First Round P90X-ers



  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Glad to see you all here! I did Kenpo last night and actually really enjoyed it. I get a little mixed up if there are a lot of moves in one sequence, but I still did OK I think. I was definitely sweating my butt off!

    Today is my rest day. Hopefully I can get out of class early enough to try out XStretch. I am so proud of myself for completing week 1 (even though I did cheap out on Saturday with Yoga - only did a half hour). I really look forward to my next workout - Core - tomorrow.

    Thursday I won't be able to work out due to an overnight Team Building thing for work. So I guess I will just need to skip that DVD all together Thursday since I need my rest day to be Tuesdays due to school.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Thanks, BiloxiBelle for the advice. In fact, since I have started I actually seem a little thicker (ie. my pants are a little tighter), BUT, no worries, I know my body is just adjusting to this new type of routine, and I will start to slim down after a few weeks.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I just started P90X a few days ago. I agree with most posts. Only made it through 1/2 hour of yoga. I love cardio would like to substitute Plyo for yoga or kempo. I'm not coordinated. How many calories can we claim for excercise? I just re-joined this today to help keep me accountable.

    I wouldn't dismiss the yoga. I believe Tony when he says it is a very important part of the program. Just give it another shot. Have you done Kenpo yet? I was surprised with how much I liked it. I thought it was going to be much more complicated than it actually was. It was a great cardio workout. :flowerforyou:
  • BdaGolfer
    I just started P90X a few days ago. I agree with most posts. Only made it through 1/2 hour of yoga. I love cardio would like to substitute Plyo for yoga or kempo. I'm not coordinated. How many calories can we claim for excercise? I just re-joined this today to help keep me accountable.

    I wouldn't dismiss the yoga. I believe Tony when he says it is a very important part of the program. Just give it another shot. Have you done Kenpo yet? I was surprised with how much I liked it. I thought it was going to be much more complicated than it actually was. It was a great cardio workout. :flowerforyou:

    I'm not going to sugar-coat it - YogaX is tough, but only for 45 minutes. Then you get into balance poses and stretches, do some ab work (also tough) then stretch and cool down. If you can somehow get through the first 45 you can make it to the end. I find keeping the front leg straight for reverse warrior helps conserve some energy for the Warrior 3 poses.

    I'm on week 8 and I still struggle getting to the 45 minute mark, but knowing it eases off there helps me push it. Keep working, keep trying. The rush you get from getting through the first half is worth it, as you have really accomplished something.

  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I just started P90X a few days ago. I agree with most posts. Only made it through 1/2 hour of yoga. I love cardio would like to substitute Plyo for yoga or kempo. I'm not coordinated. How many calories can we claim for excercise? I just re-joined this today to help keep me accountable.

    I wouldn't dismiss the yoga. I believe Tony when he says it is a very important part of the program. Just give it another shot. Have you done Kenpo yet? I was surprised with how much I liked it. I thought it was going to be much more complicated than it actually was. It was a great cardio workout. :flowerforyou:

    I'm not going to sugar-coat it - YogaX is tough, but only for 45 minutes. Then you get into balance poses and stretches, do some ab work (also tough) then stretch and cool down. If you can somehow get through the first 45 you can make it to the end. I find keeping the front leg straight for reverse warrior helps conserve some energy for the Warrior 3 poses.

    I'm on week 8 and I still struggle getting to the 45 minute mark, but knowing it eases off there helps me push it. Keep working, keep trying. The rush you get from getting through the first half is worth it, as you have really accomplished something.


    Thank you for the advice on the Yoga. I know I will try longer next time... I was kind of rushed with company coming over when I was doing it Saturday. No excuse though. Thanks again.
  • kaleysmom71
    kaleysmom71 Posts: 4 Member
    Also new to P90X

    Hi there! I'm getting ready to start P90X for the first time, I have done a few of the workouts in the past just not in any sequence. I was only looking for supplements before to my gym workouts. Now the gym is not accessible to me. I was really looking for an effective home workout to lose a few pounds and tone up. I hope that it works. I'm not familiar with the nutrition plan (have copies of the DVD's from a friend) I was wondering if anyone could post some info on the nutrition plan, is it a hard and fast plan? I'm using mfp to track my calories etc, but that is it really, smaller portions and just making better choices in general. ?

  • Corbeya
    Corbeya Posts: 10
    I too started P90X today. Started with Chest and back. Those pull ups (did with bands) really kicked my butt! As did the push ups but mostly because my wrist was giving out. I will try it on my dumbells, like Tony suggests tomorrow. The nutrition part is pretty confusing but this webstie should help me stay where I need....hopefully! Glad to be aprt of a group for help and support!
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Going to join this thread too. I'm on my first round on day 16 plyo tonight after work. The first week was v hard but I can feel it getting better already, looking forward to more progress the rest of this week and also the change next week will be refreshing. I know phase two is sort of the next level again. Willbe good. Hopeeveryone sticks with it. Diet is hard to get used to but im getting there slowly.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Morning all! Yesterday was my rest day, today will be Core Synergistics! I was thinking I would have to miss CardioX tomorrow due to an overnight Team Building thing for work... but I decided I will just come to work late tomorrow and do my workout in the morning! I'm really happy I thought of that. lol.

