people are quick to attack people living the low carb lifestyle ... it being Atkins or Primal/Paleo ...

    My parents and grandparents grew up on a high(er) fat diet eating all natural REAL FOOD that was homemade with local ingredients that we knew and could pronounce ... but they did not consume much sugar either. Grains yes I have to say, but sugar no. they don't/ didn't die or have any heart disease ... in fact my grandfather is 98 years old ... he doesn't do any sport or excercise training ... he works only in the garden and walks alot! Yet he is fitter then most 25year olds I know!

    For me thou, even as a child I had a natural adversion to fat. I always cut it off the meat and never liked butter, mayo, oil etc. And then in school the idea of fat being BAD was only furthered. In adulthood, I only low fat products ... not once reading labels or questioning what these unprounounable "stuff" was. My weight went up and up ... and BTW I also drank Pepsi by the liter! Then thinking I was being smart switched to DIE-T LOL!

    Only when i was diagnosed did I start to question WHAT I was doing and eating ...

    Now I say my tests are looking better ... I'm not on any meds, TOM comes naturally (while before since teen yrs it didn't) blood sugar level normal, energy higher and not to mention my mood!

    And finally I agree with SilentPost ... REASEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH!!!!
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    So many people have made the statement that low-carb is not sustainable. My mother hasn't eaten more than 30 g of carb in a day over the past 15 years, and it's been pretty darn easy to me. It's only sustainable if you decide to sustain it.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Couldn't care less if people like Atkins or not. Just popped in to say mmmmm, thanks for posting that pic of the salmon. It looks so tasty. Now I know what to cook for dinner tonight :D

    People have misconceptions about a lot of things. If you think you have a hard time defending Atkins, think about how rough the folks doing HcG have it. LMAO! Personally, I have enough on my plate defending my choice in dog breed (pit bull) and what approach I take in educating and helping my autistic son (LOTS of people think they know what's best for your kid, especially the ones who have never met you or your kid, LOL)

    When it comes to weight loss plans, I've learned that, for the most part, it's best to not try to change anyone's mind about one approach or another. It's like politics and religion. :)
  • pjharr
    pjharr Posts: 8
    And you put me on Atkins and I gain. Why is simple. I have a fat tooth. I could care less about sugar, chocolate or carbs. but you set me off on meat and fat and I'm done for. You really were not planning to eat any of that 5 pounds of pork or beef you bought anyways were you? That was my snack and I had all the bacon in the house for breakfast.

    I eat for taste and I will fully admit I am addicted to what Atkins revolves around. One is too many and a thousand is not enough. I'm still mad at Hoss steak house for getting rid of the 18 ounce Filet Mignon. On the other hand I dropped 100 pounds in 6 months on Ornish and didn't even know I lost it. I just knew my pants fell off one day while I was cooking.

    It's amazing what works for individuals but they have to know their weaknesses. Mine is the fat off a good steak.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Couldn't care less if people like Atkins or not. Just popped in to say mmmmm, thanks for posting that pic of the salmon. It looks so tasty. Now I know what to cook for dinner tonight :D

    People have misconceptions about a lot of things. If you think you have a hard time defending Atkins, think about how rough the folks doing HcG have it. LMAO! Personally, I have enough on my plate defending my choice in dog breed (pit bull) and what approach I take in educating and helping my autistic son (LOTS of people think they know what's best for your kid, especially the ones who have never met you or your kid, LOL)

    When it comes to weight loss plans, I've learned that, for the most part, it's best to not try to change anyone's mind about one approach or another. It's like politics and religion. :)

    Well we have quite a few things in common...............

    I have done the HCG plan and Yes I will defend it to the hilt also because it helped me in so many ways with the hormonal issues I was having...........

    I have a pit bull also (actually, he is half pit, half boxer but looks like a pit) and I almost came to blows with a lady when her little girl laid down on the ground and my Roscoe laid on top of her and was licking her. She kicked my Roscoe (who is still a pup) and made him yelp all because she said he was attacking her daughter, which many people started getting on her for acting the way she did..........

    I help my aunt with Autism awareness also as her 11 year old son is Autistic. We (my aunt and I) have my cousin on a low carb, whole foods regime and his symptoms and some of his behavior has greatly improved.

    I am not trying to change anyone's mind. I am merely trying to educate people on the the correct way to do Atkins and how it is actually a balanced and healthy lifestyle that many doctors now advocate and recommend.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    And you put me on Atkins and I gain. Why is simple. I have a fat tooth. I could care less about sugar, chocolate or carbs. but you set me off on meat and fat and I'm done for. You really were not planning to eat any of that 5 pounds of pork or beef you bought anyways were you? That was my snack and I had all the bacon in the house for breakfast.

    I eat for taste and I will fully admit I am addicted to what Atkins revolves around. One is too many and a thousand is not enough. I'm still mad at Hoss steak house for getting rid of the 18 ounce Filet Mignon. On the other hand I dropped 100 pounds in 6 months on Ornish and didn't even know I lost it. I just knew my pants fell off one day while I was cooking.

    It's amazing what works for individuals but they have to know their weaknesses. Mine is the fat off a good steak.

    I don't believe the fat was what was causing the weight gain. More than likely it was the excess protein that was being converted to glucose and was being stored just like carbs.

    I no longer eat the Atkins way, I eat even more fat and the weight is falling off me. Just look at my progress picks and that is just under 3 months time frame.............I can't wait to see what 3 more months yields me (which will be right around my birthday).....
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    i hear ya, girl. it's frustrating as hell, ain't it? meh, there's more than one way to lose weight. those who think atkins is the devil, but haven't been able to lose weight on other plans may very well be shooting themselves in the foot by not trying something new.

    atkins is decent. its sustainable. it only gets ridiculous when people dont follow the plan the way they should, ie: eating an entire package of bacon and half a dozen eggs, under the guise of 'well, it said i can have as much meat as i want!'

    a little common sense goes a long way. LOL!
  • Aurelina
    Aurelina Posts: 197 Member
    Presentation at Stanford University by Chris Gardner PhD who has been a vegetarian for 25 years.


    He did a study comprised of four different diets, including Atkins. Atkins did come out on top.

    Thank you so much for posting this. Really interesting. At 42 minutes he shows a rather dramatic result that may explain why some do so well with a low carb lifestyle and why it's pretty "meh" for others; it may be that the more insulin resistant we are the more we respond to low carb. He does say that the more overweight we are the more insulin resistant we are.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    So many people have made the statement that low-carb is not sustainable. My mother hasn't eaten more than 30 g of carb in a day over the past 15 years, and it's been pretty darn easy to me. It's only sustainable if you decide to sustain it.

    very true!