First Round P90X-ers



  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Impatiently waitng for her DVDs to arrive!

    What weights would you guys suggest getting for the program?? I usually do bicep curls with 12# dumbbells.

    Also, What do the guys use??
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    HAPPY TUESDAY!!!! :bigsmile:

    Today is going pretty well for me so far. I actually planned out my breakfast, lunch and snacks for the day and brought them to work with me. This is what I had:

    Breakfast: 1/2 cup old fashioned oatmeal with 1 medium banana (mashed in), 1 cup skim milk (sometimes I use the Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Breeze...yum!), 1/2 oz. of walnut halves, and tastes like banana nut bread! Sometimes I'll cut up an apple and put it in instead of the banana.

    Lunch: Tuna sandwich (no mayo) on Light wheat bread with 1/2 cup spinach and 1 small tomato on top. I also had 2 servings of baby carrots with one of those new Sabra hummus singles (they're 2 oz.).

    Snack: (I haven't had this yet, but will have it when I get hungry after my run) 4 oz. of Oikos plain nonfat greek yogurt and a small apple.

    Snack: 1 cup LF chocolate milk (After my P90X workout)

    Dinner: I'm planning on making chili with 93% lean ground beef.

    So that's my game plan for the day! I've already had half of it, and it was sure yummy! :) I have double workouts today: my 2 mile training run on the treadmill, and then P90X Shoulders & Arms/ARX when I get home from work.

    jfilon: What a great idea! I think my favorite snack right now is the Sabra hummus singles with some veggies (usually carrots). It is by far my favorite brand of hummus, and I just love that it's so convenient now!

    Iceprincessk25: I hope you get your DVDs soon!!! Right now, I only have 5, 8 and 10 pound weights at my house, but I definitely need a heavier set (getting them this weekend hopefully!). There are so many different exercises, and I use all three different weights right now. I would definitely suggest getting a light pair, medium weight, and a heavier set (for things like bicep curls and shoulder presses). Good luck!!!
  • laurabelle25
    Hey everyone! I'm in my recovery week of the 1st phase. But i've been slacking and didn't do anything yesterday (was supposed to do YogaX). But tonight is Core, so i'm pumped. i love that work out, and kenpoX, that's great too. I need to get on the ball. My eating and exercising has been ridiculous lately. oh well. I'm really excited for Phase 2. I can't believe it's almost been a month!

    Good luck everyone and keep it up!
  • laurabelle25
    Almost the end of my first recovery week. I'm excited that this coming Thursday is the 30 day mark. I didn't get many replies about the calorie amounts that P90X had suggested so I just did my own thing. To recap 2400 seemed to high so I was eating 1700-2000 only doing P90X and now I'm eating between 1400-1600 maybe 1700 with P90X and going to the gym. Part of this plan was to continue losing weight because my muscles will never show with fat on top. Anyway I have had a loss for the first time in 3 weeks, so I'm sticking with what works for me.

    When i started, the program said i was right on the border of 2400/1800 so i went with the 1800. I feel like i'm eating a ton! But i've kept it up this first 25 days or so. i've only lost 4 lbs so i'm thinking that this next phase, I might lower the calories a little and see if that makes a change. But I think as long as your getting results then whatever you do should be fine. there was just no way that i could eat 2400 cal of anything (well except for pizza, donuts, beer, etc. !!!). So, i think it's great to make the diet fit 'you'.
  • HeatherBurke
    Yesterday was my first day with the program... I am doing the lean version currently... I am sore as hell but feel awesome. I know I worked my butt off. My question is, I have about 20 lbs to lose before I am at my goal weight... a few more pounds wouldn't hurt... just 2 pant sizes and I will be happy.. I am really scared that by doing this that I will have all of these awesome muscles underneath my layer of flub... Honestly, I hope to God that this will help with the fat as well as the muscle tone... Anybody know? I think I will give it about a month and if I am not seeing the kind of fat reduction I might start trying to do some elliptical or other kind of cardio in the morning before work.. I hope I don't have to... Am I crazy for not thinking that this awesome butt kicking program will not help take care of the outer issue?????????
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Heather ~ I just saw your post here and wanted to answer your question. While I know some people have had good success in losing some weight with P90X I was not one of them. I completed P90X last year but am completely partial to P90 for weight loss or their Slim in 6 program. I LOVE P90 and it is a great place to get yourself prepared for P90X. I have done 3 rounds of P90 in the past and always seem to go back to it. Hope this helps a bit.
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Hello friends!

