First Round P90X-ers



  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Good afternoon ladies.

    I am here toooooooooooooooooooooo = ) lol

    Went to the gym today to lift weights. Have not done this for two weeks (since I started p90x). I am pleased to announce that I was much stronger then I was a few weeks ago. This psychs me up because I was born and raised on the traditional mentality of benching and squatting big and being a muscle head. P90X has made me stronger! I love it. I can't wait for day 90. This summer is going to rock.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon ladies.

    I am here toooooooooooooooooooooo = ) lol

    Mark, I'm sorry. You're absolutely correct you are a part of this thread and offer great insight. Don't hold it against me :flowerforyou:
  • jfilon
    jfilon Posts: 80
    Good afternoon ladies. I'm happy to report that the procrastination is over and the workout is complete. Everytime I thought about working out today I found something else to distract myself. Finally I said enough is enough, press play and BRING IT! I did just that and 58 minutes later Kenpo X is done. I usually attend a Saturday morning kickboxing class but since it snowed last night I decided to stay in today.

    I hope everyone else is having a wonderful Saturday and has completed or is about to complete their workout.

    Hahah, your post is yet another reason I should stop focusing on vacuuming behind my refrigerator.
  • jennyco
    jennyco Posts: 21 Member
    I will do my work out tonight...I will do my workout tonight...I will do my workout tonight...

    thanks for the inspiration everyone
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    Haha, I actually got on MFP to procrastinate my workout a little longer, but you guys got me convinced to just go ahead and get my workout done first. I love this thread! :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Valentine's ladies and gents (Mark I'm trying really hard to get better at remember there is a man participating but in all the threads that I post in you're the only guy which makes you special), I hope your weekend is coming along well!

    I've been up since 5 am b/c my best friend who have not spoken w/since X-mas gave me a call and we talked until about 7 am and then another good friend call right after and talked for another 2 hours. I told myself that before I got too comfortable I was going to get my workout complete and I have succeeded. As always, Sunday is my light day so I decided to complete the 58 minutes of the P90X stretching dvd. I know stretching is an essential piece of working out to help w/flexibility and preventing injuries but i'm not sure 58 minutes of it is necessary. I kept telling myself I was only going to do 30 minutes but then when 30 minutes passed I said 45 minutes and then here comes 45 minutes and I finally said just suck it up and do the entire thing and I did. Glad it's over and it was not as bad as I had anticipated although I still don't think I need 58 minutes of it.

    Now that the workout is complete I can spend the rest of the day relaxing.

    Hope everyone's valentines weekend was spend w/that special someone. Have a great day all!
  • happy monday all...getting ready to hit it with chest and back...i used to hate this work out because of pull ups i tried on my pull up bar for a few rounds of p90x and kept hurting my shoulder...then i got go fit bands at sports authority they have a device to just put in your door jamb and it is so stable and i love that they have pound resistence on the box.. iam using 20's and they are very hard...i can do about 6 to 8 pull ups in bicep hand grip but it stresses my body so now i am using the bancs and look forward to pull ups...i am going to give the bar another try down the road but feel i am working out my back really well with the bands...i am doing work both directions...sometimes you just have to do your own thing and what is best for your body...i am off to have my Shakeology shake before my workout and then off for a good one...i didnt loose much this week not because i ate the wrong things but because i ate too much...i have to get the portions down a bit...working out makes me so hungry..
  • happy monday all...getting ready to hit it with chest and back...i used to hate this work out because of pull ups i tried on my pull up bar for a few rounds of p90x and kept hurting my shoulder...then i got go fit bands at sports authority they have a device to just put in your door jamb and it is so stable and i love that they have pound resistence on the box.. iam using 20's and they are very hard...i can do about 6 to 8 pull ups in bicep hand grip but it stresses my body so now i am using the bancs and look forward to pull ups...i am going to give the bar another try down the road but feel i am working out my back really well with the bands...i am doing work both directions...sometimes you just have to do your own thing and what is best for your body...i am off to have my Shakeology shake before my workout and then off for a good one...i didnt loose much this week not because i ate the wrong things but because i ate too much...i have to get the portions down a bit...working out makes me so hungry..
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I finally decided to switch to Classic, and want to add some outdoor jogs to kinda mock the "Doubles" schedule. I just have to figure out how to work it into my schedule. I would like to do 30 minute jog in the mornings but will only jog on the road in daylight and have to leave for work by 7am, which means my run would start no later than 5:30am. So, I gotta think about it.

