Strange food Aversions



  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    radishes. they smell like wet gym socks.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Raw vegetables of any kind. I can't stand to bite into them. The way they crunch just makes me sick. I once decided to try to de-sensitize myself to it because normal people don't hate veggies the way I do, and because salads look yummy and I want to eat them. So I went to the living room with a bag of baby carrots and a big bowl of ranch dressing (I love ranch, so I thought it might help). I bit into the first one and was like, "Hey, this might not be so bad. I can do this." Bit into the second one with a grimace, and thought, "Um... maybe just one more and then I'll try again another day." Bit into the third one, and almost threw up on the couch. I gave up after that. :laugh:

    I do like cooked veggies, but they have to be really done. No crunch.

    Update on my veggie situation: I can now eat salads! I still can't eat raw carrots though. Or raw broccoli. Or raw cauliflower. Basically, I can eat raw lettuce, spinach, and peppers. And sometimes tomato. :laugh: Whatever, it's progress!
  • eras616
    eras616 Posts: 24
    -Hard boiled eggs-It is the texture and smell.
    -Yogurt- I know it is so good for you and it would be a very easy to eat meal on the go, but I can't get over the texture.
    -Cucumbers-The smell is bad.
  • mareowner
    Bread crust. :blushing:
  • amberjschmidt
    amberjschmidt Posts: 18 Member
    hahah some of these are hilarious!

    I have a lot of food aversions :ohwell:

    Raw onion ( I will puke if one gets on my food somehow), cauliflower (cooked or raw), mushrooms (It's a fungus!!!!) and most seafood. I can eat most broiled fishes and shrimp but that's it. I agree with whoever said a lobster looks like a giant bug/cockroach or whatever lol
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I am in no way a picky eater and will eat almost anything and try almost anything. However, I can't STAND cottage cheese. I know lots of people eat it when trying to lose weight but it tastes disgusting.

    Tripe- I once ordered Pho (I usually love pho) at a Vietnamese restaurant and they put tripe in it and the fact that it has little taste bud looking things on it totally grossed me out.

    I dont really like Cauliflower, never have liked it. It doesn't taste like anything really and so I don't see the point in eating it.

    Organs of any kind yuck!

    Pork rinds- this is more because I know what they are, rather than the taste

    Bologna and Spam are both disgusting, they taste the same to me... like rancid meat. Gross.:sick: