How to stay motivated when weight loss is so slow

I really, really struggle with this. I have been counting macros/calories religiously for almost three months now, I strength train at the gym using New Rules of Lifting for Women three times a week, do HIIT twice a week, and I have lost a measly 7.5 lbs. I need to lose about 30 lbs. I have lost a couple inches off of my hips, stomach and bust, but it is painful to be losing about a half a pound a week. Logically, I know this is how I will finally keep the weight off instead of yo-yo dieting all the time, but I find myself losing motivation and getting frustrated. How do you stay motivated if the weight and inches are barely budging?


  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    With you not having very much to lose, it will be slower, keep up the good work , maybe switch some things up, eat different foods,try different exercises, something to change yohr mindset. Change your daily goals on food.
  • ZaCkOX
    ZaCkOX Posts: 115
    Time will always be there, so you need to not brain crazy about it. Put in the effort and keep a strict diet. It will have results. You cannot cheat the balance of your body.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i have been doing this for almost 6 months. sometimes i lose 4-6 pounds a month, a couple of them i lost nothing at all worth mentioning. it takes time, and more importantly, it SHOULD take time.

    i love seeing the scale go down, but i see it go up and down so much i stopped using it as my primary goal.

    at this point, if i wake up, do some kind of exersize, and eat right for the day, it is a success. in the end it will lead to an overall healthier me, and thats really what i want. its a real plus that i look much better too. but whether i WEIGH less or not matters less than feeling fit, to me.

    focus on changing your lifestyle, thats the real victory.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Perhaps buy a food scale to see if your deficit is actually large enough. How many calories a day are you aiming for (either net or with exercise included)?

    But consider the lost inches - how much have you lost? I haven't really been losing much scale weight recently but certain clothing items have been loser despite being the same weight or like 1lb lighter. This is more important than scale weight.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Whether you are losing weight or not, you are still doing very good things for your body and your future. Stay patient.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    I'll tell you how you stay motivated. Enjoy your food! Eat healthy, enjoy the cooking of it and make it a pleasant experience not a rush job of diet foods and other crap you don't like.

    Also exercise is not the goal here. Weightloss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. That is the ratio you should focus on. Particularly if you are tiring of all the gym activity.

    The problem is if you've been doing a lot of exercise and stop or reduce a lot suddenly you will likely gain some weight. Its imperative that if you stop or reduce your exercise that you also reduce your calories in line. And this is not easy because you will still be a bit hungry.

    There is may one way that might help you if you want to stop suddenly - start doing the 5:2 fasting diet. You fast two days a week eating 500 calories each day and then eating up to you TDEE the other days.

    I suggest this diet because most of us notice a reduction in appetite. And you also learn how to restrain yourself from eating when you are a little bit hungry.

    There is a group here but its not very active and there is a 5:2 diet website called the fast diet. You can watch a tv show about it on you tube called eat fast and live longer. It doesn't run through the diet details. you can get them from the website but you may find it motivating and it is an interesting program. And will learn some useful background.

    I would definitely think about scaling back your exercise to something more sustainable for you.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    btw those couple of inches are far more meaningful and significant than the half pound thing on the scales. And besides to some extent, the slower you lose the easier it is to keep it off in the long term. Losing weight quickly is not a great idea.

    You are losing more fat than you realise. But you have also been gaining some muscle weight and muscle does weigh more than fat
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

    Besides, what is your other option ? Stay fat ? Get fatter ?

    Nope, set your goals and work towards them.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Perhaps buy a food scale to see if your deficit is actually large enough. How many calories a day are you aiming for (either net or with exercise included)?

    Agreed. If the numbers say you should be losing more, I would try to clarify where you got those numbers from (MFP?) and make sure the items logged - both food and exercise, actually reflect that plan. It could be as simple as a condiment you're not logging accurately that's contributing an extra 200-some odd calories every other day, or logging too many calories for the strength training, etc. FYI a lot of people prefer the TDEE method if they strength train, on account of it can be really hard to estimate those calories. So they just select a fixed amount of calories and eat that rather than planning to eat back exercise calories