    Saturday, I bought a pair of 8 pound weights, but they didn't have any 12's. Need to get some. I also bought a cheap full-length mirror so I could watch and make sure I am doing the moves correctly. That's helped a lot so far! What's even better is the mirror is so cheap, the way it boes makes me look super slender! I was laughing at myself Saturday because I was telling my husband that all the other mirrors in the house were misleading and this one shows what I actually look like... Until I squatted down and my neck looked like it is 2 feet long!

    KenpoX today will end Week 5 for me (rest tomorrow of course). I am so sore from Shoulders, Chest & Tri from Friday, Yoga was even more difficult on Saturday. Still no changes in weight or measurements (no changes at all since I last measured in July and I am up about 4 lbs since my wedding Sept 26.) I can't complain. Hubby says I am starting to look "athletic".

    Looks like everyone here is kickin butt! Keep up the good work!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I'm finally back from a week at Disney - I'm so glad to be rid of that place... "Have a Magical Day!!" - here's what will be "magic" - you take my kids through the parks for 8 hours at a time while I sit and get my *kitten* pampered!!
    But seriously - I've never seen so many people using scooters in my life... Of course you are morbidly obese!!! You never use your legs to move yourself, clusterF---!

    I'm going to have to go back to day 1, week 1 I think. I've got a big heart exam tomorrow (where they inject radioactive dyes to see where blood is flowing), so I cannot exercise today (or drink caffeine :sad: )
    And while I wore my HRM the whole week while away, I was burning between 2500-3000 calories per 8 hour days walking and pushing strollers through the park. I managed to gain 6 pounds back :brokenheart: Oh well, suck it up and BRING IT!

    Good job everyone. I can't wait to be back to "routine" here.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Today is week 3 day 1 of the P90X series and I was able to rock out the chest and back dvd after procrastinating the entire morning. I really don't know what's going on w/me but my desire to exercise daily is waning terribly. I'm finding myself procrastinating more and having to really talk myself into "bringing it" during my workouts. I'm fearful that I will eventually say "forget it" regarding daily exercise and will just watch my caloric intake since I've already hit my goal weight. I know why I need daily exercise but I'll admit it's getting harder by the day. Anyway, 52 minutes later the workout is done and I'm happy about it.

    Tomorrow is Plyometrics and hopefully I can get up and get it in.

    Have a great day all!
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Hey everyone! I really hope it's not too late to join this group, because I DEFINITELY need the motivation! I started P90X a few months ago, but only made it through 2 weeks (I sprained my ankle running on the dumb treadmill!). After recovering, I am back and ready to bring it! I decided to go the P90X Lean way for my first "real" time doing this program, because I'm still a little iffy on how the plyo and some other moves will be on my ankle. I did Core Syn. yesterday, and it was just as hard as it was the first time I did it!!! Today is Cardio X, so I'm really excited because I remember how much I liked that one.

    I can't wait to see how everyone progresses. You are all my motivators! :flowerforyou:
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Hey Choco exercising becomes VERY HARD when you no longer have a clear goal. Now that you have met the weight you were shooting for you need to establish a new one. I don't think most people can work out consistently unless they have a really good reason. Before it was so you could get down to a certain weight. Try to think of a goal that pertains to your work outs. Maybe for plyo it will be to make it through the entire workout with out stopping. Maybe your goal is to do so many pullups in a week. Try to think of something that will give you motivation to work out. As Tony would say, "Get your mind right, think about what you are doing and what you are trying to achieve."
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hey Choco exercising becomes VERY HARD when you no longer have a clear goal. Now that you have met the weight you were shooting for you need to establish a new one. I don't think most people can work out consistently unless they have a really good reason. Before it was so you could get down to a certain weight. Try to think of a goal that pertains to your work outs. Maybe for plyo it will be to make it through the entire workout with out stopping. Maybe your goal is to do so many pullups in a week. Try to think of something that will give you motivation to work out. As Tony would say, "Get your mind right, think about what you are doing and what you are trying to achieve."

    Mark, you make an excellent point and I never thought about it like that. I will have to think about some new goals. I thank you for this advice b/c I needed it.
  • jfilon
    jfilon Posts: 80
    Hey guys! Today is Week 4 Day 1 for me. I honestly can't stand Yoga X for the life of me (I'm a cardio addict), so I did 30 mins on the bike and 20 mins rowing + Stretch X later tonight. Haha. That's actually a light day for me, so I'm not going to worry about it being my recovery week. It's all good.

