annietud Member


  • I was following ww/ppoints and have found you need to forget whatever weight watchers tells you. I go to the class to weigh but not much else for me. I get more calories than what ppoints would say in my 26+49. I'm 12st6. A recipe I used today would count as 9pp but has less than 300cals. That doesn't equat to the ww basic…
  • I think that many of us get the 'blues' in relation to health/fitness. Everything is fine when we're not thinking I have a salad, I really want a burger, a 3 mile walk I'm too tired, its us stressing ourselves out. I want to be 10lb lighter by tomorrow, it ain't going to happen so whats the point. Its a journey that really…
  • I have hashimotos thyroid/ hemi thyroidectomy 4 yrs ago. Personally my weight loss is slow. I take 125mg of levo but still have some symptoms. I do think I need an increase. UK drs work on lab numbers rather than individuals. I think that's an issue. I have only a small amount to lose, it seems I'm always on a 'diet'. Its…
  • I have issues with what the Dr thinks is ibs-c. Still testing it. eating fibre/fruit etc made me bloat, but didn't have the desired effect. I've switched to eating "white" foods that are in a low fibre residue diet, my bloat has gone and have lost a few lbs sticking to my calorie allowance. It does become a chore when you…
  • Just another - fab site ,!!!! Good effort????
  • For me its not a mental block. I'm always playing with 10lb. My body doesn't really look right below 160.I'm 5-7 in a us size 10. I get near the 160 then have a holiday, then its back up. I'd like the dedication to get there and stay but life's for living in my book.2 weeks in Europe or the USA every 6 months ain't right…
  • My advice would be, log your current eating in mfp to see what calories your 'truthfully' eating. Make a list of what you eat at meal times. Healthy eating isn't just about salad & broccoli. Make your main meals using lean meats/fish/eggs etc add some veggies then some carbs/pasta/potatoes. Think of the following weights…
  • What to do now ? Carry on as you usually do. Plenty of fresh foods, salads water. Your exercise and there you go.x
  • Don't feel bad about what was a nice weekend! Your choice of meals were good in comparison to what I would of picked. Life will happen, Friday Saturday & sunday turn up when your least expecting it. Back to your good intentions now and chill. There's another weekend coming.???? yes ha!
  • My hubby moves its round the hallway until he gets the numbers he likes.
  • Excuse me for jumping in, should you always eat your exercise calories back please can you explain why? I'm trying to get out of "diet mindset" and need info. Thank you
  • I'm looking for 160lb, cw 170. I've not been lower than 157, I struggle with any less than that.
  • According to my scale_ I was 12-6 yesterday am today I'm 12-11. 5lb over night. ????? Saturday weight!!!!!!????
  • I get it wrong. Most weekends!!! Meals out, wine etc. I look at it long term. I'm always playing with the same 10lb. I drop it go on holiday and it comes back. I log my meals/drink and forget about it. Half a pound a week? 26lb A year, happy days!! Look long term and don't worry. Refocus and plan what you want for 1 or 2…
  • My holiday weight is still here too, long after the suntan has faded. Its turning into meals out weight now. Yummy curry last night.Take your time focus and regroup, a pound here and half there will soon add up!????
  • Hi, my tdee with iifym is approx 1740. I'm 47 - 170lb and set at no exercise. Mfp has set at 1540c per day. I add on my exercise, reducing by 20% what mfp calculates them at, to allow for overs. I've lost 3lb in 2 weeks and ideally would like about 10lb total.
  • Me too! But you saw it first????
  • I log Mayo's not ketchup type sauce. When I've measured Mayo my usual squeeze is 100cals. Need to cut it back.
  • I'm quite the same as you. Even on prescription meds nothing moves. There's some information that some people can't tolerate excess fibre and a low fibre diet is more suitable. I'm currently getting checked for ibs-c. My gp has said to slowly change my brown foods to white and reduce fibre to see if that helps. On a big…
  • If your not kitchen friendly I would suggest, list what you like to eat, then plan a menu from it. Breakfast lunch and dinner. Make your food simple, eg- pasta bolognaise, mince,veggies pasatta herbs & pasta. 4-5 ingredients Max. Think of portion sizes - a portion of veg/fruit is 80g. Rice/pasta/potatoes is generally 150 -…
  • Wrap dresses are great for a multitude of sins. The lines the ties create hide a tummy. Take a look at your shoulders a wider strapped dress can balance out, out of balance shape. Enhance your top half to draw the eyes to your vava boom. Get my hubby every time.
  • I find I like to have a social drink too. Its easy to have a bottle most nights and cheese & crisps! I only buy 2 bottles on fridays,that's for 2 nights and share with him indoors. The same for the giant bag of crisps. Another thing is I don't have pasta meals as wine goes great with it. Try making a rule no beers on…
    in WINE Comment by annietud September 2014
  • I have no words of wisdom for you sorry, but I know exactly how you feel. I have 10lb excess 14lb tops but its not moving at all. I'm going to follow the ttde method for a few weeks and see how I get on rather than my calories plus exercise, it seems more consistent. Good luck in your journey. X
  • Ooo, fibre 1. Its my favourite, I could eat it like popcorn. Its not on sale in the UK anymore????
  • That helps lots. My calories per day is 1550- .5 loss/WK . I only have 10lb ish to get rid of.????
  • Your going to make yourself ill. Go to your doctor.
  • I am starting to think about alcohol like I think about cake. I love it, it's delicious and wonderful, but I'm only going to have some when it's a special occasion and really worth it. For me, a Saturday night glass of good wine with my hubs who I've barely seen all week - worth it. Drinking just because it's Tuesday, not…
  • Thank you, Sounds really thick for a 47yr old serial dieter!
  • Ww give food a propoint number. Every member is given a daily and weekly propoint allowance. Fruit & non startchy veg have a zero propoint value. Some foods seem high in propoint compared to calories. Eg 45g of shredded wheat minis & 125g of ss milk has a ppoint of 5, that's a 20% of my daily allowance (26pp) but would be…
  • Hi all, just started this too. I'd like to get off 14lb bubut I let life get in the way.