First Round P90X-ers



  • laurabelle25
    WEll, i'm starting tonight....for the very first time doing P90X EVER! I'm a little scared, but after reading everyone's posts, i've got a little more confidence. The hardest part for me is going to be sticking with it every day. i hate to exercise. i mean really hate it. but i know i need to get into better shape, so theres not much else to do, right?!?! But sticking it out every day for 90 DAYS! Whew. that's going to be tough. But I can do it (with all your encouragement and support, of course).

    Well wish me luck and i'll let you know how it goes tomorrow!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    WEll, i'm starting tonight....for the very first time doing P90X EVER! I'm a little scared, but after reading everyone's posts, i've got a little more confidence. The hardest part for me is going to be sticking with it every day. i hate to exercise. i mean really hate it. but i know i need to get into better shape, so theres not much else to do, right?!?! But sticking it out every day for 90 DAYS! Whew. that's going to be tough. But I can do it (with all your encouragement and support, of course).

    Well wish me luck and i'll let you know how it goes tomorrow!

    Just think of it in one week intervals. Just make it your goal to get through one week at a time. If you think of it as one big chunk of 90 days, it does seem overwhelming! Good luck!
  • adlopez_4
    i finally got my p90x last week i did it off and on last week w/ ZUmba but I will be officially starting my 1st day today. I am very scared becasue I dont watn to fail... again. at trying to loose weight. I was at 130 ibs and had 2 kids and now i am at 175. WOW!!
    I am determined to lose that weight and feel good about myself. and maybe wear a swimsuit this summer.. okay at least a one piece. :happy:

    Any one wanting to join and me on this journey? I will need all th motivaion I can get. I am ready to bring it!!!
  • porterbaby38
    i just recieved my p90x today. i did alittle bit of the first dvd. what i did, i like it alot. i'll do more of it tomorrow. i'll let you how i'm doing on it.
  • laurabelle25
    adlopez-Absolutely! I'm in. I need motivation too. i just started tonight. WOW. i already feel it and like you, i thought it was awesome. can't wait to do the next work out!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Since I'm feeling a bit better today I'm going to give the Plyometrics dvd a try. I have to modify some of the moves b/c I have a bummed right knee but I did it last week and did survive which is a good thing.

    I'll report back once the workout is complete.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Since I'm feeling a bit better today I'm going to give the Plyometrics dvd a try. I have to modify some of the moves b/c I have a bummed right knee but I did it last week and did survive which is a good thing.

    I'll report back once the workout is complete.
  • laurabelle25
    Morning everyone!

    I was wondering how everyone is doing with the nutrition part of this program? I generally eat pretty healthy so that's not the problem. but i started on Phase 1 (Fat Shredder), Level 1, and am having a terrible time getting all my protein and my calories. I mean, i planned my meals out today and still have 600 calories left and 28 grams of protein! What i've got is chicken, ham, more chicken, eggs, turkey bacon, more chicken, and 2 scoops of protein powder. And it looks like i'm eating TONS!

    Anyone have any advice about how to up my calories and protein, but not the fat and carbs? (I always make the fat and carb goal for the day.)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    My workout is complete for today. I did 58 minutes of the Plyometrics dvd and despite not being at 100% due to still getting over this cold I felt that I "brought it" as Tony Horton often says.

    Laurabelle, I'd be interested to see what others have to say b/c while my eating is overall pretty healthy I don't do a lot of cooking so I find myself relying on pre packaged meals which I know is not really eating clean but I have to start somewhere. I attempt to cook a couple of times out the week but really don't like to do it so it's a lot of effort.

    Well it's off to do some work but I'll be checkin in w/my ladies later.

    Have a great day.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I just finished my second Shoulders/Arms. I'm coming back later for ARX, but after a little cardio to help me warm up! only 3 days before disney!! I decided not to bring my workouts with me because I know I will not have time for them. I think I'll bring along JM Shred - it's an easy 20 minutes in the morning.
  • adlopez_4
    okay so I did core synergistics last night.. wow that kicked my butt. but I finished the video. I am having some trouble on how many calories I should be eating and how muich.. any one with good tips/ideas/recipes that would be awsome. I am doing the lean version.. Need to shed some fat. hehehehehe well hope eveyone has a good morning. talk to you in a bit.
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Hi everyone! Just stopping in (from the other p90x thread) & thought I'd share some tips for phase 1 eating & getting in protein w/o extra carbs & fat.

