marksball Member


  • Pretty uneventful weekend. Got a good workout in yesterday and I'm still feeling pretty tired today. Just a side note, I bought some Sunbelt Granola Cereal. 3 different kinds. It was on sale. Anyways it is freaking delicious.
  • nice job t-freak!!!
  • welcome Karna! I would argue that this is one of the best support threads EVER. = )
  • nice job T-freak! Keep pushing your self! Not drinking was my unspoken new year's resolution. I have been dry since January 2nd. = )
  • if you would follow your diet over the weekend and not drink any beer, i bet you'll wake up with another half a pound gone on monday. do it! I went through the exact same thing. I would piss away an entire week's worth of work just because I wanted to get drunk. So, I stopped drinking. And the weight just melts away. My…
  • Ok. Time for a nerd moment. When I am doing the Kenpo X dvd I pretend that I am in a kung fu movie. I usually give a narrative while I'm doing the moves...... like "oh you are attacking me from the front and behind? Stun! Stun! Finish! Finish! How did that feel!?!? Try sneaking up on me again......!"
  • Wow. Awesome workout last night. Tricep extensions, curls, bench (dumbell and bar), military press, pullups, dips, and squats. = ) Then I loosened back up with about 15 minutes on the punching bag. What should I spice my Wednesday up with? Yoga? Kenpo? ARX?
  • I cant remember who asked but yes ARX is the only ab routine i do. i know that thing by heart so i can do it anywhere!! I could be in the middle of grocery shopping and just hit the floor and pump out some crunchy frogs...... yea.
  • my abs were only sore after the first time I did ARX. They have never been sore since. the key for the rest of your muscles is water and stretching. I think those two things help the most.
  • that looks freaking awesome. wish they'd do it in ohio.....
  • I have to comment on how different my abdominals look now after doing ARX 3 times a week. I love that routine. I can still only do 15 reps per movement and i collapse after 20 mason twists. Hopefully I will be able to get 20 of each soon.. I missed the gym to much. I am lifting 3 times a week again in the gym and i fill in…
  • Welcome back Jennyco! Tranquility, this website should definitely help with weight loss. Just mind your calories and stick to it!
  • Hey guys. Good to see some activity on here again. I guess it always get a little slow on the weekends. Choco- Thanks. I know the "pose" is a little goofy but I was in a silly mood. I am a very happy-go-lucky guy. I have recently discovered that I like yogurt. Never used to. = )
  • IHOP last night to celebrate my first 30 days of fitness....... = ) I also went through my closet and threw away everything that was old and sloppy looking. I bought a couple new shirts and pants that fit. life is sweet!
  • T-Freak to put it bluntly, I lost to the deserts. Blueberry cobbler and butterscotch pie......... and cookies. ANYWAYS, I went to the Y and lifted weights for about an hour, did the ab ripper X routine and ate a small dinner (tomato soup and a can of tuna). I came out ok. but the day would have been so much better if I…
  • It's "bring a desert day" at work. The world hates me.
  • Good morning all. Started off my day with a bowl of Sunbelt Granola cereal. They had a special on it up town at the grocery store so I picked up a few boxes. It's pretty tasty. Anyways. Going to the Y tonight. Sets of 5 on every exercise. I wanna move some big weight tonight. I did not do ARX yesterday. I will do it today…
  • Hello friends! Just woke up with a hot bowl of oatmeal. = ) SOOOOO delicious!!! Today I am going to do X Stretch and ARX. Last night's lift went pretty well. I ran out time and couldn't do squats. Oh well. On a side note, I deadlifted 320 pounds last saturday. I was pretty happy with that. I could do 400 in high school so…
  • Insane schedule today. Teach until 4:30, college class at 5. Probably done with class around 7. Since this is my recover week and today is sooo messed up I am going to work out at the Y. Today, Thursday and Saturday. My workout pretty much looks like this............ Run 1/2 a mile on the treadmill to get warmed up.…
  • wow what a day! My schedule was so messed up. Woken up at 4 in the freaking morning by the plow truck. Forgot to pack my lunch and had a late meeting after work. This whole day was shot..... Tomorrow, starting fresh. How's everyone doing?
  • Hello everybody!!! Hope the weekend is going well for ya. I got an amazing lift in at the Y. I am suppose to start recovery week Monday but I have not decided what I am going to do. I'm thinking about skipping the recovery week and just moving on. I have been lifting and working out since I was 14. I know what my body can…
  • Choco it sounds to me like you just want to maintain what you have. Workout 3 to 4 times a week and watch your calories with MFP. If you want to continue doing p90x you can always do more reps, more weight, more workouts etc. Arms and shoulders went ok last night. ARX went GREAT! I have definitely got stronger through that…
  • Sara I'm in the Lima area! Everything was closed yet again today due to MORE SNOW. Sick of it. Well, since the Y was closed on today I chose to work on my ninja skills with Tony. Kenpo X followed by ARX. I didn't do ARX last night because my back was feeling a little tender after the chest and back workout. Keep up the…
  • Got through Chest and Back today. That workout always works my lower back pretty good which makes the ARX workout kind of painful. I will do ARX tomorrow morning. I've decided that I am going to revise my program a tad. I am going to do Yoga X tomorrow night rather than Plyo. Plyo is an excellent workout however I can not…
  • Hey Choco exercising becomes VERY HARD when you no longer have a clear goal. Now that you have met the weight you were shooting for you need to establish a new one. I don't think most people can work out consistently unless they have a really good reason. Before it was so you could get down to a certain weight. Try to…
  • I am here toooooooooooooooooooooo = ) lol Went to the gym today to lift weights. Have not done this for two weeks (since I started p90x). I am pleased to announce that I was much stronger then I was a few weeks ago. This psychs me up because I was born and raised on the traditional mentality of benching and squatting big…
  • Legs and Back today, my least favorite other than plyo. I hate working my legs, always have. In regards to the negative pullup, the key is to lower yourself as slowly as possible. a good 4 or 5 count is key. Do as many as you can! You will be doing regular pullups in no time.
  • tatoodfreak, I have a portable dvd player that i took with me to do plyo. The Y I am a member of has a seperate room with a punching bag so i did it in there. the floor was concrete so that kind of sucked but it is better than nothing.
  • welcome jfilon! Those meat heads were obviously intimidated by your physical prowess!! Let's face it, P90X gives us super powers. = ) Yoga day! super psyched.