PatrickB_87 Member


  • I think for May my goal will be 350 miles or more. Here is my Strava profile: 5/1/15 - 3.68mi @ 13.73mph | 16:04 | 35ft ascent | First ride on my new bike, couldn't wait so i strapped on my lights and took it for a spin. 5/2/15 - 3.51mi @ 15.86mph | 13:16 | 38ft ascent | Bike ride to…
  • Congratulations on the loss. I know you have been working hard and long for it. It's a reminder that everyone has to do this journey at their own pace. You can't rush life changes (though you can desperately wish the would speed up). It's a good reminder for someone whos own loss has dramatically slowed down to not let it…
  • I guess I should jump in with my goals for the month. I think for May my goal will be 350 miles or more. Here is my Strava profile: 5/1/15 - 3.68mi @ 13.73mph | 16:04 | 35ft ascent | First ride on my new bike, couldn't wait so i strapped on my lights and took it for a spin. 5/2/15 -…
  • I'll just add my own comments to what has already been said. I guess the first question is why a hybrid? I assume your interested in a hybrid because your thinking about wanting to ride a mix of street and off road (gravel/dirt) trails. Any bike that tries to do both things is always going to be a compromise but that…
  • I'm in my 20's and wouldn't want to party like that... but thats mostly because I am an introvert.
  • I guess I will celebrate... not completely destroying my day at lunch time like my brain wanted me to. Nothing special but I did tell the petulant child that lives in my brain to behave itself. Wennim - I had my first plane flight in several years a couple of weeks ago and the first thing i remembered when i sat down and…
  • Eating dark chocolate works for me like that. Thats fine. But since I don't bring chocolate in the house its whatever type the person who brought it in, and sadly after that point my head doesn't care.
  • I hope you and the family have fun!
  • Sadly I knew that lesson from day 1... We will just call this a reconfirmation.
  • I got a surly cross check 2015 in dream tangerine ( as i wanted a steal cyclecross bike that could except a wide range of tire sizes. I will post pictures when it comes in :) Yeah free donor bikes can be iffy, they will almost always need work. But at the same time if you can find a…
  • You can change your profile privacy to friends only, thought should stop none friends from sending messages.
    in OMFG Comment by PatrickB_87 March 2015
  • Yes, the price is certainly an issue. If you ever do look or consider, know the used bike market is big (lots of well intentioned people who bought new bike in the summer and called it quits by winter)
  • Thanks everyone. maoribadger, my first time back on the bike was something close to 10min and I thought my lungs would crawl right out of my chest. Got to start somewhere (and remember how to take the bike out of its hardest gear)
  • To be fair, 22 mile of single track is a lot of work and a lot of fun. I've only had the chance to ride single track a couple times around my area but loved it each time. I'm thinking about a surly cross check or a salsa vaya3, each are cross bikes so can do road or trail as those skinny road bikes freak me out as well…
  • So great to see you hit your 100+lb mark. It is such a wonderful feeling. I'm glad your enjoying the stationary bike, it's a great workout (and nice that it burns more calories then walking). If your ever in CA i have a tandem with your name on it :)
  • I feel exhausted just looking at the picture. Great work.
  • Congratulations, it's such a nice point to get to as your final goal weight seems so much more in sight at this point then it might have when you started.
  • Welcome to the group. I hope you find some help in it through this journey. I know we come at this during two different ages, but 329 days ago I was 328lbs and now I am 15lbs away from being under 200. It is a long term journey but big changes can happen within a short period of time and during that whole time i have…
  • Damn, I feel so week just googling the conversion (yes i had to google it)
  • Wennim, I am thankful too. I would love to ride a fat bike but I would rather keep my warm weather. It is frustrating how the weight loss dropped off so quickly, not made any better by the difficulty in maintaining my calorie deficit.
  • I've been posting all the images from my rides here if people want to see:
  • Part of me wants to post before and after face pics but I detest having to go and find a before, particularly because I have done such a good job at obliterating most of them.
  • I'm still alive. A rough couple of months (between family and travel) but I have mostly been keeping things going in the right direction. Still loosing but more slowly (my choice to change my calorie deficit). But I will try to be back and active again. Though I do keep posting in the news feed so if people want to keep up…
  • Hello everyone. Just saying hay. I know I have been gone for a while. Just that time of year (you have to diaper every once and a while or they will take a way my loner card). I'll take a look around and catch up.
  • Great work, the images really show your progress. I always love the difference it makes in peoples faces. Keep it up.
  • Oh joy football...... I see I stepped back in at the right moment. Norah, my deep sympathies for your loss, my grandmother passed last month so I can imagine what you are going through. On a lighter note did someone mention another challenge. I apologies for being gone. Between family, travel, work and end of the year…
  • I was gone for what felt like moat of last minth so between the holidays and travel i expected things to be worse but i didn't gain nor did i loose. Since being bac,k I'm back to loosing, though i think the weather and loosing my exercise routine had more to do with it.
  • Welcome back Tish! I've been off for most of the month as well for different reasons, a lot of work and a lot of travel. But most of my days have been in the red and allowed it, I didn't have a lot of control of where or what I ate and few tools to know I was properly tracking but for the most part I just let myself slide.…
  • Hi Zac, Thats very kind of you. Happy to do that if thats what you want, though i feel a bit guilt for basically giving up this past month. Sorry I haven't been around with the death in the family and the two trips down souths it's all I could do to keep my head on.
  • Not sure whats going on but I am here. Sorry everyone, I had a lat moment going out of town for Christmas. This whole last month has been thrown off.