First Round P90X-ers



  • jennyco
    jennyco Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm a newbie to myfitnesspal and I need to be honest, I didn't go back and read all of the pages of this thread, so I'll apologize in advance if I'm asking something that's already been discussed.

    I'm in phase 3 of P90X lean and I'm really enjoying it. I have a 4 year old and a 9 month old, so I've been doing an adapted version - i.e. I don't always get all 6 work outs in - I average about 4 per week - but something is better than nothing.

    My question is: does anyone know roughly how many calories are burned with each dvd?

    My other question is: when I'm done this round, should I do the lean routine again or do the regular one? I can do most of the moves (although the dreya roll still eludes me) and I do replace the yoga with cardio (I just don't have time to do a 1.5 hour workout - my husband works 12 hour shifts and with two babies it's just impossible). I know that's not ideal, but again - it's better than nothing at all.

    thanks for any help!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    tatoodfreak, I have a portable dvd player that i took with me to do plyo. The Y I am a member of has a seperate room with a punching bag so i did it in there. the floor was concrete so that kind of sucked but it is better than nothing.
  • laurabelle25
    Well, I did it. I didn't want to, but i pushed thru. Yesterday I did my regular ABX and legs and back.....then, I did Cardio X last night for a little bonus!!!! I'm so proud of myself for sticking it out! Some of you know that i splurged and had pizza and was feeling pretty bad about it (thanks WeirdFish, i think you were right about the gained pound being the sodium!). But after doing the extra exercise I feel so much better!!!

    So anyway, Kenpo X was today. I ended up being off a day, I think i skipped Cardio on Tuesday, but I decided i'd just do that tomorrow. My arms are killing me! (but in a good way :happy: )

    And i showed my husband my 'ab definition' that i think is showing, and he agreed with me! Yeah! Progress! Anyways. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon my workout buddies and happy Friday! My day began w/ P90X "Legs & Back" dvd. Since completing more than 1 pull up is next to impossible for me I decided to do negative pull ups. I had been reading ppl discuss them in different threads and a friend of mine stated that's what they use in the military to help you build to an actual pull up. I can honestly say I felt it working my back. Hopefully after a few weeks of completing these I will be able to do more than 1 standard pull up. Time will tell.
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Legs and Back today, my least favorite other than plyo. I hate working my legs, always have.

    In regards to the negative pullup, the key is to lower yourself as slowly as possible. a good 4 or 5 count is key. Do as many as you can! You will be doing regular pullups in no time.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Marksball: Thank for the encouragement. I did them as slow as possible and after about 3/4 of them I was tired and began using the bands for the rest of the set. Everytime we did a new set of pull ups I started w/the negatives and went to the bands after I was no longer able to complete any negative pull ups.
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    Legs and back isn't one of my favorite workouts either (I do like the funny charlie chaplin walk thing, though!). To compensate for my lack of pull-up bar, I tried hooking my resistance bands across the top of the door but I kept seeing visions of the bands rubbing against the wood/hinge and snapping back in my face (as someone already put it, a "door-hinge facial"! eek) so I've decided I'm going to have to definitely invest in a pull-up bar! I'll definitely be doing the negative style pull-ups though, so it's nice to know that you actually felt it in your back! This thread is so great for good ideas!
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    Hi everyone. I'm a newbie to myfitnesspal and I need to be honest, I didn't go back and read all of the pages of this thread, so I'll apologize in advance if I'm asking something that's already been discussed.

    I'm in phase 3 of P90X lean and I'm really enjoying it. I have a 4 year old and a 9 month old, so I've been doing an adapted version - i.e. I don't always get all 6 work outs in - I average about 4 per week - but something is better than nothing.

    My question is: does anyone know roughly how many calories are burned with each dvd?

    My other question is: when I'm done this round, should I do the lean routine again or do the regular one? I can do most of the moves (although the dreya roll still eludes me) and I do replace the yoga with cardio (I just don't have time to do a 1.5 hour workout - my husband works 12 hour shifts and with two babies it's just impossible). I know that's not ideal, but again - it's better than nothing at all.

    thanks for any help!

