6lb in 6 days??

Its got to be water weight right?? Mind you i have been walking loads more, and even though my goal is 1200 calories a day i'm always under, and i'm not going hungry. Also i've started taking supplements...vitamin b complex, sea kelp, lecithin, cod liver oil & calcium and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. In the last 3 days i've been doing the slim fast 321 and sometimes for my evening meal its a weight watchers frozen dinner with veggies. Anyway i feel great, sleep like a baby for the first time in ages, have more energy, so i figure i'm doing something right!!


  • mangos4music
    mangos4music Posts: 126 Member
    well with being that low in calories it really could be actual weight you lost and not just water weight. just be careful being below 1200 calories everyday, thats the minimum number of calories needed to survive. if you go too long with too lil calories your body will start holding onto the fat and lb cuz it thinks your not gonna feed it, and you want lose any weight at all
  • KristofferN
    I concure with Mangos post.
  • Carek99
    Carek99 Posts: 25 Member
    I always called the first week of a diet "shock week". My body was always so eager to lose weight that it would do so quickly. Once it slowed down, I had trouble keeping motivated.

    This time I'm continuing to slog through and doing well.
  • lesliefoste
    lesliefoste Posts: 137 Member
    I agree with the others, as well. It's exciting to lose a lot in a week, but studies show that you can't lose more than about 2 pounds of fat in a week. That means that extra weight is coming from somewhere. Probably some is water weight, but the dangerous part is when you start losing muscle mass.

    If you're not giving your body enough calories, it will start to break down fat (yay!) and muscle (boo!) to get the energy that it needs. Since muscle burns more calories, the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism will be, so you don't want to lose any muscle!

    Unless you're a teeny-tiny person, you should be aiming for a minimum of 1200 calories a day (NOT counting whatever calories you burn in exercise), and be sure you're eating enough protein to keep your body from eating your muscles! :)

    And finally- it looks like this is your first week, so I wouldn't be too worried. If a month in you're still losing 6 pounds a week, there might be a problem...

    Good luck!
  • darconnor
    darconnor Posts: 49
    I always called the first week of a diet "shock week". My body was always so eager to lose weight that it would do so quickly. Once it slowed down, I had trouble keeping motivated.

    This time I'm continuing to slog through and doing well.

    Ditto on that! Congratulations on your weight loss! 6 pounds is amazing; especially in 6 days. I have been there. But what I have found is that it finds its way back just as quickly. One important thing I have had to learn is that, getting healthy is not a quick fix...it has to become a part of who you are. I am currently losing about 1.7 lbs a week (just calculated it today); that's fine with me! (In times past I would have been freaking out cause it was so slow). BUT... I am reaching my goals and most importantly I am transforming my thought process.

    I really enjoy MFP because everyone is so encouraging. I want to be encouraging to you, too. But be careful. The story about the tortoise and the hare...it applies here, also. Be committed to getting healthy. Try to avoid anything that feels like a fad. After years of yo-yo dieting; I have finally come of age in that thought process. Best wishes on your journey.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I always called the first week of a diet "shock week". My body was always so eager to lose weight that it would do so quickly. Once it slowed down, I had trouble keeping motivated.

    This time I'm continuing to slog through and doing well.

    I agree with this. When I first started losing weight, I went from 210 to 190 in about two months, and then I plateaued at 190 for a while, and now I[m 182. I'm exercising more now and trying to eat as healthy as I can, and now the weight it starting to come off again.