Greywalk Member


  • how awesome we should thank people more often.
  • good work...may I do as well and wish you the best on your continued journey.
  • If everyone write go to running store and get gait analyzed or if it is the majority of the so. That is the best advice you will get. Causes of shin splints vary but getting the right shoe is critical. There are other causes of shin splints...see this article...…
  • Ha I log everything and the Trainer says I eat like crap...but I still log. Why? trends, stats. We men are stat freaks. also how can measure if you are doing better if you do not mark where you have been. Finally tell him there are a lot of men who use it and we have forums for guy issues and things like eating and working…
  • bump truth need no other site.
  • Let me see...maybe a decent movie with people talking on cell phones and long lines at the concession stand vs good food, good friends, and happy strangers. 5K hands I collect the Ts.
  • Saw your post and will say with 5 out of 6 children I had good success. I like what my son said when he came to visit..."where are the chips? Hey your refrigerator only has fruit, veggies, and other healthy food in it" I did this to help with my weight management issues. For the others...I always played games with them…
  • Long story short...lifer is neither totally white nor is it totally black...there is a lot of grey in it. Walk = "Life" Choice I make = "Grey", hence Greywalk.
  • Yes 57 and still playing with the other kids my age.
  • Nope but you can report it to the moderators...see guidelines and get a little creative with reason why it should be gone...however why be embarrassed by intentional curiosity? If it is honest then relax and enjoy the responses.
    in Nudity Comment by Greywalk March 2014
  • Drink I do and have for a while.
  • bump
  • Sorry to hear this. It is sad and unfortunately it happens to often to count. I hope and pray for you and desire the best. My temper is such that in my marriage I went for long walks often and sometimes ran. It was over though before I knew it. For me the telling blow was the comment: "If you won't give me more money I…
  • Yes but is it healthy? Besides experience shows the body just adjusts to the calorie intake. I use to come home exhausted each night. My work was stressful and long hours. I was gaining weight and sometimes losing when I was on a diet. You would think it is counter productive to exercise after work but it is…
  • large amount of anything deadly.
  • BLUF: Do the same...went to running store got shoes for running use them for running use the old pair for circuit training. result: works...cost: new running shoes. Since I currently do the same as you....I went to a running store and had them analyze my gait and recommend the correct shoes. Prior to doing so I ran until…
  • Ouch...OK here goes.... 1. Average 75 miles a month (currently 52) 2. Build mileage toward previous long runs of 12 miles 3. Do my first Spartan Sprint 4. Run 4 5Ks this year see item 5 and why not more. 5. Play soccer (futbol for everyone else but the US and Ireland) 2 hours each time - three times a week without injury…
  • The cat the dog I could handle but the turtle was to much.
  • Phone or no phone common practice should be the same, significant other knows your route and about when you will be back. Arguments for phone could be made either way. I prefer the solitude, my phone is a source of irritation at times. But my wife always knows my route and when I am due back. Why? What happens if you are…
  • What run with my phone? Never it is my only break from the nasty device. Family has learned to say...sorry not available he is out running. I leave it in the car with a voice response set to out running and solving world problems. Will not remember solution when I get back but I will feel better. Leave message and have a…
  • Friend: A person who I enjoy their company, is honest to me, supportive, and when saying something I need to hear does so out of respect for me and for themselves. This person normally knows I expect honesty and enjoys my quirky behavior in some areas, is willing to overlook faults in others but reminds me when I am out of…
  • Ouch you do realize that patience is like a muscle acquired through adversity?
  • Tell that to my legs and if the muscle stops growing there from all the cardio I might believe you. Truth is depends on the workout and the diet. Cardio and muscle growth are not mutually exclusive. Now having cast the shot across the bow of that ship...break it down... Muscles are grown primarily through the tearing of…
  • 7 lbs in one month is wonderful. Any quicker and your body will not adjust properly and you will find issues with the post weight loss body. Just think how long it took to put the extra on.
  • You are doing nothing wrong...but the body will adjust to whatever you throw at get working but remember to vary and change periodically. In the meantime just like putting weight comes off the same way...slowly and not all at once...and yes you will plateau I am on one now. been here for 6…
  • I am me...and I am unique...just as you are you and you are can you compare two unique people or even 1 billion unique people. We are wonderfully different and it is great. What works for you may not work for me because we only have some general things in character...but in the end you are you and I am…
  • ROFL...get another trainer...her knowledge is outdated. And most trainers will develop a program unique to you if they are good. Additionally the body will burn the stored glucose first. Not the fat. See multiple articles on burn...start here:…
  • I have the flex and have been using it since June. Giving some thought to the Force but am pleased with the Flex. It measures well and once it is adjusted the hand movement issue becomes moot. I sometimes drive long distances and the first time I did this the Flex registered me as walking a bit, but the second time the…
  • going to binge on Carbs? Change mindset to got to earn those carbs. I have same issue but now am comfortable as I run a lot...why...runners get to carbload...big part of our diet. Happy me!