    My shoulder has been pretty sore since starting this. Hopefully it's not injured. :sick:
  • MegKat
    MegKat Posts: 23 Member
    Be careful not to get injured! I have knee troubles. Today I get the anatomy of exercise book so I can really think about what muscles I am engaging. Back to my life drawing days. I'm excited. It's a rest day which I should take even though I kinda want to work out. (thats a good thing)

    Next week I work some really long days- 10 or 11, plus hours. I'm wondering if I should be working out on top of that. I don't want to get out of sync but I also don't want to push myself and be unhealthy. Ideas?
  • Corbeya
    Corbeya Posts: 10
    MegKat: I would agree you don't want to burn out and get your self sick. Maybe try some extra immune booster vitamins and get some extra sleep? I wouldn't skip the workout though. In the past when I have decided to take it easy on long work days I would get too out of sync and would go down hill from there....Just my opinion though! Good luck to you!
  • MegKat
    MegKat Posts: 23 Member
    Corbeya, I know! I don't want to loose the good rhythm I got goin', I will just have to work, workout, sleep. And one of them is a rest day so thats a good thing!
  • Kinipela
    Hey there folks

    So today is day 3, Shoulders and Arms, Ab ripper x. This will be my bf and I first workout together. Should be interesting! We have both done great for the first two days, last night was our first night of true soreness! Its great having each other to feel each others pain! I've been doing really good with the nutrition plan. I started the plan 2weeks before starting the workouts so my body could adjust to one thing @ a time. The biggest challenge for me is carbs! and getting in enough protein. We purchased Muscle Milk protein plus @ costco and found that if you get the chocolate and warm up the water just a bit, its like drinking hot coco! Tastes great and has 26g protein and only 3g carbs. I went out to target and got a hand blender for $20 it works great @ mixing the powder.
  • Kinipela

    Sounds like you got a good plan going, the P90x nutrition plan is really great because it has so many variations and approaches to fit ones needs. Depending on what you are going for( weight loss or gaining muscle) and your own bodies needs, you can adapt it to fit you. I am looking for weight loss and my boyfriend is looking to gain, so my ratios of protien/carb/fats is 50/30/20, by bf has a high metabolism so he can eat! Lucky :) his ratios allow for more carbs and more calories. But really, i think listening to your body, being aware of calories, portions and using MFP is the best way to go.
  • lynsien
    lynsien Posts: 11
    Hello! Today was my day 3! O man do my abs hurt!! They hurt yesterday so bad from my first workout on Tuesday... every time I laughed or coughed it was pain. But I know it's good pain. Hopefully. So today was rough doing the Ab ripper x again, but I made it through as much as I could. I'm interested to see how Yoga x goes tomorrow. I've heard some people like it and some don't... hopefully I like it.
    So far i've been somewhat trying to follow the nutrition plan but I'm also having problems getting enough proteins and having problems only eating one carb a day. I like my carbs, sadly enough. I'm just trying to eat smaller meals with snacks in between. .. sometimes hard to do when working. But I'm trying. It's only day 3... so I have 87 left to get it down right. haha.
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say "GOOD JOB EVERYONE!!!!"

    I'm in the first week of Round 3 of the X myself, so it's kinda' nostalgic to read all of your posts and how excited you are. It's great! I remember "those days" (yeah, talking like an old-timer, when "those days" were in August.....) of feeling so sore and exhausted, not being able to climb stairs or get into the car without wincing.

    Actually, two days after Legs & Back, I still get that even now. :)

    Kenpo-X DOES get easier as long as you keep trying every week, or practicing with the smaller subset in Cardio-X. The combo moves are a little tough to get used to (and it's hard to get adjusted even if you've been in martial arts before, like I was; it's a different sort of routine) and you feel like your arms are just flailing around in the wrong order during "jab, cross, hook, upper-cut" but it's natural, and it'll get smoother as you go.

    Just like with Yoga-X, it'll get easier the more you do it. It's just tough at first because we're not used to it.

    Speaking of Yoga-X, don't get discouraged if you can't hold the Half-Moon series. After 25 weeks, I still can't do it very well. :)
  • Corbeya
    Corbeya Posts: 10
    MY BODY IS SCREAMIN! I am sore on every part of my body! LOL It feels good though and I 'spose it's working if I am thins sore! I am loving P90X. I am having trouble on my pushups. I have good form but have to do them on my knees and can not get my chest that low. So I guess my question is...Should I go really low on push ups even if I can only get out two. Or just go half way so I can do 10-12 reps?
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Hi guys! I am new to P90x also, and am about a week or so in. I say about a week or so, because my first week was messed up with my rest days. I had serious pain in my one elbow tendon, and decided to take a day off from the workouts to prevent injury, and did stretch instead. Today should be a rest day for me, but since I already had one... I don't know if I should rest today. It's also very nasty and rainy here today, so my joints are achey. I am also really torn over whether to continue with classic or switch to lean. I have a lot of weight to lose, but I really would like the muscle definition.

    Corbeya, it's important to only do as many as you can with proper form. At least, that's what Tony says! I have the same problem too. Even on my knees, push ups are so hard for me!! My mom suggested trying to do push ups leaning against the wall. Then you are not using your full body weight, but are still keeping your form correct until you get stronger. I think I am going to try this next time I do chest and back.
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    Corbeya, do them on your knees and go as low as you can. If 2 are all you can do, don't worry. Shoot for 3 next week! The strength and endurance will come with time, and the more you do continue to do it.

    Freak, if you have a rest day out of order, shift the remainder of your week by 1. Go through what you're doing for at least another week or 2 and reevaluate how you feel then. The first week is really difficult to evaluate because you're doing something your body isn't accustomed to, so it's going to be screaming and complaining at you.

    Muscle definition will come AFTER fat loss, but in the beginning, you're going to concentrate on dropping the fat and fluid weight (which is why the nutrition program is tailored the way it is in the beginning).
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Thanks weird for the advice! I thought I sort of sounded like I was making excuses for not working out today, so I did day 1 of the lean program (core syn). (I hate excuses, LOL). I may decide to take the rest day tomorrow, and then continue with day 2 on Wednesday.

    It make sense what you're saying about the muscle definition, so I am going to do the lean program this round, and then maybe round 2 I will do the classic if I have hit my weight loss goals.