Journey2Heaven Member


  • I was looking for this group and couldn't find it. Strange.
  • I need to get back on track.
  • I am getting back on track. Had a rough couple of weeks and I'll be darned if I do not reach my goal. A little set back, but I am here.
  • Name: Andrea Start date: 9/8/12 Start weight: 170 Week 2 Weigh in 164 Week 3 Weigh in: 162 Goal weight end of wk 3 : 160 Week 4 weigh in: 160 Goal weight end of wk 4: 158 Week 4 result: 159 Week 5 Weigh in: 159 Goal end of wk 5: 157 Week 5 result: 158 Week 6 Weigh In: 158 Goal end of wk 6: 156 Week 6 result: 158 Week 7…
  • I totally failed this week but ready to get up and dust myself off. I didn't lose anything this week but at least I didn't gain so that's good.
  • Name: Andrea Start date: 9/8/12 Start weight: 170 Week 2 Weigh in 164 Week 3 Weigh in: 162 Goal weight end of wk 3 : 160 Week 4 weigh in: 160 Goal weight end of wk 4: 158 Week 4 result: 159 Week 5 Weigh in: 159 Goal end of wk 5: 157 Week 5 result: 158 Week 6 Weigh In: 158 Goal end of wk 6: 156
  • Do not overdue it on all the free chocolate candy lying around. I'd also still like to get a regular exercise routine
  • Name: Andrea Start date: 9/8/12 Start weight: 170 Week 2 Weigh in 164 Week 3 Weigh in: 162 Goal weight end of wk 3 : 160 Week 4 weigh in: 160 Goal weight end of wk 4: 158 Week 4 result: 159 Week 5 Weigh in: 159 Goal end of wk 5: 157
  • I had such a hectic weekend I didn't get to do the challenge.
  • My pics aren't coming out, I will keep testing.
  • Name: Andrea Start date: 9/8/12 Start weight: 170 Week 2 Weigh in 164 Week 3 Weight in: 162 Goal weight end of wk 3 : 160 Week 4 weight in: 160 Goal weight end of wk 4: 158
  • Right now, the biggest change I've made is what I am putting in my mouth. I am trying to eat more raw veggies and fruit with every meal or even a snack. i read this "Raw fruits & veggies remove toxins from your blood and once these toxins are gone The enzymes in the raw fruits & veggies liquefy and flush fat out of your…
  • Name: Andrea Start date: 9/8/12 Start weight: 170 Week 2 Weigh in 164 Week 3 Weight in: 162 Goal weight end of wk 3 : 160
  • Exercise is still my weakness. I just am so tired all the time. My treadmill is broken and that really was my best hope. I will continue to try and get more workouts in other than my walk some way, some how. I am doing well on the eating. I even made Reese's Peanut Butter Banana Bread this weekend for the family and didn't…
  • Name: Andrea Start date: 9/8/12 Start weight: 162 Goal weight wk 2 : 160 met I met my goal for this week YIPPEE!
  • OMG, I am Andi, too!
  • I have joined groups before and yes, that always happens. Of course everyone wants to lose weight, but the commitment of change is overwhelming for some. I am speaking from experience. i'm ready this time but in the past, I really wasn't. 137 is a lot of people. I think in the long wrong, we will benefit from a smaller…
  • Amanda, I hope things get back on track for you. One thing I found is that my life is always crazy and never on track so I just roll with Seriously, I will be praying for you and I hope that you continue to be a part of the group. You started this group and it came right on time for me. You got the ball rolling…
  • I hate shin splints. I haven't had them in a while since I haven't been a runner in I haven't been great with workouts this week. I really want to get back into running. I downloaded an app on my phone and plan on starting the training program they suggest to get me back to running 4/5 miles. I also am…
  • I met my goal for Week 1.... I lost 2.6 lbs. I am sure some is water but it's definitely less than before and I am sure there is some fat in there. I didn't do as well working out. I hope that changes this week. It seems that there is always something going on and I am just beat. I did a lot of moving things out of storage…
  • So we are in our week 2....will there be a week 2 thread?
  • Did much better than expected since I didn't work out as much as I should, however, I did great with eating this week. I went beyon my goal for the week and lost 2.6 lbs.
  • I have about 44lbs to lose to reach my goal which means a few of this weeks I will have to lose a couple of lbs rather than 1. However, if I am 37lbs lighter, that's worth rejoicing as well. I won't complain.
  • I've had a not so great last two days as well when it comes to exercising. I've been staying up entirely too late and just can not get up before work to get my workout in. I made a commitment to get my butt in bed tonight by 10pm so I can get up.
  • yes they are :laugh:
  • I didn't get to work out yesterday. I really meant to get up early again but Saturday nights me and the kids dod a movie and sty up late. Sunday mornings/afternoons are church and then we had a family BBQ. Everyone didn't leave until 11pm and then I passed out. I did stay in my calorie range. Thank goodness for grilled…
  • So..... What are your goals? Personal: Getting deeper into my spirituality Exercise: To become a runner again, get up to 4/5 miles a day Nutrition: Maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep finding recipes that are delicious and healthy and not slip back into the old habits of munching on chips and cheese. Your Measurements?…
  • Name: Andrea Start date: 9/1/12 Start weight: 164.6 Goal weight wk 2: 163
  • So the official start date is coming upon us.....Are we to weigh in and if so, in what thread?