Eating out 4 days running..

So I've been having a lot of meals out lately.. one on friday (only for lunch - a halloumi salad so nothing too heavy but did have a milkshake afterwards), on saturday night tapas (nachos, a bean and tomato stew and some pesto chicken - small plates of each) and a pretty sugary/fatty dessert of churros.. then on sunday lunch - ham, egg and chips.. and a chocolate tart for dessert. Monday night.. a tomato and mozzarella salad followed by spinach and ricotta ravioli, and then a nice healthy (i wish) sundae for dessert! not the best 4 days.. this is due to birthdays of family members, being out shopping with friends which nearly always leads to a meal out, and generally catching up with people. I did, on sunday, only have a bowl of cereal for dinner (branflakes) as i was so full from lunch, and only a small snack on friday as for some reason felt very bloated despite my lunch not being THAT heavy.. however today i ate normally through the day (cinnamon and honey porridge for breakfast, fruit throughout the day, a cereal bar as a snack, ryvita and light philidelphia for lunch) and on saturday i had a mostly healthy but filling lunch of salad, a little cheese and a tiny bit of french baguette, some sliced ham..

On both Saturday and Sunday I did a 30 minute morning run, at my normal pace of around 9'20 per mile, burning just over 300 calories, and today I cycled for around an hour and a half before dinner.

I just want to know, really, how badly this might affect my weight? Am I likely to gain from it, how should I approach the next few days (I actually have ANOTHER meal out tomorrow night for ANOTHER birthday celebration, but am going to say no to dessert), will it be easy to lose the weight again if I've put a lot on?

Just to let you know I'm around 9 stone 7 - 9 stone 10 (it fluctuates a lot) and my start weight was 10 stone 5. I'm not looking to lose loads more as I'm feeling a lot more comfortable thanks to exercise (running mainly), building my stomach muscles (there are no abs.. it's just a little flatter/less wobbly) and making better choices with eating (aside from the last few days), but I would like to stick around the 9 stone 7 or 8 pounds marker, rather than edging closer back to 10 stone.

Any help, advice, encouragement, reaasurance, constructive critisicm... it's all welcome. Thanks!


  • GlamourVintage
    GlamourVintage Posts: 60 Member
    My advice is to not feel guilty about having "bad eating days". But try to eat better the next day and exercise. Continue with your weight-loss process and don't give up. Spend less worrying about the scale. Hope this helps you out. :D
  • 34blast
    34blast Posts: 166 Member
    Eating out won't make or break your diet if you can control quantity and quality while eating out. Log it all and try to eat foods that are nutritionally dense. I eat out every day and lost between 30 and 40 pounds. I'm actually bulking now. I can find something that fits my calories almost everywhere that is decent nutritionally. If you want to eat a bit more while eating out, eat a bit less before or after. Self control can be used regardless of eating at home or out.

    In your example, skip the milk shake if it won't fit. Skip the churros. Just eat healthy what ever the situation and use self control. It can be hard at first, but will come naturally after a while.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    There is no good or bad.
    Food just "is."
  • Summerfit321
    Summerfit321 Posts: 142 Member
    There is no good or bad.
    Food just "is."

    I agree, it's just a matter of moderation and self control :-)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    There is no good or bad.
    Food just "is."

    I agree, it's just a matter of moderation and self control :-)

    Yeah, I'll be the first person to agree. But really, this was a pretty bad few days. Not much moderation or self control. And I'm not judging or being mean! Just...phew! Sounds yummy.
  • RHwoodxxxx
    Well, to be fair, it's not like I was trying to eat healthy so I don't think self control comes into it.. Like I said I'm not trying to lose loads more weight, just maintain, so I never said to myself 'I'm going to choose the healthiest thing on the menu'

    More advice on what to do the next few days to bring myself back would be useful! Thanks for the replies but they're all kind of just comments on what I've eaten rather than advice!
  • annietud
    annietud Posts: 33 Member
    Don't feel bad about what was a nice weekend! Your choice of meals were good in comparison to what I would of picked.
    Life will happen, Friday Saturday & sunday turn up when your least expecting it. Back to your good intentions now and chill. There's another weekend coming.???? yes ha!
  • annietud
    annietud Posts: 33 Member
    What to do now ?
    Carry on as you usually do. Plenty of fresh foods, salads water. Your exercise and there you go.x
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I wouldn't feel bad at all!!! Food is food at the end of the day!!

    For dinner last night I ate two packets of crisps & lots of chocolate - Oh well!!! It what I wanted - SO I ATE IT!!!


    Just get back onto your normal eating plan, drink lots of water, fruit, veg, protein in your diet - That's it!

    Don't over think it all to be honest. I try not to beat myself up these day, before I used to be terrible. But hey... Food is food!!

    With regard to weight loss its calories in v's calories out regardless if its chocolate, veg, good meals etc
  • Misshodge64
    Misshodge64 Posts: 8,588 Member
    I would probably eat smaller portions while out or like the other post say, eat healthier. One cool idea is to invite them over your place. Plus by cooking you can save, money and calories.:-)