First Round P90X-ers



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I'm not a Yoga girl either but I'm glad someone enjoys those workouts.

    ericac: Your body looks GREAT you achieved all that w/having relaxed weekends? If you don't mind check out my food diary and shoot me a note and let me know if I'm heading in the right direction. As w/anything I have good and bad days but I always like to get feedback. Thank you in advance.
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    I'm not a Yoga girl either but I'm glad someone enjoys those workouts.

    ericac: Your body looks GREAT you achieved all that w/having relaxed weekends? If you don't mind check out my food diary and shoot me a note and let me know if I'm heading in the right direction. As w/anything I have good and bad days but I always like to get feedback. Thank you in advance.

    Thank you!! and I don't eat cheesburgers and fries all weekend but I do love my German beer and I have a avid love for pizza, chocolate....and Oh God Chinese food!.....I try to watch the amounts though....during the week I'm pretty strict so I can have that weekend bliss!.......

    I work out 20 minutes on my lunch hour and run in the summer....2 miles maybe 3 times a week...abs 3 times a week (P90X ab ripper).....I was doing all my lifting at lunch but I've got some time management issues so this week I've switched to cardio for the lunch time and P90X in the evening...see how that works...I friend requested ya...I think that's the only way I can see your diary :wink:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I have to echo what Choco said - you look amazing and I bet your metabolism rocks, ericac.
    I do 4-6 miles cardio daily along with P90X and have a PT, I cannot drop a pound!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I'm not a Yoga girl either but I'm glad someone enjoys those workouts.

    ericac: Your body looks GREAT you achieved all that w/having relaxed weekends? If you don't mind check out my food diary and shoot me a note and let me know if I'm heading in the right direction. As w/anything I have good and bad days but I always like to get feedback. Thank you in advance.

    Thank you!! and I don't eat cheesburgers and fries all weekend but I do love my German beer and I have a avid love for pizza, chocolate....and Oh God Chinese food!.....I try to watch the amounts though....during the week I'm pretty strict so I can have that weekend bliss!.......

    I work out 20 minutes on my lunch hour and run in the summer....2 miles maybe 3 times a week...abs 3 times a week (P90X ab ripper).....I was doing all my lifting at lunch but I've got some time management issues so this week I've switched to cardio for the lunch time and P90X in the evening...see how that works...I friend requested ya...I think that's the only way I can see your diary :wink:

    I have accepted your friend request and thank you for giving me some insight into your workout regime. I'm going to have to find a way to add in some additional cardio a few times a week but since I really prefer to workout before work my time is limited. At least in the spring/summer I can attempt to jog around the neighborhood park. Just like with anything new it's trial and error but i'm confident I'll figure something out that works for me. As long as I don't regain any weight I'm cool w/trying different things until something comes together for me.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    carpe- Thanks for the flinging tip. I will definitely try that. Maybe I will do some when I am not in the middle of a workout and tired. Maybe that will help me strengthen up. Part of my problem too might be that I am lowering myself down kinda cautiously. My living room is carpeted but it's not very soft. I always think I am going to hurt myself. Maybe I am not getting up enough momentum.

    L&B and arx done. I also did Bob's boot camp. Trying to make up for missing yesterday. I am thinking that since this actually technically is my 4th week (just at the end of week 3 in the schedule due to missing workouts here and there) and I had 3 no workout days that I should just count this as my rest week and move on to week #5. What do you guys think?

    Choco- I agree that it would be awfully hard to devote an entire lifestyle to no sweets and constant working out just to maintain. I truly believe that the fundamental difference between thin people and heavy people is in knowing where to draw the line. Or should I say having the discipline? I think you can still enjoy treats from time to time, just keep logging. Or, if you feel you've been doing this long enough that you "get" your foods, maybe you don't need to log. Just watch that scale/clothes. If it starts to creep, you will know you're not doing what you need to be! With regards to the exercise, just be careful of that all or nothing mentality. Like it's either workout 6 days like a maniac or there's no point in exercising at all. Figure out a regimen that you can live with, and then just adjust your calories accordingly. I've found in the past that when I stop exercising, it creeps right back! I just would hate to see you lose anything you've worked so hard for!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    LOL, you girls did some chatting while I was busy typing that up.
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    I have to echo what Choco said - you look amazing and I bet your metabolism rocks, ericac.
    I do 4-6 miles cardio daily along with P90X and have a PT, I cannot drop a pound!

    Well it's not as great as it was when those pics were taken...ya know holidays and all...but I'm back on track as of this week!.....I'm not so concerned with the weight but the tone....abs are a constant issue with me.

