First Round P90X-ers



  • carpediem13
    carpediem13 Posts: 41 Member
    Chocolickkyss- Just a thought on buying more weights. I don't know if I already said this but I went to buy more and my 8 lb dumbbells were 12$ each so I bought an resistance band to work for my 12 and 15 lbs and the nice thing is it can work for both because you can just shorten it to make it harder. The band alone was only 14$ which is like 25$ less than buying 4 more weights. Glad to hear you want to take it up a notch. Means you are dedicated to the program and it should pay off!
  • carpediem13
    carpediem13 Posts: 41 Member
    Alright week 2 day 2! Feeling pretty good. I was super sore yesterday because I was sick this weekend and took my rest day then. So I did back and legs one day followed by core synergistics....ouch. Then cardio really loosened me up and I feel rejuvenated! I never thought it would really get easier in just a week to do some of the moves but my vinyasas have gotten easier. Not easy lol but easier I'm not fumbling all over the place and actually attempt a partial real push up in between. One of my goals by the end of these 90 days is to be able to do some real push ups. Anybody have some good suggestions about push ups and how to modify them? I thought there would be more info on modifying them to be able to build up. Not sure how to build up to a real push up after doing so many knees down.

    I'm eating healthy but having a little trouble with the meal portions. MFP has me eating 1260 before exercise based on my 2lb week loss. I know you aren't supposed to have a deficit with P90X but I just don't think I can eat 2400 calories. As well I'm trying so hard to get in my protein and barely make it. Anybody have any tips other than just following the food in the book for the portions? I was thinking about setting up my meals on MFP as the blocks for the portion set up and see how I do. (I'm not even sure if that can be done but I thought about trying it) Any thoughts?

    Glad to hear people are doing really well and pushing themselves. It's nice to see people also checking in with posting because we should be able to brag about our accomplishments and encourage each other to keep pushing!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Round 1 day 3.... accomplished. I am doing the classic workout and loving it. Even though I did plyo two days ago I am feeling it bad today. My quads and calves are tight. Hopefully Yoga X takes care of that tonight. Do your best and forget the rest!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Did Cardio X yesterday and felt great and was soaked by the end of it.

    Okay - so, I'm off for the week and will get back on track when I get back. I think I've decided to start from Day 1 when I get back.

    Keep focused everyone!!
  • laurabelle25
    Alright week 2 day 2! Feeling pretty good. I was super sore yesterday because I was sick this weekend and took my rest day then. So I did back and legs one day followed by core synergistics....ouch. Then cardio really loosened me up and I feel rejuvenated! I never thought it would really get easier in just a week to do some of the moves but my vinyasas have gotten easier. Not easy lol but easier I'm not fumbling all over the place and actually attempt a partial real push up in between. One of my goals by the end of these 90 days is to be able to do some real push ups. Anybody have some good suggestions about push ups and how to modify them? I thought there would be more info on modifying them to be able to build up. Not sure how to build up to a real push up after doing so many knees down.

    I'm eating healthy but having a little trouble with the meal portions. MFP has me eating 1260 before exercise based on my 2lb week loss. I know you aren't supposed to have a deficit with P90X but I just don't think I can eat 2400 calories. As well I'm trying so hard to get in my protein and barely make it. Anybody have any tips other than just following the food in the book for the portions? I was thinking about setting up my meals on MFP as the blocks for the portion set up and see how I do. (I'm not even sure if that can be done but I thought about trying it) Any thoughts?

    Glad to hear people are doing really well and pushing themselves. It's nice to see people also checking in with posting because we should be able to brag about our accomplishments and encourage each other to keep pushing!

    I'm having the same problem with the nutrition part. First I think 1260 is too low for all the work you're doing. i usually eat around 1600, but have upped it to the 1800. You should at least get that. if in a week you're gaining a bunch of weight, then move down a few 100 cal. but if you are too low it will cause you to lose eneregy and store fat, vs. getting the fat outta there!

    But I did some research and adding a protein drink right after your work-out can up your protein by 30g or so. I just bought Optimum Nutrition HydroWhey in Vanilla, and it is soooo yummmy! I just mix it with 8oz of milk and 8oz of water, but I bet you could just do all water and it'd still taste good.

    Also I've added ham or turkey to my scrambled egg substitute + turkey bacon in the morning. that helps. then I've come up with this really delicious snack (well i didn't invent it, just modified it) to have mid-afternoon that adds a little more protein. you take 1.5 oz of sliced turkey or ham and spread a Laughing Cow Light Swiss Cheese Wedge on it. (it's difficult to spread but do your best) then put a mini Claussen Pickle on top of the cheese, roll, and slice. It sounds weird but it's sooo good. Then I try to get 6oz of chicken at night.

