First Round P90X-ers



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies and gents, today was a better start than yesterday in terms of putting off the workout. It's week 3 day 2 of the P90X series and I was suppose to complete the Plyometrics dvd but b/c I didn't feel like putting my bum knee through all the brutal jumping today I substituted the Jillian Michael's Blast Fat/Boost Metabolism dvd for Plyo. While Jillian has you doing quite a bit of jumping she does break it up and add in some kickboxing and floor work. All in all it was a great workout and 50 minutes later I'm done.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Just tried to complete Core and died 40 minutes into it - a combination of having to fast this morning for my myocardial perfusion test, and the phone ringing constantly.
    But at least back in the saddle again. Feeling jelly - off to eat a banana.
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Sara I'm in the Lima area! Everything was closed yet again today due to MORE SNOW. Sick of it.

    Well, since the Y was closed on today I chose to work on my ninja skills with Tony. Kenpo X followed by ARX. I didn't do ARX last night because my back was feeling a little tender after the chest and back workout. Keep up the good work everyone!!! = )
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I am the most sore I have been since starting P90X! L&B really kicked my BUTT this time! It definitely has to do with the negative pull ups, and pushing really hard to get low in the lunges and squats. I still couldn't do more than 2 of the negatives per set, but, man, I am feeling it! Also, during the pull up breaks, I will go do what I can on the bar and come back and do about 5-6 pushups (on my knees of course). Tonight is Chest, Shoulders, Tri, ARX :sick: I'm really going to have to warm up and stretch out my upper body beforehand. I can't wait until Spring gets here, I really wanna get out and jog!!

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies and gents! Today is week 3 day 3 of the P90X series and 59 minutes later the shoulders & arms dvd is complete. Instead of doing the ballistic stretching during the breaks I did speed jump rope as a means of getting my heart rate up and getting in a tad bit of cardio.
  • carpediem13
    carpediem13 Posts: 41 Member
    Last week was absolutely miserable for me and P90X was not always a priority. I won't get into the details but boy when bad stuff happens it always has to happen at the same time! Last week was week 3 on Lean for me and I felt like I was stepping it up each workout and could see clear improvements. I was a little disappointed that I wasn't losing any weight/inches/body fat though. Part of me doing P90X was to get out of a plateau and mix up the gym. Now I just miss the gym and want to continue losing weight. I had the exercise and food part down and now I'm all over the place. Eating a butt load of protein and even less processed food I thought I'd do better but nothing seems to change. I can't figure out if I'm in starvation mode because I'm eating around 1700-2000 because of P90X which wanted me at 2400 but I don't feel like I"m working that hard and before P90X I was eating 1200-1600 and working hard. I think I may kick it up a little and go to the gym again and do P90X and eat around 1600 total. Sounds crazy but I think that's what my body needs. Any suggestions or thoughts would definitely be welcomed and probably helpful. I'll also point out I've been drinking water like crazy, close to 100 ounces a day. (I'm turning into that girl on Signs who leaves water glasses everywhere and some I drink others I don't I just keep filing glasses lol)

    Anyway, sorry for the long post. After all the bad life stuff was happening I was hoping my exercsie/eating would keep me positive and it didn't. I ended up missing two days so I did Yoga and Legs/Back on Monday...Ouch. Then Xstretch yesterday bc I was supposed to do Yoga but wasn't happening 2 days in a row. Today I'll do Core and tomorrow Yoga again. Mixing up my recovery week but I figure if I get all my workouts in it's better than nothing. Glad to hear everyone else is staying strong and keeping one another motivated. I'm certainly glad to have come back and read stuff that will keep me going. Sorry for the long post I'll try not to capture a week at once again.

    Last thought- I've been eating Chobani vanilla yogurt with chocolate protein powder in it and it has almost 30g of Protein and it has no fat and little calories. Just a thought for people looking for a sweet treat that will help with protein too!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Evening all! I am so upset that I didn't get my p90 in today. I was running and running and running all day long. Did not even have a moment to sit down until now at 11 at night! I guess tomorrow's another day, but I hate missing a day when it's not by choice!

    Carpe, are you sure you have your calorie counts correct? Are you weighing and measuring your foods? Are you possibly eating more than you realize, or not burning as many calories as you think you should be during your workouts? I know I personally have to weigh and measure everything, or I will under estimate what I am eating. I know the plan says we are burning an average of 600 cals per workout, but I really don't believe I burn that many. I am getting a bodybugg (hooray!!) and am anxious to see what I actually burn. But on the positive side, you are clearly getting healthier, because you are seeing an improvement in your workouts, and that is so awesome! Nothing better than feeling strong and healthy and ready to take it on!! BUt regardless, p90x has me supposed to be eating 3000 cals. I am steadily losing weight and inches. I don't believe for a minute that I would be if I were eating that many! I am eating about 1200 on non exercise days, and 1400-1500 on workout days. And I don't find myself "bonking."

    On a side note, stress does awful things to the body. I have read it increases the production of cortisol, the hormone which makes us store fat around the waist. It also impedes weight loss. If you had a really stressful week, that could definitely be to blame.

    I'm with you Lolo, I cannot wait to get out and run!! I need that to work my calves. Nothing else seems to have any impact!

    Mojo, is everything alright that you are having the testing done?

    Chocko, good for you for sticking with things today. Did you set your new goal yet?

    Mark- you didn't say anything I could comment on, but I don't want to leave ya out so I'll just say hi!

    Laurabelle- congrats on the two inches! Super job!! And great job for sticking this out!!

    Sara- those darned Dreya rolls!! I hate those things (as I have said before, LOL). I asked my 9 year old the other day, as I was doing the video, if she could watch and do one. I failed to believe that they were actually possible. So pop, there she goes, and hops right the heck up. She did like 3 or 4 in a row, and I stood there with my mouth hanging open. She starts laughing and says, "these are fun mommy." FUN??? Is this kid mental AND athletic or what? I thought watching her do them might help me figure out why I can't do them. But nope, I'm still flopping and getting stuck. Dern it.
  • jfilon
    jfilon Posts: 80
    Those darned Dreya rolls!! I hate those things (as I have said before, LOL). I asked my 9 year old the other day, as I was doing the video, if she could watch and do one. I failed to believe that they were actually possible. So pop, there she goes, and hops right the heck up. She did like 3 or 4 in a row, and I stood there with my mouth hanging open. She starts laughing and says, "these are fun mommy." FUN??? Is this kid mental AND athletic or what? I thought watching her do them might help me figure out why I can't do them. But nope, I'm still flopping and getting stuck. Dern it.

    I did those for the first time today. I'm convinced that as soon as I will be ready to do all of them, I'll be ready for the olympics. Ha.
  • jennyco
    jennyco Posts: 21 Member
    Those darned Dreya rolls!! I hate those things (as I have said before, LOL). I asked my 9 year old the other day, as I was doing the video, if she could watch and do one. I failed to believe that they were actually possible. So pop, there she goes, and hops right the heck up. She did like 3 or 4 in a row, and I stood there with my mouth hanging open. She starts laughing and says, "these are fun mommy." FUN??? Is this kid mental AND athletic or what? I thought watching her do them might help me figure out why I can't do them. But nope, I'm still flopping and getting stuck. Dern it.

    I did those for the first time today. I'm convinced that as soon as I will be ready to do all of them, I'll be ready for the olympics. Ha.

    I was really hoping they were impossible! I have to admit that I don't love the bow to boat either. Having said that - I can actually reach back and hold my feet - I couldn't do that when I started. Maybe I need to try another dreya roll again...
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    I seriously don't know how they do them! hahaha

    I will conquer them eventually. ;)

    On a better note, I am really proud of myself. Yesterday was a very long day at work: I leave my house at 7 a.m. and I didn't get home until 7 p.m. Even though my BF wanted to just veg out on the couch, I told him that I HAD to do my Yoga X workout first....and I did!!!! This is the first time that I've actually passed on just sitting around, and working out instead! It feels so good. To top it off, this was the first time that I've actually COMPLETED the Yoga X DVD...Holy crap! I've never actually done the balance moves before, and I actually REALLY liked them! Who knew those fun little moves were at the end of that DVD...haha, I didn't! So, today is the day of Legs, and I'm actually looking forward to it. I love doing legs.

    Well, I hope everyone's day is going well...Keep pushing play! :)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies & gents! Today is week 3 day 4 of P90X and I was suppose to complete the Yoga dvd but since I'm not a fan of Yoga I usually complete Cardio X. However, I woke up so energized I decided to put in the Plyometrics dvd and rock it out. In addition to, "Bringing It" like Tony Horton said I had a very hardy breakfast and I feel absolutely great.
  • carpediem13
    carpediem13 Posts: 41 Member
    Just a quick thought on the Dreya Rolls...I did 2 out of 10 where I could stand up without hands! I too thought they were impossible. Here's what I did differently- when my legs were over my head (on my back) and my hands at my side I pushed down really hard with my hands and flung my legs (I mean really tried hard to fling my legs and let gravity help any way possible)with my abdomen and got enough momentum to get on my feet and then it was like a squat to stand up (legs were really wide too). I think there's a little push with the hands when you fling your legs and eventually take them off the floor, for more momentum.

    They can be done and we can conquer them! Fling yourself but don't hurt yourself and just do your best! Good luck!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Tattoo - should get results today - labs were delayed yesterday... Thanks for asking!
    I'm with everyone else on those bleeding Dreya rolls! Darn they are hard, mostly because of the extra tractor tire roll getting in the way. I hate bow to boat, I have no trouble reaching my legs, but holding that v-sit boat!! :explode: :sick: As a side note, I am burning in the upper 500's while doing this program, so Tattoo - depending on your fitness level, you are probably up there too. I could never eat 3000 calories, last summer I had finally made it to 190lbs on 1200 cals, my nutritionist said I should eat 1500-1600 to fire up my metabolism and over 3 months I gained back 13 lbs, and that was also on an increased cardio program! I've been trying since November to lose those 13 but have only taken off 4 so far. VERY frustrating.

    I'm sore after 2 days of starting over again. Yesterday was Cardio, today is my personal trainer day and will ask him to follow protocol and just help me with getting through shoulders, arms and our own core/ARX.

    WTG Sara! Little victories go a long way to making a person feel great about themselves!
    Choco - You motivate me! Have you decided on new goals? You should reset your counter!
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679

    I've done P90X in the past and just decided to pick it back up again this week......I got thrown off since I hadn't printed out the work sheets....duh... so I started with legs and back...last night got tied up with fam stuff...(single mother with 2 boys 10 & 5...need I say more?! didn't get a P90X workout in BUT....did 2 miles on the treadmill on my lunch 1/2 hour.

    Agenda for today.....abs..Done!
    Lunch...treadmill & elliptical..10 min each
    Tonight....Where I should have and back right?

    Glad to be here and LOVE to meet new people!!........Lotsa luv from sunny beautiful and finally warm TEXAS!!:drinker:
  • bumping so I can read later
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    Tattoo - should get results today - labs were delayed yesterday... Thanks for asking!
    I'm with everyone else on those bleeding Dreya rolls! Darn they are hard, mostly because of the extra tractor tire roll getting in the way. I hate bow to boat, I have no trouble reaching my legs, but holding that v-sit boat!! :explode: :sick: As a side note, I am burning in the upper 500's while doing this program, so Tattoo - depending on your fitness level, you are probably up there too. I could never eat 3000 calories, last summer I had finally made it to 190lbs on 1200 cals, my nutritionist said I should eat 1500-1600 to fire up my metabolism and over 3 months I gained back 13 lbs, and that was also on an increased cardio program! I've been trying since November to lose those 13 but have only taken off 4 so far. VERY frustrating.

    I'm sore after 2 days of starting over again. Yesterday was Cardio, today is my personal trainer day and will ask him to follow protocol and just help me with getting through shoulders, arms and our own core/ARX.

    WTG Sara! Little victories go a long way to making a person feel great about themselves!
    Choco - You motivate me! Have you decided on new goals? You should reset your counter!

    Good to see how many cals you are burning...I was wondering as I don't wear a HRM and there is no entries in the database for P90X.

    Love the tats btw!....:flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hey my fellow P90X-ers, I'm still trying to find a realistic goal. While I still would like to tone my body I know I will probably never be rock solid and I'm definitely alright with that. I'm all for a healthy lifestyle but the hard work, dedication and attention to diet that I would have to pay in order to achieve it is something I'm not looking for. I need to find a healthy lifestyle that I can actually MAINTAIN for the rest of my life and I'm not sure if heavy lifting and cutting out all processed foods, sugar etc is realistic for me. I recently received a clean bill of health from the doctor. No high blood pressure, no high cholesterol, no diabetes, my weight is great, bmi excellent and body fat precentage is considered in the fitness level, so, overall I'm happy with my achievements. I do wish to continue working out and toning but I need some assistance identifying concrete goals.

    Any and all suggestions are helpful.
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    Hey my fellow P90X-ers, I'm still trying to find a realistic goal. While I still would like to tone my body I know I will probably never be rock solid and I'm definitely alright with that. I'm all for a healthy lifestyle but the hard work, dedication and attention to diet that I would have to pay in order to achieve it is something I'm not looking for. I need to find a healthy lifestyle that I can actually MAINTAIN for the rest of my life and I'm not sure if heavy lifting and cutting out all processed foods, sugar etc is realistic for me. I recently received a clean bill of health from the doctor. No high blood pressure, no high cholesterol, no diabetes, my weight is great, bmi excellent and body fat precentage is considered in the fitness level, so, overall I'm happy with my achievements. I do wish to continue working out and toning but I need some assistance identifying concrete goals.

    Any and all suggestions are helpful.

    I can do the workout part but the diet part is unrealistic for me.....I want to enjoy my life also..ya know?!.......I find that what works for me is to take my lunch to work and watch what I eat during the week...the weekends are my reward!....I'm not giving up my BEER for anyone or anything! I stay pretty strict during the week with cereal, salads, water and small protions for dinner....that's how I roll....don't know if that helps any but I lost 30 lbs last year and toned up pretty darn well. (I've slipped some since then with the we all did I'm sure)...but now....back on track with the P90X!!....Have a great day!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Choco it sounds to me like you just want to maintain what you have. Workout 3 to 4 times a week and watch your calories with MFP. If you want to continue doing p90x you can always do more reps, more weight, more workouts etc.

    Arms and shoulders went ok last night. ARX went GREAT! I have definitely got stronger through that routine. I am psyched for yoga tonight. Let's see how it goes. = )

    Next week is rest week. That will be hard since I enjoy the lifting routines more. Hope everyone has a happy thursday!!
  • ericac
    ericac Posts: 2,679
    Choco it sounds to me like you just want to maintain what you have. Workout 3 to 4 times a week and watch your calories with MFP. If you want to continue doing p90x you can always do more reps, more weight, more workouts etc.

    Arms and shoulders went ok last night. ARX went GREAT! I have definitely got stronger through that routine. I am psyched for yoga tonight. Let's see how it goes. = )

    Next week is rest week. That will be hard since I enjoy the lifting routines more. Hope everyone has a happy thursday!!

    Happy Thursday to you too!.....Ugh...I am NOT a Yoga girl...Give me kicking and :laugh:
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