

  • Totally why I moved on to level 2! I know I could have stayed in level 1 and improved my form or followed the harder workout o but I got so sick of knowing the lines (in only 10 days!! haha!) that I had to move to level 2.
  • Finished L2D1. My heart wasn't in it because I had a bad headache but it's done. I was sweating like crazy but I think it's easier than level one. Or maybe I just wasn't doing the moves right-lol!
  • 5 dark chocolate M&Ms (I'm not exactly sure but I count it as ~50 calories. I know it's not more than that) no pudge brownies (100 calories/no fat per serving) chocolate Vita Tops and a glass of milk (my personal favorite b/c I'm following weight watchers and they are only 1 point) 100 calories and full of fiber that new…
  • I think WW is fantastic. I will say that MFP has better support, in my opinion. WW community boards are soooo big and there are so many topics and users that it's hard to get connected. I don't kow why but the boards on MFP seem more close knit. So, here's my story. I have been doing WW on and off for years with good…
  • Good job! I agree wholeheartedly that you have to sometimes go with the flow. And even though you didn't choose the vegetarian option which might have been a little healthier overall, I personally think it was a better decision to eat what you wanted and be satisified. Nothing gets me off track and more frustrated than…
  • I have been at the same weight since Jan 20th. Up two pounds, down two pounds, up and down. It was very frustrating. So yesterday was my weigh in day and I had lost .8lbs. Not really all that exciting since I figured I would be back up those .8lbs today (since it was in the range of my +/- 2lbs that I have been struggling…
  • All I remember is I tried the balsamic and the ranch dressings and it made my tounge tingle in a weird way. Not a sensation you want to get from you food- haha! I threw them right out also!
  • If I posted ever time I gained weight my ticker would never move. Too depressing. I've been battling the same 2 pounds since Jan 20th. Up two then down two then up two then down two. It's frustrating. I get pissy every time I complete my food diary and it tells me I should be down 6 or 7 lbs in 5 weeks. Yeah right. That's…
  • I started 12 days ago and just finished level 1. I'm going to start level 2 tomorrow. When I first started I couldn't do the jumping jacks without taking several rests. Now I can go through them pretty well! You definitely see fast results on your endurance. I'm not sure how fast the weight loss is (at least for me…
  • L1D10 COMPLETE!! Woo Hoo. I will say halfway through those side lunge arm raise thingies that my butt spasamed and it still hasn't recovered. Ouch! I could definitely stay on level 1 and still have it be a hard workout but I'm going to venture to level 2 tomorrow. If it's totally unmanagable I'll move back down for awhile.…
  • Don't know where to get it but some of the stuff you can order on Amazon. I actually wanted to know whick of their products you liked. I've only tried the salad dressings and I thought they were horrid. If some are better I might give them a try again.
  • Wow! This thread just gave me the best laugh I've had in days!! :laugh:
  • Have you checked your local YMCA? Ours has a jaccuzi, sauna, two pools, and free childcare. The rates can vary depending on your membership status but you can also qualify for financial aid to help cover the cost of your membership.
  • Thank you so much for this tip! I ended up taking a break yesterday from Shred because my shins were actually in more pain than I realized. This morning when I went to do it I did the "fast feet" instead. I still did my arms, but the feet thing was so much better. It didn't hurt at all and I think it got my heart rate…
  • Have you tried Pop Chips? They are so good and my new chip obsession. I don't eat chips a lot but I'll go out of my way to get ahold of some Pop Chips.
  • Chocolate Vita Tops. They totally cure my chocolate craving and are low calories/low fat/high fiber. YUMMY!
  • I just did L1D7 today and it is definitely more managable than the first couple of days where it hurt to move afterword. I also don't feel like I want to vomit anymore during or after it- haha! Is anyone having trouble wiith the jump rope part? It KILLS my shins. I can keep up with it but it really hurts. I don't know if I…
  • Have you tried The Wendie Plan? It follows WW but has you mix up your points so you body gets confused. Here is more info...
  • I was doing flex on my own since January 1st because I'm very familiar with it and have al the materials. (I lost 25lbs about 4 years ago doing that and was able to keep it off until 14 months ago when my husband came back from a military deployment--but that's another story-haha!) Anway, I was doing flex and lost 17 lbs…
  • I've never watched the Biggest Loser or seen her much anywhere but I just started doing the 30 day shred and I think she is very obnoxious. I don't really know why but her voice bothers me and she definitely rubs me the wrong way. She is one of those people who I think if I met in real life I wouldn't be friends with them.
  • I disagree with the person who said you can't do MFP and WW at the same time. I've been doing them together just fine. I actually put myself at 2lbs loss a week for MFP and at 1200 calories I don't think that was enough for me. WW has me more around 1500 which is more accurate with the BMR formula people have been posting.…
  • I totally agree! It really hurt to move for the first 4 days. BUT... I just did L1D4 and I completed the entire thing without stopping!!! Woo-Hoo! I seriously thought it would take me a month. I didn't do it as fast as they did but I did it! And the soreness, while still there is now more of a background issue that I can…
  • Oh my goodness! When I read this I thought I typed it. EXACTLY word for word (well, except fo the breastfeeding-- my kids are 2 & 4) but everything else, the timing, the numbers, the excercise, EVERYTHING is the same. DOn't know what to do either except that I'm in the exact same boat and I'm getting frustrated too. I'm…
  • I started on Tuesday and had to do something else today because I was so sore. I thought if I did it again I wouldn't be able to get out of bed tomorrow. Instead I did a Weight Watchers video and it was rediculously easy compared to the shred even though it was double the length. I'm going back to the shred DVD tomorrow…
  • I'm in! I actually started yesterday but I feel like I'll be on level 1 forever so it's not like I'll be ahead or anything.
  • I saw the other post about the 30 day shred so I went to Target and bought it this afternoon. Just finished it and I think it may take me a month to get to level 2. Yikes! I'm obviously not ready to do a 40 minute video but I'll follow along with this post doing the 30 day shred if that's ok. I need some accountability and…