    So how are you doing all that and not losing....hows the food part?......I posted to you earlier your tat!! (neck)
    I would bet if you keep after it like's going to start coming off...that's a LOT of cardio!!...Good for you!....I'm envious!!
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    I'm not a Yoga girl either but I'm glad someone enjoys those workouts.

    ericac: Your body looks GREAT you achieved all that w/having relaxed weekends? If you don't mind check out my food diary and shoot me a note and let me know if I'm heading in the right direction. As w/anything I have good and bad days but I always like to get feedback. Thank you in advance.

    Thank you!! and I don't eat cheesburgers and fries all weekend but I do love my German beer and I have a avid love for pizza, chocolate....and Oh God Chinese food!.....I try to watch the amounts though....during the week I'm pretty strict so I can have that weekend bliss!.......

    I work out 20 minutes on my lunch hour and run in the summer....2 miles maybe 3 times a week...abs 3 times a week (P90X ab ripper).....I was doing all my lifting at lunch but I've got some time management issues so this week I've switched to cardio for the lunch time and P90X in the evening...see how that works...I friend requested ya...I think that's the only way I can see your diary :wink:

    I have accepted your friend request and thank you for giving me some insight into your workout regime. I'm going to have to find a way to add in some additional cardio a few times a week but since I really prefer to workout before work my time is limited. At least in the spring/summer I can attempt to jog around the neighborhood park. Just like with anything new it's trial and error but i'm confident I'll figure something out that works for me. As long as I don't regain any weight I'm cool w/trying different things until something comes together for me.

    I'm a single mom I had to adjust things to fit in homework and of course cuddle time! You can have a great routine with only 20 min....that's how I got most of my definition. I took the P90X moves with me to the gym!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Choco- I agree that it would be awfully hard to devote an entire lifestyle to no sweets and constant working out just to maintain. I truly believe that the fundamental difference between thin people and heavy people is in knowing where to draw the line. Or should I say having the discipline? I think you can still enjoy treats from time to time, just keep logging. Or, if you feel you've been doing this long enough that you "get" your foods, maybe you don't need to log. Just watch that scale/clothes. If it starts to creep, you will know you're not doing what you need to be! With regards to the exercise, just be careful of that all or nothing mentality. Like it's either workout 6 days like a maniac or there's no point in exercising at all. Figure out a regimen that you can live with, and then just adjust your calories accordingly. I've found in the past that when I stop exercising, it creeps right back! I just would hate to see you lose anything you've worked so hard for!

    Thank for the feedback and you're right I will have to find a regime that works for me and is sustainable. While I definitely have my bad days I think I've been doing pretty well w/making wiser and healthier choices so I'm patting myself on the back for that.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Erica - still doing tests - just finished a heart test, moving on to see an endocrinologist. I'm crossing swords with my doctor - she hasn't known me for long but she thinks I want to look like a model or a porn star, which is not my quest at all. I was pretty insulted when she suggested it. I told her being a former athlete, I understand calories in/calories out, but hard to talk to an overweight woman about being overweight, KWIM?
    Thanks - I got that Tattoo a couple months after I did my forearm. The back tat is a ying yang triskell, supposed to help me balance being MOM, WIFE and just me... PAM. Hard as you know being a single mom - and I'm lucky to have a super supportive husband.
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    Erica - still doing tests - just finished a heart test, moving on to see an endocrinologist. I'm crossing swords with my doctor - she hasn't known me for long but she thinks I want to look like a model or a porn star, which is not my quest at all. I was pretty insulted when she suggested it. I told her being a former athlete, I understand calories in/calories out, but hard to talk to an overweight woman about being overweight, KWIM?
    Thanks - I got that Tattoo a couple months after I did my forearm. The back tat is a ying yang triskell, supposed to help me balance being MOM, WIFE and just me... PAM. Hard as you know being a single mom - and I'm lucky to have a super supportive husband.

    Oh I see.......maybe there is a thyroid prob or something somewhere......I would have been some kinda pissed if a doc said that to me....(What's wrong with wanting to look like a porn star anyway??!!...LMAO!)....I say find a new doc...if I don't like them I's to short to have to deal with someone that doesn't make you feel like YOU are a part of your healthcare!....ugh a$$es!....

    I got mine on my neck around Sept I guess...when my divorce was final....a lil gift to myself!!.....(My ex hates tats...hee hee).......Yep it is hard to be a single mom....but we do JUST fine and I'm SO much happier!!
  • karamae
    karamae Posts: 136 Member
    Just found this thread and just today finished my first week of p90x. I'm very sore but it is more of a good feeling than bad! :) I thought the yoga was unbelievably boring! Everything else I really enjoyed, other than being sick on and off this week. Makes working out a little harder! Now here's my question...

