First Round P90X-ers



  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    marksball - that's great about your abs - mine are still well hidden.

    I have a new plan. I was going to start the P90X classic routine, but I have to go the gym in the garage to do most of the workouts and I tried last night but froze my *kitten* off. I've decided to do the Lean routine again and then do the classic when the weather is nicer. I would still like to lose 10-15 lbs so the lean won't hurt me, I'm just hoping I don't get too bored. At least I can do most of the dvd's in my living room where it's not minus 10 celcius (I'm in Ontario Canada).

    welcome mworld - chest tri and shoulder is one of my favourite dvds - I don't get to do it again until phase three of the lean though.

    I'm not following the nutrition part of P90X - I'm still nursing my baby and have a toddler too and I just felt that it was too much and decided to focus on the exercise only and watch my diet through MFP. I'm not really expecting to get ripped, I just want to lose some weight and be in better shape!

    who is following the nutrition plan? is it hard to follow and keep up with the right groceries, etc.?

    Hey Jenny! I'm also doing the Lean program right now (I just started Week 3 this past Sunday), but I'm going to switch to Classic after my recovery week is over. I just don't feel like i'm getting the workout I want to get. I'm also NOT doing the nutrition plan, because I was given the DVDs from a friend and I didn't get the nutrition or workout booklets.

    So, I came home and did the Shoulders & Arms and the heck does everyone burn so many calories with these lifting workouts??? I wear my HR monitor, and my S&A workout only burned like, 240 calories. I even upped my weights which was REALLY tough, let me tell you. haha

    All in all, I feel pretty good! Tomorrow is Yoga, which I'm already dreading but I'll do it. It's not even the actual Yoga that I don't like, it's just the fact that it takes an hour and a half. Oh well. :smile:
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    I cant remember who asked but yes ARX is the only ab routine i do. i know that thing by heart so i can do it anywhere!! I could be in the middle of grocery shopping and just hit the floor and pump out some crunchy frogs...... yea.
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    I cant remember who asked but yes ARX is the only ab routine i do. i know that thing by heart so i can do it anywhere!! I could be in the middle of grocery shopping and just hit the floor and pump out some crunchy frogs...... yea.

    That's what I call Bringing It. haha
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Wow. Awesome workout last night. Tricep extensions, curls, bench (dumbell and bar), military press, pullups, dips, and squats. = ) Then I loosened back up with about 15 minutes on the punching bag. What should I spice my Wednesday up with? Yoga? Kenpo? ARX?
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    I say Kenpo!

    I was feeling a little bad last night, because I got through my 30 day shred video, and then only half of core synergistics when the baby woke up. I had paused the video where I was at with the intention of getting back to it but never did. So as I was reading this thread last night, I decided to finish it, even though it was 11! And I did!

    Today both of my knees are really bothering me, especially walking up and down the steps. Anybody else having this problem?
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    Wow. Awesome workout last night. Tricep extensions, curls, bench (dumbell and bar), military press, pullups, dips, and squats. = ) Then I loosened back up with about 15 minutes on the punching bag. What should I spice my Wednesday up with? Yoga? Kenpo? ARX?

    Oooo I say Kenpo! One of my favs!!!
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    Morning all...just checking in. I did my 20 mins of cardio between the elliptical and treadmill running yesterday and ARX

    Today is 2 mi on the treadmill and arms and shoulders!.....I'm ready for both! Got a good nights sleep for the first time in I don't know when (changed by bed!)...boy did that make a difference!!......

    Hope everyone has a great day!......Rock on with the work outs....everyone is doing great!!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I third favorite too! It is kick *kitten* but FUN!
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    I third favorite too! It is kick *kitten* but FUN!

    I have an ex currently giving me crap......I think of him and go to town!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Ok. Time for a nerd moment. When I am doing the Kenpo X dvd I pretend that I am in a kung fu movie. I usually give a narrative while I'm doing the moves...... like "oh you are attacking me from the front and behind? Stun! Stun! Finish! Finish! How did that feel!?!? Try sneaking up on me again......!"
  • hey everyone! sorry i've been away!

    Work has been insane! But i'm back. i've still continued with all my workouts. Today is Phase 2, Week 1. I had a bad time with my diet this last week and I gained back 2lbs that I had lost. But i think part of that is because i had some high sodium foods. BUT, i'm going to get back on track and work really hard this month with eating right.

    I really think i need to cut down on the brewskies (weekends only). B/c i've been seeing a trend of losing 1 or 1.5 lbs by Fri. then on monday i almost always have gained it back. Granted i don't eat the best on the weekends, but i still don't do that bad. so the only thing left to blame is the beers i love to have Fri., Sat., and Sun. evenings. That's going to be a tough one, But i think if I get rid of drinking on Fri. and Sun. nights that would help so much. Then on Sat., exercise twice as much to make up for whatever i want to drink that night. (BTW, i know alcohol is terrible for diets, i've heard all the lectures, but i'm just one of those people that love to drink, and i don't think i could give it up totally.)

    Whew. Well, back to work. hope everyone is doing well!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    if you would follow your diet over the weekend and not drink any beer, i bet you'll wake up with another half a pound gone on monday. do it!

    I went through the exact same thing. I would piss away an entire week's worth of work just because I wanted to get drunk. So, I stopped drinking. And the weight just melts away. My friends keep drinking and getting fatter and wonder "how I do it". = )
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    hey everyone! sorry i've been away!

    Work has been insane! But i'm back. i've still continued with all my workouts. Today is Phase 2, Week 1. I had a bad time with my diet this last week and I gained back 2lbs that I had lost. But i think part of that is because i had some high sodium foods. BUT, i'm going to get back on track and work really hard this month with eating right.