    Hey there,

    Calories burned will be significantly different based on your height, weight and fitness level. I think somewhere in either the nutrition or fitness guide it refers to them as 600-cal workouts, but at 5'11 and 210 pounds, I still only get about 450 calories max out of the cardio x and Kenpo-X (measured with a body bugg) and less with the weight work-outs. I don't know if that really helps, but maybe it kind of offers a little bit of an idea of what you might be burning! :)

    Also, my personal opinion is that you'd probably be fine with switching to classic, especially if you wanted to tone up more than slim down at this point. I think it's nice just to mix it up a little bit and doing lean again might be a little boring, but I that's just me!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I guess I'll just jump in on this thread. I won't officially start my P90X until 2/15 but this is my 3rd weed of doing P90X workouts. I am 6'3" and my beginning weight on January 25th was 235 lbs. I started the first week by just doing Cardio X for 5 straight days and then I walked/ran on the treadmill 4 miles for the next 2 days. I haven't really been on a nutrition plan other than following what MFP suggested for me in order to lose 2 lbs a week. I count my calories, carbs, fat and protein.

    During my second week of preparation for starting P90X I actually followed the classic schedule except for Yoga. I could only do 4 or 5 reps of each ab workout though. This week I am going to bring it a little bit harder and do the Yoga. I'm glad someone posted that the first 45 minutes would be the toughest. I can make myself do that. I really want to work on my flexibility. I haven't started charting my #'s during the workouts but I plan on doing that when I officially start next Monday.

    My goal was to be 220lbs on my start day. I am sitting at 224 as of this morning and I feel like I can do it. So far my diet has been fruit in the morning, a light lunch of either muscle milk or a turkey sandwich and then I'll have some sort of meat and a salad for dinner. I snack on protein bars and fruit during the day. I have been under my calorie count every day and it really hasn't been that hard to do it. I don't know if what I'm doing is the best way to go about it but the weight is coming off and I can tell my body is getting in much better shape.

    I can't wait to pop my shirt off when lake season rolls around!

    Good luck everyone! I'm looking forward to keeping up with this thread and everyone's progress.

    Hi Hogcaller!
    I am a hog caller too! (in little rock) and a p90x'er! Just wanted to say HI to fellow Hog fan!!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I am new to p90x also....I am getting ready to start my 4th week...and I LOVE IT!! Not seeing much in the way of wt loss...but I feel stronger and a little more wiggle room in my jeans...LOL!
    Just wanted to say I am gonna go back and read more of these post!
  • jennyco
    jennyco Posts: 21 Member
    Emilydmo - thanks - that does give me an idea - I really didn't know what to put in for my exercise/cals burned. I think I will try classic next time - I think the only work out I haven't done is the plyo - but I'll have to double check.

    I did kenpo tonight and really felt it. It's one of my favourites. It's funny how everyone has different ones they hate/love.

    I think I'll look into getting a monitor. does anyone have a favourite or suggestions?
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I tried to read most all of the previous post.....I feel like I am right on track with everyone else! Trouble eating ALL of those calories.....I usually only get in @1400-1500 per day. I ALWAYS go over my protein, but I try to watch everything else. One thing I struggle with is Sodium, I go over my sodium most days, but I always drink atleast 10 cups of water!
    any suggestions on ham or turkey lunch meat that is lower in sodium? the turkey I buy is very low fat and low calorie, but has way too much sodium in it.

    BTW~ I struggled hard with yoga x at first, but I can tell I am getting stronger cause it is easier to do now.....I think I am starting to like it! LOL! I LOVE Kenpo also!
  • jfilon
    jfilon Posts: 80
    Sorry it's taken me so long to respond (I just got hired to be a Zumba Group Fitness instructor today!. . . and then came the paperwork. Haha.) But I ended up just taking the worksheets and the workout guidebook with me. I remembered most of the moves from the past two weeks and about how many reps I should be looking to do, and if I needed to brush up on the form, I just double-checked the description in the book.

    I've also heard about people using ripping software to put the dvd's on their iPod, but that's a little too advanced for me. :)

    Well, today was Week 3 Day 5. I actually (almost) enjoy the legs & back workout, but I definitely need more weight and I'm too shy to try to do assisted pullups at the rec center. Has anyone found good, cheap dumbbells online?

    On a side note, I went running for the first time in a long time today - I was able to pump out 3 miles before my shins reminded me they do not match my drive. Haha still a big deal to me though.

