Carek99 Member


  • Your blood pulls the fat as it is needed, unfortunately, the easiest places for you body to pick up fat and the easiest places for it to deposit fat are never the same places. This means that people tend to gain weight easily in specific areas, but lose it slowly in those same areas. The ultimate answer is just time and…
  • Skippy Natural Ultimately what your looking for is any peanut butter that doesn't have the healthy peanut oil replaced with a less healthy oil. You can tell by looking at the ingrediants list. If it has any kind of oil listed avoid it.
  • I just finished week 5 today. I started at 305 and am down 35 pounds since starting MFP. I hurt myself on Week 2 for having bad shoes and pushing too hard. When I talked to the doc he recommended I slow down and buy better shoes, but continue with the program once my knee was better (just steroids and time) Taking that…
    in Couch to 5K Comment by Carek99 June 2011
  • That's a phenomenal transformation, and not just in actual body, but obviously in self confidence and body image. Congratulations, you have done extremely well.
  • The first time I quit (I quit once for 14 months until my new job had free pop, and again a little over 2 months ago), I read that caffeine withdrawal is on scale with heroine. There were several internet stories of death that I couldn't really track down to get names and dates. Still, that was enough for me to wean myself…
  • if you do c25k, there is a second program called Bridge to 10K (B210K) that is supposed to help you get there.
  • I read a blog yesterday in which the person went to the grocery store and loaded up a cart with butter equal in weight to what he lost. Since butter is about the same mass as fat (I believe) you can take a moment and look at how much has come off of you. It might help.
  • I've read everything I could find on this. I'm on week 2 as well (second effort after an injury). The common answer seems to be if its too hard, slow down. Not to be discouraging, but if you are running too fast they say you won't make it through week 5. Slow down until its not so bad, speed will come later, perhaps even…
  • I always called the first week of a diet "shock week". My body was always so eager to lose weight that it would do so quickly. Once it slowed down, I had trouble keeping motivated. This time I'm continuing to slog through and doing well.
  • I did this a few weeks ago. Warning, you will be grumpy for a few days. Warn those close to you. Between all the studies on artificial sweeteners and the rising price, this was a fantastic decision for me, and I hope you feel it is for you as well.
  • Start with pushups and other body resistance exercises if a gym is not an option.Squats, lunges, situps, all build muscle that can help. I have a bowflex at home, you can find these on craigslist for not terribly much, and they don't take too much space when not in use.
  • Great article here, I read it after reading your question. According to the article rapid weight loss is at least 20% loss of muscle (usually more). The way to reduce the excess skin problem is to rebuild muscle as you diet. This is another reason a weight loss of 1-2 pounds (more…
  • My 7 year old son came up with this for his breakfast and I have adopted it a couple times a week. Waffle Sandwich Eggo Whole Grain Waffle (70 calories) 1 Tbspn Skippy All Natural Peanut Butter (98 calories) handful of raisins (75 calories) Cut the waffle in half, spread the peanut butter on each side, put the raisins in…
  • The common suggestion is to shock your body. Three ways to do this that come up regularly are: -zigzag your calories, go 200 over one day and 200-300 under the next. -change your cardio routine every 6 weeks. substitute bicycling for running or change the videos you are using. -add or increase your strength training.…
    in hit a wall Comment by Carek99 May 2011
  • We also mix cauliflower and potatoes for a more healthy than mashed potatoes hybrid. If you have a steamer, you can boil the potatoes in the bottom pan and steam the cauliflower. When the potatoes are ready for mashing so is the cauliflower. Add a small amount of salt and margarine along with some garlic.
  • if you add something from your phone, it should automatically sync the stuff entered on the computer while it uploads its data. There is also a manual sync button inside the program if you want to just force it. On my android the button is under the more menu (the downward facing triangle in the upper right hand corner). I…
    in Phone MFP Ap Comment by Carek99 May 2011
  • I decided that I liked the feeling I have when I have worked out today, even though I hate the workout. If i get up early, I get to have that feeling all day. I also get to enjoy the evening without worrying about the workout, or finding an excuse.
  • My wife makes something for my son that I had to try this morning. One waffle cut in half, a tablespoon of peaut butter spread evenly and some raisins. This has actually kept me from being hungry for hours and with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter on mine, it was 319 calories. We used a frozen waffle and a toaster. I'm…
  • I don't like to run (or walk like I've had to since an injury). However I do like to "have run". Consequently, I get the most "have run" time in a day by getting up early and doing it first thing. I currently do this at 5:45 in the morning so I can shower and head to work afterward.
  • Weight Watchers and several other programs use a "banking" method like you are asking about. The idea there is to take the week as a whole. However, those programs also stress that you only weigh once a week for the same reason. Ultimately, I wouldn't recommend that you routinely bank extra calories. Instead accept that…
  • If you beat yourself up every time you don't make your goal, you are sabotaging yourself. Each day is a seperate attempt.
  • Start with small goals and reward yourself emotionally when you achieve them. Don't make daily exercise for life your goal, make exercising three times this week the goal. Make each days calorie requirement its own plan and don't get upset with yourself if you fail once or twice. At some point both the diet and the…