

  • Thank you so much for your wonderful response. I have tears in my eyes as I write this because I think you may have hit the nail on the head. Because of my body type, I don't look like I weigh as much as I do and everyone is really noticing because it looks like I've lost a lot of weight, I am constantly hearing how great…
  • I feel your pain! Once you get going on this site you will certainly develop a desire/need to stick to your allotted calories. I also get the notice that I am undereating but I don't worry about it too much because I typically feel full with my selections that I pick. Try to select more filling items like leafy green…
  • You are NOT alone!! I also have been having the most horrific cravings imaginable. I gave myself a little extra give for Mother's day (talk about needing an excuse) LOL, and had pretty much what I wanted that day, but still found myself trying not to eat the most fat filled items. I have not weighed in yet so I don't know…
  • Thanks everyone. I ordered it a few days ago and haven't gotten it yet, but I CAN'T WAIT to get started. It looks like so much fun. Of course I know that it will not be a piece of cake, but Shawn T, certainly makes it look like it can be fun while he is wearing you out.:bigsmile:
  • Thanks, I just love that motivation quote. I hope you won't mind if I use it sometimes.:bigsmile:
  • Thanks, but unfortunately, i already got it yesterday. I might just give your suggestion about the other one a try though. :ohwell:
  • Thanks everyone. I just purchased the set yesterday and am waiting to receive it. I think that I will really like it, since I love to dance (especially when no one is looking), and I think this would work better for me as opposed to working out at a club, etc. I will give an update once I start as to whether it works for…
  • I am skerrd of you! Keep up the good work. One day, I'll be like you when I grow up!
  • Hi, I am also relatively new to this site. I would like to be a motivational pal for you if you will be one for me. I have found that if someone is as pumped about your weight loss as you are, it increases your determination to continue. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. K
  • Hi Chandra, I am looking for someone to help motivate me. I have not yet joined Facebook but I plan to this weekend and will send you an invite. I joined this site approximately 3 weeks ago and I LOVE IT. Since joining I have lost 29+ pounds. I belong to a group where I work and we are supposed to be motivating each other,…
  • Congrats!! I just started but hope to be telling everyone about my first real loss very soon. Keep up the good work, you have certainly inspired me!!:happy:
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