Regarding Free/Cheat days



  • mdebbie1026
    mdebbie1026 Posts: 164 Member
    Make sure it is worth it, by that I mean if you cut off a small bite of something and it is not as good as it looks or you just don't care for it you don't have to finish it. As a word of warning, I once took Thanksgiving day off the problem was I NEVER went back to that very restrictive DIET. I love MFP so much better than that fad diet because I can eat it if it fits into the caloric intake and even if it doesn't I can still get back on track the next day or the next gym session--or ten sessions! UGH!
  • nwadyag
    I learned my lesson this summer about taking a break from my diet. Its too hard for me to get back on track if I go off it. I had lost 65 pounds by last July, went on vacation from both by home and my diet, and gained 20 pounds back before I gained control of my diet again in November. It took me that long, yes.
    Now, I try to "save" about a hundred calories (through combination of eating a little less and exercising a little more) each day the week before a big food event, with the idea I can use them that day if I want to I can even go over by a few hundred, but I then need to eat less the next week too. That way I can participate without feeling totally deprived. At the event I always try to eat more veggies and fruits than other stuff. If there are no veggies and fruits try to figure out what has the least calories out of your choices. I eat anything I want, but only take small portions (like one or two bites) of the things I know are high calorie. I got through Thanksgiving and 2 major office parties successfully this way so far this year.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I log my foods every day but on Saturdays sometimes I will go over on my calories and it has never effected my weight or anything :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I haven't really taken a real free day in a long time.
    I stayed on track for thanksgiving
    and I'm wondering if a free day on Christmas should be allowed..?
    See, we have all these tasty treats..and I'd eat it all in moderation..
    The only thing I'm worried about is logging that day..

    Would you do it? Or stay on track completely?

    I recommend once a week!
  • twiztedgrl69
    twiztedgrl69 Posts: 191 Member
    I enjoy my day with my family but still log things to stay on track...I'll most likely go over but as long as I still with my routine then I'm ok with that
  • mareowner
    Cheating= Why Not!?
    I believe weight loss is caused by an average weekly average below needed requirements. If I cheat one day, then I ensure my weekly average is below the target thereby eating less the following days. A basic google search will tell us it takes about 3500 calories/week below our requirement to loose a pound so if my average is 2x that, I will gain 2 lbs that week. I say eat away but be honest with the counting.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I personally have cheat day every week. I dont go crazy just may have something I crave like chinese food.I log those days it helps remind me why I log in the first place. Plus I still go to the gym every day no matter what I actually went Thanksgiving night. I will log xmas but will still enjoy in moderation.
  • aussie_nic_getting_fit
    i will be enjoying my christmas.

    But i will LOG every bite & every drink and even though i will be relaxed about my eating, I will still give myself a HIGH calorie limit to TRY and stick to.............

    Its one day... as long as you know its a HIGH CALORIE day and you get back on track the next day, it shouldnt be too bad.. Just mentally prepare yourselves for the weigh in..