    Did anybody gain wait the first week? I've been doing great eating and calorie counting and went from about 145 to 150! I'm not sure what's going on. I'd love feedback about this if anyone has any! Thanks!
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Boy oh boy, yesterday was tough for me. I had my training run (2 miles) earlier in the day, and then got home to realize I still had P90X Legs/Chest/ARX to do. I debated with myself for nearly an hour before I decided that I'll regret it if I don't do it...sooooo, I did the entire Legs/Chest workout, but I skipped the abs and I'm going to do them today with Kenpo.

    I hope everyone's day is going well so far. It's Friday!!!!! :happy:
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Ha, I meant Legs and Back...silly me. You can tell it's still early! :)
  • laurabelle25
    Whew. Did ARX and Legs and Back this morning. i'm kinda bummed that i don't feel like i'm making much progress this week, at least getting stronger anyway. Everything else i'm making progress on. losing weight and my stomach is freakin amazing!!! i am so pumped to show my family this weekend. And oh, if i keep this up till summer, my body is going to be bangin' in my itty-bitty-teeny-weeny-yellow-polka-dot bikini that i'll be wearing @ the Lake!!! (on a side note, God i just want summer to get here already, i hate this rainy-snowy-cold crap!)

    Karamae-I gained around 3 lbs when i started too. I freaked out, but after reading a lot about it on this site and, I found out most woman don't see changes in their weight until the 2nd or 3rd week. For me it was the end of the 2nd week. i finally dropped those 3 lbs and then today i just dropped another. I also lost 2 in. on my stomach, 1 in. on my hips, and a 1/2 in. on my legs. So BE PATIENT! Changes will happen, but you just got to stick it out. Go back thru this thread and read about some of my struggles and the advice people gave me, because it really helped me.

    Hope everyone has a happy Friday!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies and gents and HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Today is week 3 day 5 of the P90X series and the "Legs & Back" dvd is complete. I haven't been doing ab ripper consistently b/c the few times I attempted some of the moves my lower back (where I suffer from arthritis) was really bothering me so I couldn't do the entire routine. Perhaps I'll give it another go once I'm through w/the recovery week b/c I want to continue to lose a couple inches off my waist. I guess losing another 2 inches off my waist (currently 27.5 in) could be my goal to work on for the month of March. Anyhoo, the workout is complete and the weekend can begin.

    Hope everyone's day got off to a great start!
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    Morning MFP/P90X'ers!

    ((((Waves wildly from Texas!!))) I too am done with the first week of P90X...yay....(I've actually done it before but not consistantly like I am this time so that counts as a "first timer" doesn't it?.....I hope so cause I'm staying :wink:

    I got off this week....don't I ended up doing Chest and back last night.......shoulders are a little sore but not bad:happy:

    I'm still trying to get over legs from earlier in the week.....YIKES!......

    Hope everyone has a great Friday!!.....:drinker:

    Choco.....I'll try to get over and look at your food diary today...I haven't forgot ya :smile:
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Hello everybody!!! Hope the weekend is going well for ya. I got an amazing lift in at the Y. I am suppose to start recovery week Monday but I have not decided what I am going to do. I'm thinking about skipping the recovery week and just moving on. I have been lifting and working out since I was 14. I know what my body can handle and what I am capable of accomplishing. Keep up the good work everybody!!!
  • jfilon
    jfilon Posts: 80
    Hey guys! I woke up early this morning to get my Core Syn workout in before my group exercise instructor training in (which burned an additional 374 calories too!). I am so excited to have a productive day.

    In other news, I taught Zumba class for the first time last night and I think it went really well! However, I still don't feel happy with how I look in the mirror dancing in front of 100+ people. But I'm taking it as a good thing - it's just that much more motivation for keeping up with my P90X plan. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend! You are all amazing and dedicated by simply making the decision to take on P90X - we already made the decision, the rest is easy.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all! Where did this day go. I've been out the house since 8:30 am and am finally able to relax. Today is week 3 day 6 of the P90X series and I'm suppose to do Kenpo X but since Kenpo X is a kickboxing dvd I've decided to switch it ouf for my Saturday morning kickboxing class. I love this class b/c the instructor has soooo much energy and he keeps it fun. In addition to the kick *kitten* kickboxing class I did 30 minutes on the elliptical.