Unreasonable People!

It makes me so sad that so many people on here are still looking for that magic pill or diet that will make them lose weight! It's so sad that people do not really want to put in the work to make a LIFESTYLE change! People are constantly looking for something or someone to tell them that losing weight and eating right is easy. Well news flash it's not! You've got to put in the work...you've got to eat right and exercise! I am so grossed out reading about people who are trying crap like HCG, Atkin's, eating 1200 calories a day and burning 2000 at the gym, or an all liquid diet. This is SO bad for our bodies! UGH I just had to rant I wish more people would be reasonable and do this journey the right way instead of harming themselves!


  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I agree. But there are a lot of people here who are committed to losing weight in a healthy way.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I had someone say to me ,"Holy smokes you lost a lot of weight! What's the secret?" When I told them what I was doing she said "Oh, that's too much work. I don't want to have to track what I eat and exercise. There is a pill coming out soon." Umm yeah okay. Remember what happened with the last "magic" pill.
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Im quiet down today as I have really stuck at this and been so active and looks like Ive not lost then I have someone tell me its my sodium and my diary etc,my sodiums fine and I eat healthy stick to it 100% they actually eat hardly any real foods have protein sake a small salad and a protien bar = 950 calories?
    I cant understand why people lecture us when they arent doing this right they arent learning healthy eating They arent eating ?
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    Good post. They are looking for a quick fix or, in my moms case, accuse you of not eating because there is no way you could have lost weight that fast!
  • EmDrake13
    EmDrake13 Posts: 27 Member
    One of my favourite things about the 10 pounds I've lost so far is that I did it the healthy way. No gimmicks, no pills, just hard work and smart choices. And I'm so proud of myself, and that's something you don't get out of a bottle.
  • mjbrenner
    mjbrenner Posts: 222 Member
    It makes me so sad that so many people on here are still looking for that magic pill or diet that will make them lose weight! It's so sad that people do not really want to put in the work to make a LIFESTYLE change! People are constantly looking for something or someone to tell them that losing weight and eating right is easy. Well news flash it's not! You've got to put in the work...you've got to eat right and exercise! I am so grossed out reading about people who are trying crap like HCG, Atkin's, eating 1200 calories a day and burning 2000 at the gym, or an all liquid diet. This is SO bad for our bodies! UGH I just had to rant I wish more people would be reasonable and do this journey the right way instead of harming themselves!

    It is not really cool to lump Atkins in with HCG, ultra calorie restriction, and other unhealthy approaches. Please educate yourself on a topic before you discourage others from it. While Atkins is not for everyone, it is an eating strategy that focuses on consuming whole foods and a reasonable quantity of carbohydrates. The amount of carbs consumed on Atkins is lower than what many people eat, but it is not at all within any sort of danger range for most people.

    Please become educated before you speak out on a topic. It can harm others if you do not.
  • LPinTheD
    LPinTheD Posts: 129
    Instant gratification, and the "drive-thru" mentality... It's the American way. Unfortunately.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    It is incredibly annoying.

    My sister wants to lose 20lbs and she said she's always hungry, so i explained she is always hungry because her diet is filled up with crap and tons of carb with very little protein or anything else nutritious(she eats out a lot). So i explained to her if she cooked at home more and ate more lean mean, veggies, fruit, etc. she wouldn't feel hungry all the time and the weight would start coming off. I also lent her my 30 day shred DVD and showed her MFP.

    Instead of following my advice she goes out and buys Hydroxycut.................i considered punching her in the face...
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    It makes me so sad that so many people on here are still looking for that magic pill or diet that will make them lose weight! It's so sad that people do not really want to put in the work to make a LIFESTYLE change! People are constantly looking for something or someone to tell them that losing weight and eating right is easy. Well news flash it's not! You've got to put in the work...you've got to eat right and exercise! I am so grossed out reading about people who are trying crap like HCG, Atkin's, eating 1200 calories a day and burning 2000 at the gym, or an all liquid diet. This is SO bad for our bodies! UGH I just had to rant I wish more people would be reasonable and do this journey the right way instead of harming themselves!

    It is not really cool to lump Atkins in with HCG, ultra calorie restriction, and other unhealthy approaches. Please educate yourself on a topic before you discourage others from it. While Atkins is not for everyone, it is an eating strategy that focuses on consuming whole foods and a reasonable quantity of carbohydrates. The amount of carbs consumed on Atkins is lower than what many people eat, but it is not at all within any sort of danger range for most people.

    Please become educated before you speak out on a topic. It can harm others if you do not.

    This. Some "diet" plans are better/healthier than others. I think a liquid diet for sustained weight loss is nonsense but Atkins is legitimate. The OP makes it sound like there is only one proper way to lose weight, perhaps its the MFP way but I don't know exactly what she's saying.
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Instant gratification, and the "drive-thru" mentality... It's the American way. Unfortunately.