    As far as following the 'portion blocks' in the book, i've had a hard time doing that and getting all the calories/protein/etc. in one day. so I just set, in my Goals,on MFP, to have 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat, and go by that. Becaue that is what the P90X book stated to have anyway. I do end up getting the right amount of 'blocks' for protein, fat, snacks, fruit, and carbs, but generally go over on my cheese and veggies by a portion or two. But i'm eating low-fat cheese, and veggies are good for you, so I don't worry about it too much.

    One thing to watch out for, and i'm having a TON of trouble with, is Sodium. If your sodium is too high it will cause you to store fat. I have been going over the 2500mg every day by like 1000-1500mg! Mostly because my sliced turkey and ham is like 500mg of sodium for 3oz! So try to look for low-sodium everything, especially meats.

    Hope that helps!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, my day got off to a very slow start b/c once again I did not sleep well. I was tired, so, headed to bed about 11 pm but was up around 1 am for no apparent reason. I could not fall back to sleep until about 4 am so getting up to exercise at 6 am was not going to happen. I finally did muster up the energy and got the workout done. Today is day 4 of P90X and it was suppose to be Yoga. I still haven't been able to wrap my mind around doing Yoga especially since that dvd is 90 minutes long. So instead of doing the Yoga dvd I did 40 minutes of the Cardio X dvd which incorporates moves from the Yoga, Plyo, Kenpo and Core X dvds. That was a nice burn and I can feel yesterday's workout of shoulders and arms.

    As always I am glad I did the workout AND that it's over for the day.

    I'm going to have to up my game regarding my eating. While my eating is overall healthy I know I don't get enough of everything in during the course of today.
  • carpediem13
    carpediem13 Posts: 41 Member
    Anybody else really sore? Week one wasn't that sore. This week my upper rib cage in the back is constantly tight. I think it's because this week the workouts were definitely better as in I was able to do better vinyasas and such. One way I worked on my leg soreness was to do regular cardio at the gym which was great. Only issue I had with that was it adds even more calories to eat and remember I already can't eat that many. O well I figure if I get in lots of protein, lots of water, some milk and am not hungry then I'm going to be okay. I'll adjust it more if I need to.

    Chocolickkyss-I too was hesitant about yoga and when I did it the first time it was horrible. But as it's my downfall of this program I'm determined to complete it and do even better. While there are some moves from Yoga in the Core there are some others that you might want to try. I really enjoy the chair prayer sit. It stretches the rib cage well. And Frog is good for the legs after core and the leg day. Just a thought to try it out some, even if you do the second half which is balance and no vinyasas.

    I did add chocolate soy protein powder to Chobani vanilla greek yogurt and it's almost 30 grams of protein. It kinda tasted like pudding. Just a thought for more protein. I know yogurt is considered a dairy but when it has that much protein and it comes from an animal it must be good enough.

    Good luck everyone!

    Shoot! I forgot to do ARX today...gotta go do that lol!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Just completed Yoga X. Day 4 is complete. I feel like a million bucks. I was able to keep up until the halfmoon poses. I had to humbly resign from those lol. I am still working on getting my leg straight let alone balancing on the other leg while doing it. Legs and back tomorrow. I failed miserably during the yoga belly seven too.

    Keep pushing play!!
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    I'm so glad I found this thread! I just finished my first week of P90X-lean and I feel great! I can't believe how much fun Kenpo-X was - definitely my favorite workout in a long time!

    Anyways, I just have a quick question for all of you. I read on one of the message boards here that you wouldn't need a pull-up bar until you hit phase two if you were doing the lean version, but there were certainly plenty of pull-ups in the legs and back video that I wasn't prepared for as I haven't yet got my bar! I am going to get one from a friend but probably not until after I have to do that video again. So here is my question; can anyone suggest some good back exercises to do while Tony and the Kids do their pull-ups, at least for the next week? I tried to think back to my 30 day shred days but I drew a blank and ended up just doing some bent-rows. I have a band and weights, but no where to attach the band (yet!). Help!
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    Also wanted to add - good job, Mark for completing YogaX!! I can't believe how much I struggled through that! If I hadn't read somewhere on MFP that the first 45 minutes were the worst, I might have given up after about the 1 millionth vinyasa.. eek I did feel super stretchy and good the day after though, so I'm not going to doubt Tonys wisdom and just keep plowing through!
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    Good morning ladies, today's workout is complete. I did 59 minutes of the "Arms and Shoulders" dvd and it was not nearly as bad as I expected. I'm stronger than I thought (I guess Jillian Michael's dvd and boot camp got me in pretty good shape) b/c the 8 lb weights I was using didn't seem heavy enough on a good portion of the exercises which means I'm going to have to purchase the 10 lbs very soon (hopefully over the weekend). Nonetheless, I think it was a good introduction and now that I have a better idea of what to expect I'll be better prepared.

