First Round P90X-ers



  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    T-Freak to put it bluntly, I lost to the deserts. Blueberry cobbler and butterscotch pie......... and cookies. ANYWAYS, I went to the Y and lifted weights for about an hour, did the ab ripper X routine and ate a small dinner (tomato soup and a can of tuna). I came out ok. but the day would have been so much better if I would not have stuffed my face.
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    IHOP last night to celebrate my first 30 days of fitness....... = ) I also went through my closet and threw away everything that was old and sloppy looking. I bought a couple new shirts and pants that fit. life is sweet!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Mark: Love your new profile pic.

    Today is usually my rest day so I'm taking it light. I've done 30 minutes of stretching and now i'm about to head to the grocery store.

    Have a great day.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Afternoon Xers! Kenpo for me today. I pushed really hard to see how high I could get my burn. Did 588 cals. I am happy with that! That is by far the best burn I have gotten all week. (Yet another reason for Kenpo to be my fave) :)

    Mark, isn't it a great feeling to get rid of that sloppy stuff? That's one of the best parts of all of this.... we are learning to carry ourselves better, and take greater pride in ourselves. I think the change in the way we see ourselves really influences the way others see us!

    I was getting a little bored with these vids, but today I feel re-energized. Not sure why, LOL.

    Hi choco. How are things going with your goal setting? Forgive me if you've already said.
  • Hi,
    I'm getting the P90 off a friend. Should have it by next week, but this week I'm starting the Slim-in-6. I'm thinking of doing them both, kinda like mix-n-match :
    I'll keep you updated if you keep me updated on yourself :P

    Best of luck and have fun! :happy:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hi choco. How are things going with your goal setting? Forgive me if you've already said.

    All is going well. I'm have maintained my weight for an entire month and I'm excited about that. I continue to see a little definition here and there so I would say i'm slowly progressing. I'm starting the Insanity Program tomorrow so we'll see how that goes. Thank for askin Tattoo.
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Hey guys. Good to see some activity on here again. I guess it always get a little slow on the weekends.

    Choco- Thanks. I know the "pose" is a little goofy but I was in a silly mood. I am a very happy-go-lucky guy.

    I have recently discovered that I like yogurt. Never used to. = )
  • jennyco
    jennyco Posts: 21 Member
    hey everyone - wow! I miss a week and the board takes off! I've read back some of the posts - there's a few new people - that's great!

    I was away with the family in the domincan - we had a great time and I only gained 2 lbs! Yay!!! I can't believe it. I did eat a lot of vegetables and fruit though, so that's probably why - plus I carried my 9month old all over the resort and the beach - that couldn't have hurt either.

    I'm going to do measurements today and see where I am compared to three months ago when I started the Lean program. Then I'm going to start the Classic program today. I go back to work in May after a years maternity leave and I really want to look good and fit into my old work clothes (or maybe need to buy some new ones)! Hopefully with that goal and this group I'll be able to stay on track!
  • I bought the p90x for my husband and I for Christmas. We are on week 9! I love it!!!! However, he has dropped 2 pant sizes and I have stayed the same friend recommended me to this site to see if it helps. I watch what I eat, I am active with my two children, and I make sure that I do the workout even if I am so tired that my eyelids hurt. I am frustrated!!! My doctor looks at me as if I am on crack or something, because my blood work comes back fine. But I have never had a weight problem until after my second daughter. I have to fit in a swim suit by september for our white water rafting trip!!!!!! And so here I am!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Welcome back Jennyco!

    Tranquility, this website should definitely help with weight loss. Just mind your calories and stick to it!
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Hey P90Xers!!!! :) I'm sorry I've been away from the boards for a few days, but I'm back! I've still been logging my meals into MFP, but have been way too busy to even glance at the boards. :( Anyway, I have a question for all of you veterans of P90X: I just began my 3rd week of the Lean program, but am thinking of switching to the Classic. The thing is, I was thinking of not doing the Lean Recovery week, and starting with the first week of the Classic program instead (but still calling it my week 4). Do you guys think this would be OK, or do you think I should just suck it up and do the Recovery week? I really want to kick my program up a notch, and just don't feel like the Lean is doing it for me. Please let me know what you think.