    PS: Watching the Olympics on a stationary exercise machine is an AMAZING motivator! I just think about how dedicated those athletes are and how much they push themselves - comparatively, why should I be pushing myself any less?
  • jennyco
    jennyco Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone. I managed to get through the chest shoulders and tris today. I'm having a hard time getting motivated to exercise too - but am always glad after I've finished a workout. I do still have a goal (lose another 15 lbs) and I'll just try to keep that in mind.

    Jfilon - I can't stand yogaX either - I usually try to replace it with cardio - at least it has 20 mins of yoga as warm up.

    SaraWo - I'm in the final phase of the lean - I really liked it. I've managed to lose 14lbs so far (and that's not always getting all six workouts done in a week - always did 4 though). Good luck!!

    Mojogurl - a vacation isn't quite the same with the kids is it? those 6lbs will fall off quickly I'm sure.

    I'm going on vacation in the dominican with my family on Saturday. I am supposed to do one more week and then have a recovery week. I was thinking of trying to get some jogging in, do some ab work, push ups, squats and lunges each day and then repeat the work out week and then do a recovery. does that make sense? is that what you guys would do? I should be burning calories from pushing strollers and carrying baby ( I carry the 9 month old - 19lbs- in a sling a lot).
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Got through Chest and Back today. That workout always works my lower back pretty good which makes the ARX workout kind of painful. I will do ARX tomorrow morning. I've decided that I am going to revise my program a tad. I am going to do Yoga X tomorrow night rather than Plyo.

    Plyo is an excellent workout however I can not do it at home. The Y thing is not working out either because the weather has been severe and the Y I am a member of is part of the college I attend. When the college is closed due to severe weather so is the Y.

    I love Yoga X. I have become so limber. The recovery week has Yoga twice a week anyways so I don't feel too bad about it. Once the weather clears up I will be able to take my portable dvd player outside and do plyo again. Actually that is something that really excites me. I can't wait to be able to do my workout OUTSIDE!!!!

    Living in Ohio has its ups and downs. In November/December the snow is pretty and exciting. January snow is tiresome. February snow is annoying. March snow is disgusting. I am praying for no snow in March and things to get warm FAST in April.
  • jfilon
    jfilon Posts: 80
    Jennyco: Glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't exactly care for an hour and a half of yoga, hahah. I'm already flexible (I've done dance for a long time), so cardio is definitely more of what I should be doing to reach my fitness goals of slimmin' down.

    Marksball: Amen to working out outside! I feel trapped in the gym sometimes when all I went to do is go out for a run. Too bad ice/ snow/ cold-induced asthma/ really bad Flagstaff drivers don't help with that. Soon though!

    I think I'm going to get bored very quickly with 'recovery weeks'. I know my body needs the rest, but c'mon. . . let's get by to plyo already!

    . . . and never thought I'd say that before. ;)
  • Well, just finished Week 3 Day 2 (CardioX). I still can't believe that i've exercised nearly every day for the last 2.5 weeks! Well I had a shock last weekend. woke up on Sat. and my weight had dropped 3lbs! Yes good news, but wait. then I went out for dinner Sat. night. (and drank plenty of brewski's) woke up Sun. and gain the 3 back plus 3! I know it was probably due to the sodium and alcohol. but i was pissed. So I brought it yesterday and today, took measurements this morning...and.....I lost 2 INCHES off my waist! Plus 1 in. off my hips, and .5 in on my legs!!!!!!!!!!! (plus I'm back down to 150, which is really a loss of 2 lbs since i started P90X!!!!!)

    I'm sooo excited! I can't wait to take measurements at the end of this 1st phase and see more progress! I feel stronger. i feel more engergized. i love this!

    Keep it up ya'll!
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Hey everybody! So yesterday I did my Cardio X day I WILL master those dumb Dreya Rolls! Those suckers are tough! I have to do what Tony suggests, and push off of the ground with my hands...I'll get there! Tonight is Shoulders and Arms, and ARX. I remember how tough those were, so I'm trying to fuel up throughout the day. I forgot to mention that I'm also training for my first half-marathon in May (here in Cleveland), so I had my 2 mile training run this morning already.

    Jennico (I'm sorry if I spelled that wrong...I'll get it!): That is amazing news! Congratulations on losing the weight. I'm really excited to see how this program works out. You are great motivation! :)

    Marksball: Where in Ohio are you at? I'm up north, by Cleveland, and the snow is disgusting here. I definitely feel your pain about wanting to get outside (in nice weather of course)!
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