Starting over...again

Hi everyone,

I've been here before, but my bouts with depression kind of kicked me off of the right path. I went to get a physical today to get a fresh start and my doctor wants me to exercise 4-5 times a week and stick to a 1200 calorie a day diet. The eating right thing I can do when I put my mind to it and I've been doing okay with that since I started this week. My problem is my emotional binging and the lack of motivation to get my butt to exercise. For some reason, even though I have two gym memberships, I have absolutely no motivation to go when I get home. I'd like to work out in the morning, but I can never get up early enough. The best I've been able to do is go for a walk during my lunch break, but I need to do more. I've been through this so many times before so I know what works when it comes to exercising and eating's getting the motivation to do so and stick with it that I struggle with. Any suggestions? Thanks for any help you can offer! I need all the help I can get. :-)


  • liswilla
    liswilla Posts: 3 Member
    I have 2 suggestions....

    1) Pack your gym bag the night before and go straight to the gym after work.

    2) Find a workout partner to meet you there everyday so you know someone is waiting on you there.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • Carek99
    Carek99 Posts: 25 Member
    Start with small goals and reward yourself emotionally when you achieve them.

    Don't make daily exercise for life your goal, make exercising three times this week the goal. Make each days calorie requirement its own plan and don't get upset with yourself if you fail once or twice.

    At some point both the diet and the exercise should come easier.

    I'm starting over myself this week, and above is my plan.
  • gomcrystal85
    am not starting over but i stop losing weight...AHHHHH!!!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    I hear you, loud and clear! We've all been there. The important thing is that you're back now and you're recognizing the changes that you need to make. I've heard that sleeping in your gym clothes makes it easier to get up and go in the morning. I've tried didn't work for me. There's nothing (short of a house fire) that could make me get my butt out of bed at 5am. But that being said, I have found/developed a love for the late night gym run. I go towards the end of the night, usually right around the time I would start binge eating if I'm at home. So go to one of the gyms that you have a membership to, and sweat it out. Plus, once you start exercising you'll get more calories, to eat more food. I personally love love love food, and if working out for an hour means that I can get a little somethin' extra each day then that works for me! Good luck! Let me know if you need any words of encouragement! :wink:
  • gomcrystal85
  • LizzieBee17
    LizzieBee17 Posts: 123 Member
    I have been there too many times. Tired when I wake up, tired when I get off, just plain tired. :yawn: The first thing I did was kick the Dr. Pepper and the greasy food. :drinker: I over loaded with water. I still have one coffee in the morning but I have to tell you all that crap we put in our bodies slows us down and keeps us bloated. :embarassed:

    If you walk at lunch and on your breaks that is better than nothing. Walk up some stairs a couple times a day. Take extra trips to the potty. Shake your legs while you sit. Park further from the door.

    Find something you want to do that requires movement. Eventually you will have more energy. Make sure your sleep is restful because if you're not sleeping good you will always drag.

    GOOD LUCK!!! :flowerforyou:
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I suggest planning your meals out the day before and finding support from others with similar goals!

    Welcome and good luck this time around!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member

    First of all, welcome back!!! You know you CAN do you need to change your mindset to you WILL do this.

    Exercise......find something you enjoy, and do it daily. Even if it is just the walk during your lunch break right now, it is exercise. Try going a little bit farther or a little bit faster each day. Go for a walk in the evenings. Invest in a treadmill, instead of paying for gym memberships. When I first began my weight loss journey, I was losing weight, but you couldn't really notice it until I began walking on the treadmill. I would tape my favorite soap opera while I was at work, but I wouldn't let myself watch it unless I was on the treadmill or had walked at least three miles that day. That way, I was exercising, but getting to do something I truly enjoyed. Now, the enjoyment comes from the walking itself, as I know that by doing that, I am keeping my weight off. And this time of year, I am really getting tired of walking on the treadmill and love the days it is nice enough to do the walking outdoors. I also walk both before work and during my lunch breaks, and I can get two miles in that way.

    You need to accept that losing weight and keeping it off involves not a DIEt, but a LIFEstyle change. Put your alarm clock or cell phone or whatever you use to wake you up across the room from your bed so you have to get out of bed to turn it off or hit the snooze. Believe me, if you are out of bed, it's harder to go back that it is if you just need to roll over and hit the snooze button.Try keeping a diary of when and what you eat. Note if you are truly hungry, or if you are bored, or if it is just available, or if it is because someone else is eating. Getting a handle on what triggers your binging will help you to stop it before it gets out of control.

    Motivation has to come from within. I'm a teacher, and believe me, if I knew the secret to keeping kids motivated this time of year (doing it for them as it appears you want us to do), I'd be wealthy, because I'd patent that secret. YOU have to want this badly enough that YOU are willing to make the changes. The doctor can give you a kick in the pants, but YOU are the one who puts food in your mouth, plays 'couch potato', goes back to sleep, etc. I'm not trying to sound mean, but making these kind of changes almost has to become your job.

    Good luck in your journey.
  • kna1977
    kna1977 Posts: 6
    Thank you everyone! Your suggestions really do help. I do know that once I get going I'll be fine. It's those first initial few weeks that I struggle with. I just feel lazier than I have ever been with everything in my life, including work and my personal life. I've tried doing things like putting my alarm clock on the other side of the room so I would be forced to get up and turn it off. That, unfortunately, only made me angry. I know that I need to reprogram my thinking and my daily routines. I just feel like I've been living the same life over and over every day and each day before I go to bed I tell myself, tomorrow will be different. But tomorrow comes and yet it's the same thing. It's going to be a struggle, but I have to do this for myself and stick with it for life. I'm going to therapy to deal with my personal issues and hopefully once I get things well under way with regard to my physical health, then my emotional health will improve. Thanks again for all of your support.