    Have a great night! I hope to be back on here later to see what you say. :smile:
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    WB Jennyco and welcome tranquility! Are you following the nutrition plan?

    Good to see you Sara! Maybe do the recovery week for Classic? I think it's important to give your muscles their proper time to rest.

    Today was my rest day, so I walked the dog while carrying the baby for an hour. Burned 500 calories! Whoohoo! I think I am actually starting to see some of my muscles poking out from under this fat :) I like that!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    I have to comment on how different my abdominals look now after doing ARX 3 times a week. I love that routine. I can still only do 15 reps per movement and i collapse after 20 mason twists. Hopefully I will be able to get 20 of each soon.. I missed the gym to much. I am lifting 3 times a week again in the gym and i fill in the gaps with p90x. I am really glad that I can incorporate Tony's workouts into my own..... Keep it up people!

    I am at 189. I want 185 by the middle of March. I want 175 by the middle of summer. I want to to go to the beach and turn heads. That's right, I want to be eye candy for the ladies. = ) lol
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    I have to comment on how different my abdominals look now after doing ARX 3 times a week. I love that routine. I can still only do 15 reps per movement and i collapse after 20 mason twists. Hopefully I will be able to get 20 of each soon..

    That is so awesome!!! Is that the only ab routine you're doing?
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I have to comment on how different my abdominals look now after doing ARX 3 times a week. I love that routine. I can still only do 15 reps per movement and i collapse after 20 mason twists. Hopefully I will be able to get 20 of each soon.. I missed the gym to much. I am lifting 3 times a week again in the gym and i fill in the gaps with p90x. I am really glad that I can incorporate Tony's workouts into my own..... Keep it up people!

    I am at 189. I want 185 by the middle of March. I want 175 by the middle of summer. I want to to go to the beach and turn heads. That's right, I want to be eye candy for the ladies. = ) lol

    I can tell a difference in my abs too just after wk 6!! ARX is brutal, but I have to say my abs have not been real sore during this whole process like every other part of my body is.....wondering if it makes everyone else sore? maybe I just need to step it up a notch!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    my abs were only sore after the first time I did ARX. They have never been sore since. the key for the rest of your muscles is water and stretching. I think those two things help the most.
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    :smile: That's good to hear that your abs don't HAVE to be sore everytime, because mine certainly are not! It's also awesome to hear I'm not the only one who can't do all 25 of every exercise yet! :blushing:

    I just did my training run of 3 miles on the treadmill. I'm really looking forward to the weather here (Cleveland area) breaking a little later this week so that I can do my runs outside!!! The fresh air itself is so motivating to me...I feel like a hibernating bear. :yawn:

    I have Shoulders & Arms and ARX tonight. All of this talk about abs has made me excited to go do it! Thanks guys! :flowerforyou:
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    hey, i don't know how i missed this thread. I started same week as you guys. Sign me up.

    Tonight is chest, tri, shoulder - these phase 2 workouts are kicking my butt and I feel like i need a rack full of dumbbells for all the different weights you need on these!
  • jennyco
    jennyco Posts: 21 Member
    marksball - that's great about your abs - mine are still well hidden.

    I have a new plan. I was going to start the P90X classic routine, but I have to go the gym in the garage to do most of the workouts and I tried last night but froze my *kitten* off. I've decided to do the Lean routine again and then do the classic when the weather is nicer. I would still like to lose 10-15 lbs so the lean won't hurt me, I'm just hoping I don't get too bored. At least I can do most of the dvd's in my living room where it's not minus 10 celcius (I'm in Ontario Canada).

    welcome mworld - chest tri and shoulder is one of my favourite dvds - I don't get to do it again until phase three of the lean though.

    I'm not following the nutrition part of P90X - I'm still nursing my baby and have a toddler too and I just felt that it was too much and decided to focus on the exercise only and watch my diet through MFP. I'm not really expecting to get ripped, I just want to lose some weight and be in better shape!

    who is following the nutrition plan? is it hard to follow and keep up with the right groceries, etc.?
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