

  • Mayo Clinic Article: Runner's diarrhea is characterized by frequent, loose bowel movements during or immediately after a run. Runner's diarrhea is most common in long-distance or marathon runners. The cause of runner's diarrhea isn't clear. One theory is that…
  • :noway: Every second that passes by.:yawn:
  • I like imapmyrun... not sure how consistent it works indoors... some aps have a pedometer setting that might work better.
  • I do it by the day, but I think a classic nutritionist would probably say by meal is better. I've seen some articles that even talk about eating in a specific order.... for example salad first.
  • I'd like a definition on starvation mode. As we bikers and distance runners will attest, if we burn 500 calories exercising and do not feed our muscles they will be soar. Yes, in one day damage does occur. If we feed them with nutrients they will not. So did our muscles consume themselves in "starvation mode"? Then take it…
  • Me too, me too! I void my house of super high calorie stuff (even take it to work so it isn't there to eat) but keep hard candy on hand. I don't obsess over that, yet it curbs the cravings.
  • Bread crust. :blushing:
  • Wouldn't it be neat if we could pick our family, not just our friends? You look great and probably feel like a millon bucks. I encourage you to forgive and let go to get peace. I would bet she has a lot of amazing things to say every once in a while when your not there. Focus on the positive as she isn't perfect and she…
  • If I eat less I ensure my protein and minerals are at normal levels. I believe the body needs protein and if we don't provide it then it will go after our muscle mass.
  • Ignore them! You can do it. :)
  • I run (~1hr at a time) and bike (2-3hrs sometimes) and ensure I meet the protein and carb requirements on those days only. My old trainer used to say to feed your body or it will feed itself (on your muscles)! I noticed that if I follow the Powerbar chart, then I am not soar, dehydrated or fatigued. Here's the link to the…
  • Of course you can go less... just have to combat fatigue and figure out how to keep muscles. Many of us here do it too and we pound to protein and ensure we are hydrated. As far as breast feeding, I would ask a doctor.
  • Rarely: I eat every 2 hours and drink a lot of fluids. With a little hot water, I get on kicks with tea and currently Maxwell House International Cafe Decaffinated Sugar Free Swiss Mocha or Vanilla. Careful measurements= 15 calories per drink!
  • On my way to my relative's house, I down an apple (or two), banana and a soda. Then I don't have any room for much else! ;)
  • Continue to walk and maybe get a bike or onto an elliptical. I mixed those with strength- push ups, reverse push ups, yoga (airplane) and within a year was running again with a trainers guidance. I found out that with my back pain, I cannot ever stop exercising or the pain comes back. Maybe that's a blessing in disguise! :)
  • I drop them into pound cake! They moisten it up and taste great. :) Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I'm short too and it sucks. If we are off by 200- 400 calories it means no weight loss or worse a gain. I have to be very honest, with my counting or I gain. My other tricks: I do not exceed 1200 calories even if I exercise. Sadly, I stopped counting calories burned because I needed a buffer on portions underestimated. Use…
  • Cheating= Why Not!? I believe weight loss is caused by an average weekly average below needed requirements. If I cheat one day, then I ensure my weekly average is below the target thereby eating less the following days. A basic google search will tell us it takes about 3500 calories/week below our requirement to loose a…