Weight loss and skin



  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Repeat: Water, water, water.

    Repeat: Lift weights. Joyce Vedral videos are cheap on ebay. She's the bomb for 'at home' weight-lifting.
    Side Note: I tend to avoid weight-lifting while I'm losing weight, at first, as it APPEARS to slow down weight-loss. It doesn't really, because while you're gaining muscle weight, you're losing fat. It just has a habit of making the scale numbers slow down for a while. If you are capable of being patient, once you get going, my goodness, that scale will just fly through the numbers, as the added muscle will have increased your metabolism tons.

    This time around, I am doing lots of cardio [elliptical trainer/walking] and will reserve the serious lifting for when I actually feel like I've lost a lot of weight. I know there will be arguments out there against this approach, but I know myself. I am easily frustrated by a slow-moving scale and even though I know this is forever, and I"m always going to have to record my food and exercise, at this point, I'm not ready. I also know this is likely to make the loose skin issue more serious.

    New: Bio-oil and vitamine E - applied to the skin daily, sometimes several times [rub it in until it is gone...]
    This will help with stretch marks...I know a woman who went crazy with the vitamine E while she was pregnant and she has NO stretch marks. None. Nada.

    Facts: If you have a significant amount of weight to lose and you're 'older', you're going to have loose skin when you're done. Surgery can clean that right up. If you have your doctor on board, it doesn't necessarily have to be 'elective'. In Canada, anyone who has gastric surgery is automatically eligible for 'clean-up' after losing 100 pounds or more. If you lose it the old fashioned way, your chances are significantly less.
    Save your pennies.

  • Carek99
    Carek99 Posts: 25 Member
    Start with pushups and other body resistance exercises if a gym is not an option.Squats, lunges, situps, all build muscle that can help.

    I have a bowflex at home, you can find these on craigslist for not terribly much, and they don't take too much space when not in use.
  • Jerri68
    Jerri68 Posts: 14
    I have almost lost 30 pounds since 2/28/11 just by eating right, and I have no sagging skin, yet at least. I drink anywhere from a 1 to 1.5 gallons of water a day. I havent exercised as my time is limited. Between work and my daughter, the only exercise I basically get is playing around on the softball field with my daughter's team. I am afraid of getting the sagging skin as I want to lose another 30 pounds, but SO FAR its not looking like that is going to be a problem for me, and hope it stays the same.