    How do you do negative pull-up? Do you just lower yourself slowly and use a chair to get you back up, or is there a completely different technique?
  • jfilon
    jfilon Posts: 80
    BTW~ I struggled hard with yoga x at first, but I can tell I am getting stronger cause it is easier to do now.....I think I am starting to like it! LOL! I LOVE Kenpo also!

    That is so awesome! I honestly don't know if I'll ever learn to love Yoga X. . . unless the vinyasas decide to magically disappear. Then maybe, I'll reconsider.

    You, on the other hand, gettin' it done! Such inspiration right now!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Diamon- try Jennie-o lo sodium turkey. It's very good! Boars Head also makes a lower sodium ham, however, it still has like 450 mg of sodium in it. Do you watch your potassium? That is supposed to help counter the effects of sodium. I feel like most days it's darn near impossible to be under 2300 mg of sodium!

    Mark- that's a great tip on the negative pullups. I'm honestly not sure if I could do some regular ones or not, but I would def give that a try! The problem is- I have no doorways to use the pull up bar in. The doorways in the downstairs portion of my house are the extra wide kind. Pull up bars don't work in those kinds of door ways. I guess I could pause the dvd and run upstairs to do the pull up sets. But boy that seems like a pain! Got any ideas?

    I love yoga, but I do not enjoy the P90x yoga. It's not because it's too challenging (don't get me wrong-it's hard for me, that's just not why I don't like it), but it's not smooth and focused to me. And just too repetitive. It feels like 90 minutes of doing the same thing the whole time. I just get bored I think.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    How do you do negative pull-up? Do you just lower yourself slowly and use a chair to get you back up, or is there a completely different technique?

    I just hop up and then hold myself above the pull up bar. Once I feel steady, I slowly begin to lower myself down til my arms are fully extended. Once I can no longer hold on I hop down, rest a few seconds and hop back up. I'm able to do this abou 3 or 4 times before i'm tired and then I begin using the resistance bands.

    Hope this information helps.
  • chickylet

    I'm really surprised no has joined you. It seemed there was a lot of p90x talk lately.

    I started a year ago, stuck with it and I am on round 5. I love it. (except Kenpo)
    I've done 2 rounds of P90X. It is a great workout. Why don't you like Kenpo? It's one of my favs. To all you first timers, good luck and keep up the good work.
  • kairose
    hi not new to p90x i have been doing it for two years but i started a new round on feb 1st and it always feel like your starting anew...i am committed to loosing those last few pounds with my fitness pal keeping me honest..if you need any advise...i can help....i cant believe how legs and back rips my butt up after doing it for so long!!!!:happy:
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Diamon- try Jennie-o lo sodium turkey. It's very good! Boars Head also makes a lower sodium ham, however, it still has like 450 mg of sodium in it. Do you watch your potassium? That is supposed to help counter the effects of sodium. I feel like most days it's darn near impossible to be under 2300 mg of sodium!

    Mark- that's a great tip on the negative pullups. I'm honestly not sure if I could do some regular ones or not, but I would def give that a try! The problem is- I have no doorways to use the pull up bar in. The doorways in the downstairs portion of my house are the extra wide kind. Pull up bars don't work in those kinds of door ways. I guess I could pause the dvd and run upstairs to do the pull up sets. But boy that seems like a pain! Got any ideas?

    I love yoga, but I do not enjoy the P90x yoga. It's not because it's too challenging (don't get me wrong-it's hard for me, that's just not why I don't like it), but it's not smooth and focused to me. And just too repetitive. It feels like 90 minutes of doing the same thing the whole time. I just get bored I think.

    I have extra wide doors in my house husband rigged me a place where I can attached the bands and use them like they do in the dvd! He took a really large metal hook and screwed it in the wall right abouve the door frame and I attach the band to that, get on my knee and do the pull downs that way! Works great!
    I have never watched my potassium, thanks I will try it!
    also the p90x yoga does bore me also, most time I dont get all the way thru it, usually do 1 hr and I have had it! But I am starting to like it in a weird kind of way! : )
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. I'm happy to report that the procrastination is over and the workout is complete. Everytime I thought about working out today I found something else to distract myself. Finally I said enough is enough, press play and BRING IT! I did just that and 58 minutes later Kenpo X is done. I usually attend a Saturday morning kickboxing class but since it snowed last night I decided to stay in today.

    I hope everyone else is having a wonderful Saturday and has completed or is about to complete their workout.