EmDrake13 Member


  • Congratulations on your new time, and I think, even if you don't wish to join the team, your instinct is right - There's a run that needs to be shown who's boss! Have fun storming the castle!!!
  • Eunoia: Beautiful Thinking. Well done. Most original tat I've seen in ages.
  • You OWN that treadmill! You SHOULD feel proud! I think of all the emotions this journey has taken me on, proud is my favourite (I'm Canadian, and I spell things the Canadian way). Here's to 42 minutes... ;)
  • Oh man, I WISH I was in the Houston Area now. What a great idea! Have a great time!
  • Holy cow! That's a 6 minute difference. That's HUGE! Way to go, Speedy Gonzales...
    in My NSV! Comment by EmDrake13 March 2012
  • Nice Work! Poor little spin bike didn't see you coming...
  • ROCK. STAR!!!
  • Nice! I think that's been one of the more interesting side effects of a lifestyle change that involves food choices - things I used to really enjoy eating taste like crap! My husband and I received a box of chocolates the other day from a friend. After the initial "UGH - What do we do with THESE?", we decided to put them…
  • Everything the other posters said about getting well, first. Chicken soup! As for your diary, I'd throw a tbsp of peanut butter on that plain bread you're having for lunch. Or almond butter, if you're allergic to peanuts. Or a piece of cheese. Consistently running 400 calories under your goal is not helping you. A piece of…
  • MFP has "Cleaning - Light" and "Cleaning - Vigorous" in their exercise database... Just sayin'. You could add lunges to picking stuff up off the floor, or clean the bath tub in a "touch your toes" manner... Sweep the floor by swiveling the hips and not moving your feet (until you have to, obviously...) Or, you could just…
  • Congratulations on conquering your own worst enemy! You've lost ANOTHER PERSON! That's incredible, honestly. The other day at the gym, while I was listening to the nasty voice in my head tell me I was disgusting, another voice (also in my head) yelled "Stop doing that! Look what you've accomplished!". I felt like I was…
  • Absolutely. Not only do I feel like I can do this, I feel like I can do ANYTHING. And this... I feel like I look at some things I used to eat and think to myself "What IS that? That's not even FOOD." Less interested in sugar, too. Very exciting.
  • Wow, that sounds great! Right out of the blue. A little motivation from the universe. Congratulations.
  • The rumour about this song was that it was supposed to be "In the garden of Eden", but they were so high, it came out In a Godda Da Vida...
  • My favourite part of your "after" picture is the huge, well-earned, "I'm so proud of myself" smile! Congratulations!
    in 20 down! Comment by EmDrake13 March 2012
  • Congratulations! I've seen your pictures posted in the past, and I think the commitment you've made to yourself is incredible. You should be so proud of yourself. And with only 5 pounds to go to your goal, you must just be bursting with excitement!
  • You could do this at home, too, with a step stool, if you don't have anything else. 30 minutes. One sit-com (with commercials), if you watch sit-coms. Walk home from work. Bike home from work. There's always a way.
  • Yesterday I put my hands on the heart rate monitor on the elliptical machine at the gym, and apparently my heart was beating 197 bpm... I didn't even feel my heart exploding... I certainly don't trust the machines. In terms of MFP, I generally tend to log whichever number is lower.
  • Me too! There were only 3 comments on this post when I started typing my response. I love how many different ways the information was worded...
  • MFP determines your caloric intake based on the information you provided regarding what your goals are. For example, if you told MFP that you want to lose 2 lbs/week, it will calculate the number of calories you should be consuming, at whatever your current weight is, to lose the 2lbs, strictly with diet alone. That number…
  • You're logging your weight loss using the "Weigh In" on your home page, right?
  • That's brilliant! Seriously!
  • I remember that feeling. It gets easier. I get so excited when I'm on my way to the gym now. Who knew?
  • Personally, I use an organic whey protein powder. The package says that it is "lactose reduced" (unfortunately the package does not say how much lactose the product contains), but since I am not lactose intolerant, I never thought about it before seeing your post. If lactose intolerance is an issue, I suggest you do a…
  • One of my favourite things about the 10 pounds I've lost so far is that I did it the healthy way. No gimmicks, no pills, just hard work and smart choices. And I'm so proud of myself, and that's something you don't get out of a bottle.