    Just woke up with a hot bowl of oatmeal. = ) SOOOOO delicious!!! Today I am going to do X Stretch and ARX. Last night's lift went pretty well. I ran out time and couldn't do squats. Oh well. On a side note, I deadlifted 320 pounds last saturday. I was pretty happy with that. I could do 400 in high school so I have not lost too much of it. Out of all my lifts my squat has suffered the most. My best was was 7 years ago, 475. I miss those days. You know it was my dream to be a professional powerlifter. Eat big and lift I think I chose to be skinny instead.

    Keep up the good work everyone! Keep setting goals and keep pushing play.
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Hello friends!

    Just woke up with a hot bowl of oatmeal. = ) SOOOOO delicious!!! Today I am going to do X Stretch and ARX. Last night's lift went pretty well. I ran out time and couldn't do squats. Oh well. On a side note, I deadlifted 320 pounds last saturday. I was pretty happy with that. I could do 400 in high school so I have not lost too much of it. Out of all my lifts my squat has suffered the most. My best was was 7 years ago, 475. I miss those days. You know it was my dream to be a professional powerlifter. Eat big and lift I think I chose to be skinny instead.

    Keep up the good work everyone! Keep setting goals and keep pushing play.

    Great job!!!! That is a ton of weight, and you are making some great progress!

    I had P90X Shoulders and Arms yesterday which went really well, but I couldn't make it through ARX so I'm going to tack it on at the end of Kenpo tonight. I was a little disappointed by my calorie burn during S&A though: this time around it said I only burned 240, and last time I burned closer to 300! I don't get why it was such a drastic difference, because I did all of the same things as last time. If anyone has some insight, that would be so great!

    Have a great Hump Day everyone! :glasses:
  • jfilon
    jfilon Posts: 80
    sarawo24: because you're body is becoming more adapted to the workout regime, the same weights & the same number of reps is not going to equal the same calorie burn over time. This isn't necessarily a bad thing - it means you're getting stronger! To get your heart rate up a bit more and therefore burn more calories, try adding more weight, increasing reps, or even incorporating additional movements into the exercise as you see fit (ex: doing your curls in a squat or a lunge). Weight lifting isn't going to produce the same caloric burn as would equal time cardio - which is why I also do the elliptical, running, swimming, rowing, or a groupex class in addition on lift days. And actually, I only burned 202 calories this morning during back and biceps (not including ARX) but my arms are still SHOT. Haha.

    laurabelle: congrats on nearing the the end of the first month! I just got past there myself and it feels like such an accomplishment. You should be so proud. :)

    Well, it is just past 6:30am here and I already finished my workout. Like I said before, not a huge calorie burn but I feel so worn out that I am glad I don't have to look at that pull up bar for a week. I also went up in weights (I bought some adjustable ones from for about $140, totally worth it since it is like having 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 lb dumbbells in one) so I'm pretty excited about that.

    Better get some food in my system before class - hope you all are having a successful week! I'd still love to hear more of your snack ideas.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning! Today is week 4 day 3 of the P90X and I've just been doing whatever I feel for this recovery week. I got up at 5 am this morning and rocked out Core Synthergenetics (sp?). This was my first time completing this dvd and all I can say is "It wore my *kitten* out". I mean btwn the lunge, kickback, curl, shoulder press exercise, the dreya roll, walking push ups, steam engines, superman/banana, bow/boat, squat runs and all the other exercises that I can't remember I was excited when those 57 minutes were complete. I know I wasn't doing all the exercises exactly the way the should have been done but I tried my hardest. I know in time I'll get better.

    Keep going first round P90Xers, you all are doing a great job.
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    Morning all!:flowerforyou:

    I also did Core Syn last night...phew is right!...but it is a good pain!.......Good Luck to all on your workouts today!...I'll be running at lunch my usual 2 mi and tonight upper body anyway! :bigsmile:

    Have a great day!!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Good morning all. Started off my day with a bowl of Sunbelt Granola cereal. They had a special on it up town at the grocery store so I picked up a few boxes. It's pretty tasty. Anyways. Going to the Y tonight. Sets of 5 on every exercise. I wanna move some big weight tonight. I did not do ARX yesterday. I will do it today after my lift.

    On a side note, I hate candy. Sugar is a freaking gateway drug I swear. I ate one tootsie roll pop yesterday and before I knew it I had consumed half of the Easter Bunny's stock for this year...... lol I can't wait till I have my own place again so I don't even have to have that garbage around the house.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! It is week 4 day 4 of the P90X series and I'm still in recovery week. During recovery week you don't lift any weight and I've been following that part of the routine but I've not been completing the dvds in the order that P90X recommends b/c I just don't like Yoga, so, today I completed Kenpo X and really felt like I was able to "Bring It". It was a great way to begin my work day. I have now arrived in the office but wanted to check in w/my people before I actually begin my work day.
  • laurabelle25
    I too am in Week 4 on Day 4 of the Recovery Week. I was supposed to do the stretch DVD, but switched it up to CardioX. I was a little worn out tho, i think i need to pick it up!!