    I really think i need to cut down on the brewskies (weekends only). B/c i've been seeing a trend of losing 1 or 1.5 lbs by Fri. then on monday i almost always have gained it back. Granted i don't eat the best on the weekends, but i still don't do that bad. so the only thing left to blame is the beers i love to have Fri., Sat., and Sun. evenings. That's going to be a tough one, But i think if I get rid of drinking on Fri. and Sun. nights that would help so much. Then on Sat., exercise twice as much to make up for whatever i want to drink that night. (BTW, i know alcohol is terrible for diets, i've heard all the lectures, but i'm just one of those people that love to drink, and i don't think i could give it up totally.)

    Whew. Well, back to work. hope everyone is doing well!

    Ahhhh...a woman after my own heart! don't want to give up my beer on the I stay strict during the week:happy: .....Have a great day!
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Ok. Time for a nerd moment. When I am doing the Kenpo X dvd I pretend that I am in a kung fu movie. I usually give a narrative while I'm doing the moves...... like "oh you are attacking me from the front and behind? Stun! Stun! Finish! Finish! How did that feel!?!? Try sneaking up on me again......!"

    Haha it's like the Mortal Combat game..."Finish him!"
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    hey everyone! sorry i've been away!

    Work has been insane! But i'm back. i've still continued with all my workouts. Today is Phase 2, Week 1. I had a bad time with my diet this last week and I gained back 2lbs that I had lost. But i think part of that is because i had some high sodium foods. BUT, i'm going to get back on track and work really hard this month with eating right.

    I really think i need to cut down on the brewskies (weekends only). B/c i've been seeing a trend of losing 1 or 1.5 lbs by Fri. then on monday i almost always have gained it back. Granted i don't eat the best on the weekends, but i still don't do that bad. so the only thing left to blame is the beers i love to have Fri., Sat., and Sun. evenings. That's going to be a tough one, But i think if I get rid of drinking on Fri. and Sun. nights that would help so much. Then on Sat., exercise twice as much to make up for whatever i want to drink that night. (BTW, i know alcohol is terrible for diets, i've heard all the lectures, but i'm just one of those people that love to drink, and i don't think i could give it up totally.)

    Whew. Well, back to work. hope everyone is doing well!

    I'm totally right there with you too! It's hard when you're the only one NOT drinking...maybe we can try it together? Or at least cut back.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Ok. Time for a nerd moment. When I am doing the Kenpo X dvd I pretend that I am in a kung fu movie. I usually give a narrative while I'm doing the moves...... like "oh you are attacking me from the front and behind? Stun! Stun! Finish! Finish! How did that feel!?!? Try sneaking up on me again......!"

    LMAO!!! Sweet! Hey, you got to have some fun, right?

    Giving up alcohol can be tough. I never would have thought I'd be an advocate of that years ago. But, I have only had *1* drink in the last three years. And that one just did not taste good to me, so I didn't even drink half of it. And you know what? I don't wake up with headaches, feeling sluggish and bloated and guilty. I realized that feeling good without it felt better than the buzz with it! And I don't even miss it. Don't want it anymore. Has that changed the landscape of what I do on the weekends? Sure. I don't hang out in bars anymore. Please don't think I look down on anyone who chooses to drink, because I certainly don't. It's just not for me anymore. I feel like my quality of life is better without it!

    So, I bought a pullup bar. I won't be able to do that portion in front of the dvd (due to my wide doorways), but I can trot to it and bang out my reps. I put it up and tried a few. I can do them if I push off the floor. I know this is not ideal of course, but it's better progress than I expected at this point. The true test will be with the dvd. I know this is gonna waste me, but I am at the point where the workouts need kicked up. I also now have a good place to use the bands.

    Another positive change to note: I am starting to be able to do a lot of the push up exercises on my feet instead of my knees. That is huge for me, as I never have had a lot of chest strength.
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    nice job T-freak! Keep pushing your self! Not drinking was my unspoken new year's resolution. I have been dry since January 2nd. = )
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    Ok. Time for a nerd moment. When I am doing the Kenpo X dvd I pretend that I am in a kung fu movie. I usually give a narrative while I'm doing the moves...... like "oh you are attacking me from the front and behind? Stun! Stun! Finish! Finish! How did that feel!?!? Try sneaking up on me again......!"

    LMAO!!! Sweet! Hey, you got to have some fun, right?

    So, I bought a pullup bar. I won't be able to do that portion in front of the dvd (due to my wide doorways), but I can trot to it and bang out my reps. I put it up and tried a few. I can do them if I push off the floor.

    Another positive change to note: I am starting to be able to do a lot of the push up exercises on my feet instead of my knees. That is huge for me, as I never have had a lot of chest strength.

    Great job! Those pullups are lot easier to do when you push pause - trying to even pay attention to their pace can cause instant muscle soreness!!
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270

    welcome mworld - chest tri and shoulder is one of my favourite dvds - I don't get to do it again until phase three of the lean though.

    Thanks :) That workout kills me. On top of burning out quick because of the pace, changing up all the weights/bands gets hard by itself on that one. I'm not following the nutrition plan either [ironically they would have me eat 3,000 calories]...but im on this site to pay attention to my nutrition in general.
  • Thanks everyone! I think that was some of the encouragement i needed. Especially right now. If i don't respond for awhile it's because they took me away in the straight jacket. (just kidding) Work is making me INSANE! I really, really, really, just want to veg out in front of the TV, drink a few beers, and not do ANYTHING all night. BUT....after reading all your awesome responses, i'm going home to do KenpoX and ROCK AT IT! I know that will help relieve all this built up stress!

    Thanks again everyone!
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