  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I know peope who needed the instant quick loss, because they'd let themselves go so far, I can think of three off hand. The three who are likely exceptions to the rule, used the kick start adn then maintained and continued loss with diet and exercise.

    I personally struggle with the other handful of dieters I know that just continue to yo-yo, but quite truthfully I've dieted with controlled food and exercise at least three times in my 16 married years and have yet to make the 'internal' changes that are needed to maintain. I see it both ways, I guess.
  • aj_gettingfit
    Instant gratification, and the "drive-thru" mentality... It's the American way. Unfortunately.

    Exactly...you are always going to have those that want the short cut. Eating right and working out is a lot of HARD work. For those of us that put in the time and effort we will see results. Those that don't will still be scratching their heads a year from now still wondering how we do it.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    We live in a society where we are taught that we need to have things NOW and FAST and RIGHT AWAY.
    Some people have difficulty accepting that in reality, things aren't easily done that way.

    On the other hand, though, there are plenty of people on here that are working hard and have committed to that lifestyle change.
  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    I agree. But there are a lot of people here who are committed to losing weight in a healthy way.
    yeah, I haven't seen tons of people trying to take an easy way out. I would say the majority are trying to do it healthy.
  • jcoma1
    My favorite is when people tell you they would "DO ANYTHING" to lose weight........and my follow up is "I know, I 'm sure you would, except diet and exercise!!" That usually ends it.............
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    It makes me so sad that so many people on here are still looking for that magic pill or diet that will make them lose weight! It's so sad that people do not really want to put in the work to make a LIFESTYLE change! People are constantly looking for something or someone to tell them that losing weight and eating right is easy. Well news flash it's not! You've got to put in the work...you've got to eat right and exercise! I am so grossed out reading about people who are trying crap like HCG, Atkin's, eating 1200 calories a day and burning 2000 at the gym, or an all liquid diet. This is SO bad for our bodies! UGH I just had to rant I wish more people would be reasonable and do this journey the right way instead of harming themselves!

    The way I see it, I didn't gain all this weight overnight, it's unreasonable to expect I will lose it that fast. People are just impatient, unmotivated and feeling sorry for themselves. It's annoying seeing them mope about how they're not losing weight yet they're eating Dunkin' Donuts, McDonalds, Zaxby's [Insert other restaurants here] and not exercising. But, eventually they will get it.
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    annoying isnt it, all these quick fix gimmicks
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I COMPLETELY AGREE. I didn't join this site until AFTER I'd already started and been a little successful and I wasn't successful until I just buckled down and committed to doing this. And like the cliche says, it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. But so many folks look at it as "I just have to eat XXX way until I lose the weight then I can go back to normal" and wonder why they never keep the weight off.

    I can see how Atkins can be lumped in there.......most people I know who use it do the same as they do with any other "diet"........it's just a temporary quick fix, not a lifestyle change. I can see how it is a valid life choice.........but most people just don't use it like that. Most people want to start Atkins/Hydroxycut/The Zone/P90X/30DS and see miraculous results in ridiculous short times with little effort........and then they want to go back to their "old" life, but stay fit and thin. Some of those may be valid forms to change your life.......but hardly anyone actually uses them that way.
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    One of my favorite things about the 10 pounds I've lost so far is that I did it the healthy way. No gimmicks, no pills, just hard work and smart choices. And I'm so proud of myself, and that's something you don't get out of a bottle.
    ITA! I've done all the fad diets and there was no true sense of accomplishment or pride. When people would ask how I lost the weight I was embarrassed to tell them the truth.
    Now I am doing it the healthy/right way and I have no problem telling anyone that asks me that I'm eating healthy, balanced foods, logging and tracking my intake and workout like a beast. Not only is this lifestyle sustainable, but since I've worked my a^s off to get to this point I am much more dedicated to continuing.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    please don't shoot me but....

    Everyone says it's not easy to lose weight and that if it was everyone would be doing it

    I disagree. I've been doing this almost a year and in my humble opinion I would say I have found Atkins, starvation, liquid diets, cabbage soup diet and god knows what else I have tried harder.
    I find this really easy and that's why I have kept it up. And I think the majority on here find it easy.

    I don't think I've just lost weight, I have actually found the spiritual side of me as well (corny as that sounds).

    I think maybe we're not telling it the right way. I know I have come across this. One of my real life friends is doing weight watchers so I said well have a look at this site and maybe do it in conjunction, it's got a great community feel about it. She catagorically said no. Weight Watchers was the way for her. It would hold her accountable blah blah blah. I was like that's fine but you may as well look at this site. It's free! No was the answer. Each to their own.
    My other friend is doing something called Turbo Training and has lost 8 lbs in 2 weeks. She asked if I wanted to join her and I said I would look into the workouts but I'm happy with my progress on here. 50lbs by April 12th is my goal.

    I do say each to their own. I am a true firm believer in MFP. Saved my life. 95% of those who try fad diets will be right back where they started. But then hey I will be there 50lbs lighter to tell them again about MFP right?! That time it may work?! Fingers crossed! :tongue: