gemmalu Member


  • Hey there, I got with my girl when I was 19 and didn't know what I was. 12 years later we are still here! Feel free to add me. I'm from Leeds, England :-)
  • It was your anniversary - congratulations! So give yourself a day off to enjoy the special occassion. Just get back to logging tomorrow and well done for making better choices with your meal :-)
  • It was your anniversary - congratulations! So give yourself a day off to enjoy the special occasion. Just get back to logging tomorrow and well done for making better choices with your meal :-)
  • Sorry, took me a while to find the review - internet on my iPhone is tiny! Here it is:
  • Someone on here did a comparison review of the fitbit flex and the fitbit one and wore them both for a week to see how they did. After the week she decided to stick with the fitbit one and that's what made me buy mine. I guess it's each to their own though - the flex would have been my choice if I still swam a lot with it…
  • We just downloaded the smart swap recipe app from the NHS. It has loads of great ideas for healthy meals. Because there are only two of us we can make a meal for four for dinner and take the extra portions to work the next day for lunch. What I really like about it is that you can add those recipes to a shopping list and…
  • OH and I shower every day but I love to relax in a hot bath with a glass of wine and a good book while she watches tv downstairs. We are just having a new bathroom installed and I have ordered a double ended whirlpool bath to be fitted in the hope that she will watch less tv.....:love:
  • I don't think this will take off at all. It's so simple - too good to be true. Losing that easily? Has to be one of those fad diets. Now excuse me, I am off to drink my meal replacement shake whilst wearing a body wrap and sitting on a vibration plate.
  • Just be comfortable. I always felt smothered in a suit (expected in my job) and so or interviews i always wore smart trousers a top with matching accessories and a cute soft jacket. It's how you perform in the interview and not the way you dress so don't let your clothes hold you back :-) Remember its more than just your…
  • Just be comfortable. I always felt smothered in a suit (expected in my job) and so or interviews i always wore smart trousers a top with matching accessories and a cute soft jacket. It's how you perform in the interview and not the way you dress so don't let your clothes hold you back :-) Remember its more than just your…
  • I am an FF nd my wife is a GG. We both have Shock Absorber sports bras for running. We have to get them online as many stores don't stock sizes for those of us who are that top-heavy. I think swift also has a Sports Jock bra which has no fasteners and just pulls on over our head.
  • I think OP was talking more about ill- fitting bras pushing fat into different places rather than it actually physically moving around your body. Cheap bras have a lot to answer for. Get yourselves measured ladies! (oYo)
  • Hi there, when you check in, which should be fairly regularly, I am told that this should adjust your goals etc. In terms of calories - I would rather work that out myself after looking at my TDEE/BMR so I can make sure it is appropriate for me rather than being a general calculation.
  • I really struggle with the jump rope - it kills my calves! I just do the butt kicks instead to keep my heart rate up. I struggle with push ups - even tiny ones. I may try wall push ups for a bit to build strength. I couldn't do the reverse crunches to start with but I found that if I just tried to do a few rather than keep…
  • My apologies - I read in another thread earlier this week that it had been taken down and you could only rent it on the BeFit youtube channel. Thanks for posting the link to a free version :smile:
  • Day three done! I sweat so much more today and felt like I could get through everything with less difficulties. I even got lower down with my squats :smile: How is everyone else doing?
  • I am raring to go on day three and I don't feel as sore as I did in the beginning. Think my body is changing already ( I should point out that I only got half way through day two the first time I tried it so technically this is day 4 and I have a slight advantage). Do other people count the days where they didn't quite get…
  • I think you have to change the IMG to lower case....i seem to remember reading that on here...
  • I'm not sure but I would take your measurements anyway at this point so you have a benchmark :-)
  • How on earth do you fry butter?!?! *feels arteries clogging at the thought *
  • When my partner and I got married we went to a restaurant with some close friends afterwards. We had booked champagne etc for upon our arrival and when we got there, the head waiter handed a glass of champagne to me and the other to.... a random bloke who just happened to walk in after us. He looked very pleased until our…
  • Fully paid up lady-lover here :-) Been with my OH for almost 12 years. Feel free to add me.
  • Yeah - big thanks to Mrshallewell for putting this together. It's a great motivator :-))
  • I try not to cut anything that i enjoy out of my diet but I do avoid full-fat coca-cola as much as possible. Any full-fat fizzy drink in fact. I would much rather use those calories on cake :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • I did it - managed to do level one all the way through for the second time but this time with weights :-) Starting to enjoy myself...:bigsmile:
  • Correction - my runtastic hasn't synced for the last two days. I checked time zone settings in both as someone suggested to me but still no joy. Might try uninstall/reinstall route. Will let you know if I figure it out.:grumble:
  • I think chest is just under your bra - there is a separate measurement for bust in MFP which is across your boobs. Some people do have a fair bit to lose under there :embarassed:
  • Added my details. I am a teacher used to tracking student progress like this so this excites me!:happy:
  • In Leeds/ Doncaster. Feel free to add :-)