    But I lost another lb! I think dropping my calories down to 1600 (from 1800) is helping.

    Hope everyone else is doing good!

    OH, on a side note, i know some of you have talked about all the high sodium in foods. I know i've had a really difficult time trying to find foods that aren't high in sodium. Well, if you are looking for a good lunch meat low in sodium, go to Sam's Club and get their 1.5 lb container of Turkey. I can't remember the brand exactly, but it comes in a black container with a clear lid. It's only 280mg of sodium for ever 2oz!
  • TinaP90X
    Hi Sherry,

    I'm on week 4, the supposedly take a break week (more like break my butt, hahaha), and I gained 2 pounds, but I'm not good with my diet. A friend recommended joining this site to track my diet and I think it will help me a lot. If it matters, I don't look or feel like I gained, I think I might have muscle because my clothes fit the same, if not better, and I don't look bigger, even with my own critical eye in the mirror. Keep up the good work, it will pay off!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Hi everyone! I have not posted in a while, but i have been here! On wk 5 day 4 of lean. I lost 7 lbs in my first 4 wks, but this week I gained a lb.....frustrating because I am in my calorie range and doing my workouts everyday like I am supposed to! But I know it will happen.
    Laurabelle thanks for the tip on low sodium lunch meat, I will have to check that out....Is is SAMS brand? I struggle staying under my sodium, so every little bit helps!
    You guys are doing awesome! I find it very motivating to read your post, I feel like I am staying on track with everyone else!
  • carpediem13
    carpediem13 Posts: 41 Member
    So today is day 30 for me! I'm very excited and I forgot/never took my before pictures so today I'm taking day 30 pictures. As well I hadn't weighed myself since earlier this week and I'm down 4 pounds (I had gone up a pound probably in water weight). It's interesting to see what P90X does differently to people's body's considering I hadn't lost in almost 3-4 weeks and now other people who've been losing are not. Either way if we look good at the end of 90 days that's all that matters right? Even if we don't look the best ever we know we are in good shape and if you did it again would be in even better shape! Halfway point isn't that far around the corner!

    My body literally hates me right now. I did core last night and normally that's not a hard workout for me even though not my favorite and I had to take breaks. Also my hip still hurts but I'm working through the pain and taking it easy on some parts. No pain no gain, in moderation of course!

    To be honest I don't really have a problem with sodium but I also have been staying away from deli meats. As I mentioned in another post I'm not worrying too much about the protein and just working on my own plan. As a suggestion though I would try Campbell's select soups, morning star veggie patties, Chobani vanilla yogurt, or protein powders to help get the protein in. I also eat Kashi high fiber/high protein cereal with a little added sugar (pure cane) and cinnamon (I know the sugar's not great but w/o it tastes like cardboard bleh). I usually get in 120-150 grams of protein a day. Lastly I heard that anything more than 30 grams of protein at a time the body can't digest it all so I've been separating them as much as possible.

    Anybody else having a hard time meeting their water intake? I was doing great for so long and lately I've been barely hitting it and if I do it's after 4pm which doesn't really help.

    Keep up the good work!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    It's "bring a desert day" at work. The world hates me.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Today was week 5 day 3 for me. Chest/shoulders/tris. My goodness but I cannot get away from pushups!! I also did day 1 of JM 30 day shred for some cardio. Funny but I still feel like I never worked out. I did things a little different today, and significantly upped my carbs in place of some of the protein. I had so much more energy for the workout. I am still trying to hit the nutritional guidelines. I think this was a better option for me though. I realize now that I never remembered to do ARX. I am debating whether I want to do that now or just wait for the morning.

    LOL, Mark, how'd you make out against the evil desserts?

    Carpe, I never did my before pics either. I was too ashamed to document it I guess! Now I wish I had! I may do like you, and do a day 30 pic. Have you tried Kashi's Go Lean Crunch or their new Go Lean Crisp? OMG, both of those are so delicious! You will not need the added sugar! I think the regular tastes like sticks, literally.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Friday all! This is day 5 of returning to the work office and I'm so happy the weekend has arrived. This is week 4 day 5 of my recovery week of P90X and I did cardio X. Last week I ordered the Insanity program and it arrived last night. I was exhausted but was able to check out the "fit test" and "Plyometrics" dvd and I now know why the call this program Insanity b/c Shaun T has you moving at an INSANE pace. I can't lie I am a bit nervous about taking on this huge feat but also excited to see how much I can push my body and the type of results I may see if I at least do my best. I plan to begin the Insanity program on Monday so I don't want to overdo it on exercise this weekend.