bjclaywell Member


  • Haha...spawning goldfish...awesome! I have peace signs all over the inside back door of my mommy-wagon...drawn in permanent marker one bored day...
  • I'm 5'6". My starting weight was 228, my current weight is 190, and my goal is 150. I've been a bit distracted the last month or two, and haven't been good at logging, although I am watching what I put in my mouth (keeping track in my head). Need to get back to tracking. I've been working on this since April of 2011...
  • I've never, ever, ever, done this. I've also never tried waiting it out (the dreaded "I was here first, I'm holding on until you leave" game), just to end up leaving because I had to go so bad, and then go to a different floor in my building that has nobody in the bathroom... :ohwell: :embarassed: :blushing:
  • Sounds like lots of fun!!!
  • While I'm not an attorney, I am a law firm administrator - what are the chances that this could result in a malpractice issue? If the chances are high, you probably need to let someone know (another senior or equity partner?) right away. If it is an internal task that will not result in malpractice, I agree with the other…
  • I rinse mine after every use, and machine wash on the regular cycle once a week. I don't put it in the dryer, though.
  • 1) My YMCA membership 2) My Polar FT4 HRM 3) My new food scale (Costco for $19.99 - awesome!!!)
  • LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas Raise Your Glass - P!nk
  • Salem's Lot (the eyes...), the Exorcist, The Omen, The Thing, to name a few from when I was a kid. Most recently, Paranormal Activity scared the beegeezus out of me. I don't watch scary movies often because I tend to get really freaked out/upset. I'm a wussy. I don't know how that happened - as a kid, my Dad made us kids…
  • I don't log daily housework, but I do log the occasional hard core spring cleaning type of work. Or when I cleaned out my garage, I was lifting heavy boxes all day. I also log my once every two weeks yard work. If it something out of the ordinary, day to day stuff, I will log it.
  • Law Firm Administrator
  • Oh my goodness - you look absolutely amazing! Congratulations on your hard work and effort! It has most certainly paid off! Merry Christmas!
  • If the group is still open, I sure would like to join...
  • I don't know if you're in the same situation as me, but when I started in April at 228, I knew it was an entire lifestyle change, and I would have to watch what I eat, exercise, and be diligent about it forever. Eating is a problem for me. So I've had to change my lifestyle. I slip up often...and my weight loss has slowed…
  • I lost my first 35 pounds by treadmill and diet alone. Once I quit seeing the fast results on the treadmill, I added in other things, such as the elliptical and circuit training classes. Even on an incline, my heart rate just doesn't get up that high on the treadmill anymore (I cannot run, so that's part of the problem.) I…
  • Pears, peaches, plums - when my daughter was younger and went through lots of constipation issues, the doctors kept telling me that anything that starts with a "P" and has a Pit, makes you Poop. And lots of water. I find that a healthy dose of apples helps out too.
  • Sounds marvelous!!!
  • I swear by mine...I have the pot, not the squeeze bottle. My daughter and I have pretty major allergies and live in a dust and pollen filled city...the neti pot keeps us sane! One word of advice - we use ours when we take a shower. We find it works best after letting the heat open up our sinuses some, then we use the neti,…
  • I'll have to find my last post - but my weight was 188 this morning. :) Edited to say I'm down .8 pounds from my last log on 10/17. Not a great weigh in, but TOM is coming...and I ate a TON of salty food last night, so I'm hoping it's water weight? LOL
  • I had a fun size Snickers and a milky way mini. And I stayed under my calories even though I didn't work out today - was so busy at work I pretty much missed lunch...
  • We didn't do the spin class. maybe next week... :ohwell:
  • I'm trying spin with my trainer tomorrow morning for the first time...I'm a little intimidated by the spin we'll see how it goes. I re-injured my rotator cuff problem lifting last that's not good. But - I've been to the gym every day this week for cardio, and it's the first time in months I've done…
  • The Green Mile was almost spot-on with the book...and both made, me cry.
  • awful... Pamper him with his favorite meal, make him as comfortable as possible, and fawn over him as much as you can. :)
  • My weight loss is leveled out for the time being - major bummer. I'm going to up my cardio and try to get back in the swing of things. I kind of stopped being so diligent when I went on vacation in August, and then I just went on vacation again - time to get back on the horse! :) I also need to eat better. I'm eating too…
  • Hey all - is anybody still posting? :ohwell: Not been much activity lately...
  • In Arizona if you come into my house, and have an intent to harm (intent to harm is key here), I can defend myself however appropriately.
  • Weigh in/Check in - 188.8 this morning. I'm down, but I don't know how much (1 pound according to MFP). I'm happy about it too, as I was just on a week's vacation where I did NOT log my food very well...AND - right in the middle of TOM. :happy: Getting back on the bandwagon today, tho - need to work out 5 days a week - got…
  • If I'm not in too much pain or uncomfortable, I keep up my workout routine. And I think that everyone is a bit different in the weight department - I tend to lose in the first day or two, but then put on 2-4 pounds, but then afterwards (provided I'm drinking enough water), I lose it again. I think it's because I tend to…
  • Quick check in to say hi and I'm still here...on vacation and having lots of fun. Logging lots of walking - not sure but I'm think I'm burning extra calories - alot of the walking is in knee deep water. :) Anyway - I'll be home in time for weigh-in next Monday!