    I feel exactly the same way! After spending some time with Jillian and her 30 day shred, in which my 8 pounders often felt like torture, I definitely feel like I'm going to have to bump up the weight for some of the P90X videos. I'm debating between buying 10s or 12s, because I can always use bands if the 12s are too heavy. Oh this -90x isn't cheap!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning ladies, today's workout is complete. I did 59 minutes of the "Arms and Shoulders" dvd and it was not nearly as bad as I expected. I'm stronger than I thought (I guess Jillian Michael's dvd and boot camp got me in pretty good shape) b/c the 8 lb weights I was using didn't seem heavy enough on a good portion of the exercises which means I'm going to have to purchase the 10 lbs very soon (hopefully over the weekend). Nonetheless, I think it was a good introduction and now that I have a better idea of what to expect I'll be better prepared.

    I feel exactly the same way! After spending some time with Jillian and her 30 day shred, in which my 8 pounders often felt like torture, I definitely feel like I'm going to have to bump up the weight for some of the P90X videos. I'm debating between buying 10s or 12s, because I can always use bands if the 12s are too heavy. Oh this -90x isn't cheap!

    I am with you on this. I had to go out and buy 10 pound weights for these videos too. I was used to Bob pushing me until I am ready to scream! The fact that you are "allowed" to stop when it gets to the point that you can't move I think cheats you a bit. Makes it seem like not as much of a challenge. I am learning that I have to be the one who pushes it into the non comfort zone!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    What a glorious morning!!! Boy do I feel good. Thankfully Yoga X took care of the soreness from Plyo. Today is Legs and Back + ARX. I am super excited for tomorrow(KenpoX) and for Sunday(XStretch).

    One thing to remember is to drink PLENTY of water. It will help you with flexibility. Think of your muscles as rubber bands. As long as they are hydrated and happy they will stretch but if you allow your self to get dehydrated.....SNAP. Ok, so maybe your muscles won't snap but they certainly will not want to stretch.

    It is just me or is myfitnesspal pretty female dominated? Don't they have the option for tracking weight gain as well? IMO guys who wanna "get buff" should be using this website. Their loss I guess.....
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Oh and Emilydmo, an alternative to the pull up bar would be to slip the resistance band in between a door and the door frame so that it sits on top of the first hinge. then sit back away from the door with the handles and lean forward so that the bottom of your rib cage is touching your legs. Much like the resistance band option on the video this will simulate the pull up. The further away from the door you get the harder it will be. Give it a try. = )
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Friday ladies and Gents! Today is day 5 of the P90X series and I completed 58 minutes of the Leg and Back dvd along w/some of the Ab ripper X dvd. I can tell already that some dvd will be more problematic for me than others b/c I struggled w/leg and back today. Part of my problem is that I can only complete one pull up and the entire back section is different forms of the pull up. I tried to improvise by wrapping my bands around the pull up so I could at least do some type of back routine. While I did attempt to give it my all I'm really unsure on how successful I was at it. Now onto the problems w/the leg exercises. This dvd incorporates a lot of lunges or one legged squats (or something to that extent) and b/c I have a bad knee it was pretty difficult, so I tried to modify as best I could. All I can say is that I gave it my best and hopefully in time I find better ways to adjust.

    Enough rambling, the workout is done....WooHoo, WooHoo!
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    Good job, Choco! :)

    I still find L&B to be a tough one -- I always end up sore the next couple of days, even though I already know what to expect. If you used the bands around the bar, that's fantastic, and that's a fine place to be. As Tony asked Sophia, "did you feel the burn?" If you feel it around the 12-15 mark, you're doing just fine. If not, back up to increase the tension or use a heavier band.

    If you're still in your first week, it'll take some time so don't rush! Do what you can, make a note of it, and try to beat it next week.

    The one-legged squats are the Deadlift Squats, Super Skaters, the Debbie Siebers Speed Squats, and the Single-Leg Wall Squat (I'm probably forgetting one or two; I've got L&B tonight myself, so I'll probably remember it when I do it). If your knee starts giving you trouble, there's no shame in using your other leg to assist. Better to have some assistance than blowing out your knee and not being able to do ANYTHING afterwards.
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    It is just me or is myfitnesspal pretty female dominated?

    It is. It's not just you :wink:
  • haleysman
    It is just me or is myfitnesspal pretty female dominated?

    It is. It's not just you :wink:

    well ladies, invite your men to join, that's what mine did, and i love the site, it takes the guess work out of dieting
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Oh and Emilydmo, an alternative to the pull up bar would be to slip the resistance band in between a door and the door frame so that it sits on top of the first hinge. then sit back away from the door with the handles and lean forward so that the bottom of your rib cage is touching your legs. Much like the resistance band option on the video this will simulate the pull up. The further away from the door you get the harder it will be. Give it a try. = )

    When I do the chin up portions, I wrap my band around the top of my exposed banister and get down onto my knees. But, it always makes me nervous that the railing is going to rip out and snap into my face! Don't you worry that you're going to get a door hinge facial? LOL
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    honestly resistance bands make me nervous. I have been snapped in the face and stomach about half a dozen times cuz I move my foot and the band slipped out from under it. I have a pullup bar to use but I thought the door idea was a nice alternative..... i guess user beware!! lol = )