    Obviously there's chicken, low-sodium deli meat (I like Boars Head) & protein bars/powder. Some other things:
    plain Greek Yogurt: about 80 cals, 0 fat, 6 carbs, 15 protein
    low fat string cheese: 50/60 cals, 2 fat, 0 carbs, 8 protein
    "smart dogs" (veggie hot dogs) Jumbo size: 80 cals, 1 fat, 3 carbs, 15 protein
    eggbeaters-type egg product: 1/4 cup has 30 cals, 0 fat, 1 carb, 6 protein

    Plus you can add protein powder to oatmeal, hot chocolate, coffee, yogurt....
    Add an extra ounce of deli meat to your sandwich for some easy extra protein...
    choose your veggies wisely...some have way more carbs than others....

    And PLAN AHEAD. It sounds like most of you are doing that already, but sitting down the night before & planning is a big key to success. Phase 1 is hard for me as well so I usually pretty much just repeat the same group of foods over & over again to make it easier on myself. Luckily its only 30 days! You are all doing great! :drinker:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Biloxi Blues: Thank you so much the the tips. It's nice to have a P90X veteran around to help w/us rookies...LOL.

    Thank you again for your help.
  • laurabelle25
    Can I just say WOW. just did Cardio X. holy moly. But I loved it. So much fun. it's Arms and ABX tomorrow. i don't know if my abs can take any more!!:noway:

    Still having trouble with my nutrition, i went over today, but mostly b/c I had a donut. But i think i'm going to incorporate more protein powder and that will help (plus not eating donuts!). I researched on the Team Beachbody Website and wasn't able to find too much. except most recommended following the nutrition to the T, to get the best results. So i guess i'll just have to figure out how to do that somehow.

    I'm really nervous that when I don't see results on the scale that i'll get frustrated and quit. I judge everything by the scale.:blushing: :sad: So it's going to be hard to get in the mindset of 'i'm gaining muscle'. I really need to concentrate on measurements. i think that will help too. i really need to get my body fat tested, but have no idea where to go to do that. maybe my gym has someone there to do it. Oh well, catch you all tomorrow! Keep pushing play!
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Laura - Don't worry about the scale! Finally after 3 weeks I am back down to the weight I was when I started P90X. I gained 3 lbs in the first week. It was a little discouraging for me because along with gaining weight, I actually looked a little wider, too. Sandy from the other thread (I believe she is a beachbody coach) explained to me that your body will react to new and intensive exercise by rushing blood and water to your muscles, therefore causing slight weight gain. Once your body realizes that it is "okay" it can stop that process and you will start to see your measurements and weight go back down. I can tell now that that's happening to me. I haven't measured or anything but I am starting to look slimmer. Don't get frustrated and DON'T quit! :glasses:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    AW - THAT is a HUGE relief!! I gained 2 pounds despite doing P90X and my elliptical at night. Okay, I admit that the day before the full moon made me eat a Big Mac (which I frickin' can't stand), but shouldn't warrant a 2 pound gain!

    I went out and bought the REEBOK EASY TONE's for my trip to Disney. We leave Friday. I could use all the help I can get since I know working out will not be priority. I am still going to bring Shred, because it's an easy and quick workout to get myself energized in the morning.
  • laurabelle25
    AW-Yes thanks! I looked at the scale this morning and it's still going up. I was a little nervous. But i'm just going to keep reminding myself what you said, and worry about the weight later.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I'm glad I could help you both!

    That's cool you bought the Reebox shoes for your trip. I hear they are really comfy! When do you go?
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    AW - I leave Friday Morning for a week. We're set up to do Epcot on Saturday (Lunch with the Princesses, for my little demons), Magic Kingdom Sunday, Animal Kingdom Monday, Hollywood Studios Tuesday... so a long week with a TON of walking. We are staying the Animal Kingdom Lodge - which is cool because it is on a Savannah and out our room we have a patio and we will be on the Giraffe/Zebra and Widerbeast sanctuary! The girls are going to :heart: :heart: :heart: it!
    BTW - Love your Jack! Is she high strung?
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, today's workout is complete. I did 59 minutes of the "Arms and Shoulders" dvd and it was not nearly as bad as I expected. I'm stronger than I thought (I guess Jillian Michael's dvd and boot camp got me in pretty good shape) b/c the 8 lb weights I was using didn't seem heavy enough on a good portion of the exercises which means I'm going to have to purchase the 10 lbs very soon (hopefully over the weekend). Nonetheless, I think it was a good introduction and now that I have a better idea of what to expect I'll be better prepared.