SisterMable Member


  • Yay for slow!
  • Congratulations. I'm also keto, and know the value of just sticking with it, and taking it day by day, as it comes. You are fantastic!
  • Boop a doop! 20g a day net. Feel free to friend! :)
  • Boop de doop! I'm 53. My weight loss has slowed, but is still steady at around 2-3 lbs a month. I'll take it. ~50 lbs to go. YOU CAN DO IT.
  • Hi there. I've lost 146ish lbs. My primary weight loss method is low carb + keeping on top of portions. It has taken me a bit over 3 years to lose this much weight. I now do Keto. It's a modified low carb eating plan that allows me sufficient fats to feel very satisfied, moderate protein so I stay in ketosis, and very low…
  • Protein? Chicken Thighs! They're magnificent. Baked, broiled, or even poached! You can't make it rubbery unless you try really hard. My fave ways to cook the fatty little babies: - Salt and pepper, baked - Curry powder, garlic, and coconut milk, baked - Fried with salt, pepper, herbs - Poached in lemon juice and chicken…
  • Echoing missyyclaire below, getting rigorous about not having any sugar and keeping those carbs super low really helped me start moving along again. I had a year-long stall on low-carb, and then switched to keto, and have said goodbye to another 20 lbs of pure fat since March. I know that a lot of people have really big…
  • My cholesterol numbers came in today too... From the (EU) doctor's perspective, my cholesterol was a little high, but he said the ratio was really good. How do my numbers below translate into American numbers? Bueller? Anyone? :) Cholesterol (Serum) 5.34 (acceptable range 2.0 - 5.0) Triglyceride (Serum) 1.22 (acceptable…
  • And... you know... if after another week of extra water you see continued acne, try eliminating the coconut oil for a couple weeks... if the problem doesn't go away, you know it's not this WOE or the coconut oil :)
  • Have you tried eliminating one of your bigger keto food groups to see if you are incompatible with some finite part of it? I had my gallbladder out years ago, but I do know a few people who were high HWC/dairy keto-ers who, due to terrible gas, the combo constipa-runs, and gallbladder issues, had to cut out the dairy and…
  • Put half in a small sealable container and freeze it. Texture isn't perfect, but it's good enough. I can't even imagine it going bad, it goes so fast around my place lol.
  • Sweet potatoes and quinoa.
  • Hi cakeribs - it's a general alkalizing mixture and I find it helpful for combating acid in my digestive tract. I take it morning to give me a good shot at alkalizing, then have the magnesium half an hour later, then a shot of wheatgrass juice. I find myself generally feeling fresher, brain clearer, since I started doing…
  • This may be a little hippie/woo-woo for most people, but lately I've been feeling completely overhauled by adding the following to my diet: a. Magnesium water (recipe: - I drink a cup of it morning and night, and my leg cramps have disappeared b. Lemon/bicarb water (juice of half a…
  • My calories are set at 1600, or 1800. I can't remember ;) BUTT, my main thing is to try to eat enough fat so my fat:protein ratio is at least 2:1. Sometimes I'm way under my calories, sometimes way over. My carbs come mostly incidentally to my fat (like with HWC). Slow down on yer carby veggies. Stick to green leafies.…
  • I had this issue before keto, and it was all hypothyroid. I *wish* I could get Armor thyroid medicine, but they don't have it here in Malta :-/ My naturopath told me it was a combination of the low thyroid, low minerals, and lousy metabolism of the minerals I was taking. Slowly, my hair is growing back in (though now it's…
  • Thanks for the feedback :)
  • I've still got another ~100 to go. Count me in! :)
  • So... to circle back. Last night was the fancypants Bordeaux dinner. I went ahead and ate the mushroom ravioli, and a little bit of the GF polenta lemon bread, and drank a LOT of delicious wine. I also went ahead and ate the little golf ball of sorbet. And the 2" piece of ginger lemon cheesecake ;) To be honest.... though…
  • Yes - super duper awesome. THANK YOU ALL OF YOUZE GUIZE! I'll try to remember everything and estimate portions because that will be hilarious in my diary. ;)
  • So basically what yer saying is "out is out" and just like any other situation, I'd be 'restarting' keto regardless, yes? "Amount of out" has no bearing?
  • I recently went thru this. Since the scale *might* weigh a 5 lb bag of flour fine, but not your body, my suggestion is just to buy a new scale. I'm SO happy I did. My old scale was weighing in at 10 lbs-ish less than what my new digital scale tells me, and now every day I get to see a .1 or .2 or more loss. WHEE! I got…
  • I whiz mine up with a little latte frother (the kind you can pick up at ikea or here (whoa, I didn't know you could get IKEA stuff thru Amazon - this is dangerous to know.) ANYWAY, I use an Aeropress to…
  • Sugar and wheat are poison to me, and not necessary for a good healthy diet.
  • Print all this stuff out. Highlight the parts that touch you - tape this stuff up where you can see it. It's all kinds of loving support! :)
  • I'm doing BP coffee now, and feeling pretty awesome. I notice now if I eat even close to my protein macros I start feeling a bit heavy/sleepy. I do the coffee around 6am, eat lunch around noon/1pm, and dinner around 7pm. Hit the sheets around 9pm. I'll give this a week or so to settle, then see how it goes. :)
  • I have one of those little cheap Ikea frothers. It looks like a little spring wound into a circle on the end of a stick. Battery operated. I just give my coffee a whizz after the oils are melted, and boom, done.
  • That's my goal too. Feel free to check out my diary :)
  • Of course. Just for me, I don't need THAT much more ;) Otherwise the bags under my eyes need bras ;) My tissues tend to hold on to water weight, so I'm a bit more sodium sensitive than likely you are. :)
  • I love broth - especially home made bone broth. It's filled with magic and has far less sodium than the cubes. All that marrow and cartilage stuff helps us rebuild our bodies. Yay!!