    Read these to figure out if you're really consuming the amount you think you are:
  • annietud
    annietud Posts: 33 Member
    I have no words of wisdom for you sorry, but I know exactly how you feel.
    I have 10lb excess 14lb tops but its not moving at all.
    I'm going to follow the ttde method for a few weeks and see how I get on rather than my calories plus exercise, it seems more consistent.
    Good luck in your journey. X
  • Jazz_2014
    Jazz_2014 Posts: 150 Member
    I don't over analyse the food intake. It causes me frustration. So I watch what I'm putting in but I don't do a food journal.
    I read the success threads often. I do a lot of envisioning of my goal weight. I put the focus on others by responding to threads to help others, but at same time helping myself stay focused. And more then often, I'm learning more and more too. Stay slow and steady as this will bring more rewards/benefits to you in the future.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I find success in things other than the numbers on the scale such as inch loss or more definition in my calve muscles. If I could get a bit smaller and still stay the same weight then I won't care if I don't get to my scale goal...I'd MUCH rather get to my body size goal. Plus by losing weight slowly (17 lbs in 9 months), I'm learning how to eat the way I want to eat for life. Going to maintenance isn't going to be a big deal as I'm not that far away from it now anyway. I'll take that any day.
  • Went to a plant based diet about 5 weeks ago, lost about 20lbs in the first couple of weeks but its been a plateau for the last 2 weeks with the scale staying at 250, not sure what i can do to lose more weight,as diet consists of Vegetables/fruits/legumes with the occasional handful of nuts for a total of about 1200 calories a day. While the weight loss is a slow process its going to happen eventually on this vegan diet
    My goal is to get below 200lbs but for the moment i'm feeling much better than i was at 270lbs
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I am in the same situation, I stay motivated because those inches we lose are so important. I also look back at my diaries, and now I am drilling down to make sure I am really in a deficit.

    Making your diet the priority is so important.

    Have you read the threads in getting started your guide on the path to sexy pants? I actually re read it. I get a lot of motivation there.

    You aren't alone. Slow and steady. That's what you want.
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    I really, really struggle with this. I have been counting macros/calories religiously for almost three months now, I strength train at the gym using New Rules of Lifting for Women three times a week, do HIIT twice a week, and I have lost a measly 7.5 lbs. I need to lose about 30 lbs. I have lost a couple inches off of my hips, stomach and bust, but it is painful to be losing about a half a pound a week. Logically, I know this is how I will finally keep the weight off instead of yo-yo dieting all the time, but I find myself losing motivation and getting frustrated. How do you stay motivated if the weight and inches are barely budging?
    Please don't give up on the exercise as suggested by a previous poster! The strength training is key to retaining muscle while you are losing weight, and will help you keep the weight off once you get to your goal weight. Also help prevent flabbiness. How did you determine your calorie level? Are you using the MFP method and eating back calories, or TDEE? Are you weighing and measuring all your foods? Sometimes small adjustments can make a big difference. I did not start losing consistently until I figured out my TDEE and started aiming for the same number of calories each day.

    In terms of motivation, are you getting stronger in your workouts? Then you are making progress! And a loss of 1/2 pound a week may be slow, but it is definitely progress too, and will get you to your goal. I intentionally set my calorie level to only lose 1/2 pound a week, so yes, it's been slow but I have had no cravings or uncontrollable hunger, and plenty of energy for workouts.
  • Hey everyone, I have been counting calories and exercising for nearly two months now. I am eating healthy, and have stayed in my calorie goal majority of days. I have some days gone and had junk food eg a bit of chocolate or a couple of biscuits but not to extensive limits. I have only last a mere kilo but I think I've put it back on. I am also ALWAYS bloated, cannot get rid of it.
    Any suggestions?
  • triinityz
    triinityz Posts: 146 Member
    It's taken me close to 3 years to lose 59 pounds. 30 of that i lost in the first year and I've been fighting with the rest of it since then. Don't look at this as a diet, look at this as a lifestyle.

    Even when I hit my goal, I'm not going back to what made me fat. Maybe not looking into the future about where you want to end up will help. Just focus on now and don't worry about what all the stupid trackers say you "should" be losing. You are you, not everyone else and I'm sorry, but most people don't lose .5 pounds per week by doing a certain deficit. If you saw my graph from my losses, you'd laugh. I'm down 4 then up 5, then down 2 then up 1. Just enjoy your life and you'll get there. :smile:
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I have tried ever since the beginning to be process oriented… not goal oriented. Focus on doing those things everyday that will help you build a new healthier lifestyle. That is the "goal" I try to hit. When it comes time to get on the scale… I tell myself that if it goes down at all… I'll be happy. I have a quote that I constantly remind myself of… "If you focus on results, you'll never change. If you focus on change, you'll get results."
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    the point is you are losing the healthy way. This is how I have lost my weight. Just keep at it.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    ...but it is painful to be losing about a half a pound a week. ...
    Think hard about why it's painful. Is it because you're uncomfortable with the deficit level or your exercise amount or types? Or because you're anxious to be a certain size? If the latter, I think that's somewhat unavoidable, though each little increment along the way feels better. But if you're anxious to be done so you can go back to the way things were before, that's probably a red flag for maintenance issues.

    Also, you don't have to lose that slowly, if your deficit level isn't bothering you. It's not a popular choice here but with 30 lbs. to lose, nearly all sources would say you're fine aiming for 1-2 lbs/week.